Diversity Makes Greatness
I have not watched the video...(I hate videos except when naked women are involved). Is there a transcript of what he slowly says.
I agree that community service could be a rewarding activity (getting MORE)...although I think there is lots to be had using volunteers.
Interesting story: The Town council where I live once proposed to pay the volunteers of the Volunteer Fire Companies...and Volunteer First Aid ambulance companies...but the volunteer members lobbied against the idea and won. They wanted their efforts to be voluntary...not for monetary compensation.
I guess this is as good a place to mention that MONEY as the major (often the only) compensation for work or contribution...is something that has to end.
Romans used the use of purple for toga fringe as compensation. Chevrons, other insignia, and military scrambled eggs may be needed...or items of that sort. The love of money is the root of most evil in our society.
It's a challenge but I think we can do it.