There is STILL nothing like a good old charcoal grill...


Well-known member
Wouldnt touch gas with a ten foot pole. Might as well just cook inside then. Im slowly inching towards a pellet grill but I dont know,....I enjoy the challenge of charcoal,....the whole process.

Today I kept it simple.....

Veggie kabobs. Green and orange peppers, onions and portabello mushrooms. Brushed with olive oil and lightly seasoned with salt and pepper.

A nice healthy salad taken right from our own garden.

Corn on the cob.

Chicken thighs are fantastic on a charcoal grill. Let them marinade for about 3 and a half hours in a mix of a little olive oil, Balsamic vinegar dressing, soy sauce, a little fresh squeezed lime juice, lemon pepper and garlic. Slathered them up in some heinz 57 and started sizzling. Man oh man,...good eats! :whoa:

Yep, pellet grill for me yet. I know its wayyyyyyy easier but Im still having fun the old school way.
Lump charcoal not briquettes

Lump charcoal is the product of the process in its purest form—pieces of wood burned into carbon.

Lump Charcoal burns hotter and adds more flavor to your food; therefore is great for hot and fast cooking.
Wouldnt touch gas with a ten foot pole. Might as well just cook inside then. Im slowly inching towards a pellet grill but I dont know,....I enjoy the challenge of charcoal,....the whole process.

Today I kept it simple.....

Veggie kabobs. Green and orange peppers, onions and portabello mushrooms. Brushed with olive oil and lightly seasoned with salt and pepper.

A nice healthy salad taken right from our own garden.

Corn on the cob.

Chicken thighs are fantastic on a charcoal grill. Let them marinade for about 3 and a half hours in a mix of a little olive oil, Balsamic vinegar dressing, soy sauce, a little fresh squeezed lime juice, lemon pepper and garlic. Slathered them up in some heinz 57 and started sizzling. Man oh man,...good eats! :whoa:

Yep, pellet grill for me yet. I know its wayyyyyyy easier but Im still having fun the old school way.

I'm doing the wood charcoal with an egg. Could not agree more about gas. Just no point to it. Chicken, pork, steak all better on the grill. Grill my sweet corn in the husks too.

Happy Fourth!!
My wife is having a ball with our little back yard garden. She says she's FARMING! :laugh: It is nice to be able to walk out and grab your own home grown veggies though. Healthy too.
I'm doing the wood charcoal with an egg. Could not agree more about gas. Just no point to it. Chicken, pork, steak all better on the grill. Grill my sweet corn in the husks too.

Happy Fourth!!

There is no other way to cook Steak then on a charcoal grill. Not in my opinion anyway. Nothing like a nice ribeye over charcoal..
The Stoner's post is redacted, but charcoal grills
are great if you're not too hungry and can wait forever.

Although I'm a traditionalist with many things,
I am good with propane, thank you.

I'm better yet eating somebody else's cooking, actually.
Wouldnt touch gas with a ten foot pole. Might as well just cook inside then. Im slowly inching towards a pellet grill but I dont know,....I enjoy the challenge of charcoal,....the whole process.

Today I kept it simple.....

Veggie kabobs. Green and orange peppers, onions and portabello mushrooms. Brushed with olive oil and lightly seasoned with salt and pepper.

A nice healthy salad taken right from our own garden.

Corn on the cob.

Chicken thighs are fantastic on a charcoal grill. Let them marinade for about 3 and a half hours in a mix of a little olive oil, Balsamic vinegar dressing, soy sauce, a little fresh squeezed lime juice, lemon pepper and garlic. Slathered them up in some heinz 57 and started sizzling. Man oh man,...good eats! :whoa:

Yep, pellet grill for me yet. I know its wayyyyyyy easier but Im still having fun the old school way.

My porch is like US society…it’s diverse … at least in its cooking accessories. From right to left as you go out my front door there is a propane grill, then a charcoal grill, then a box electric smoker and finally a Pit Boss pellet grill.

For the Fourth this year, since I had to be gone visiting with a family at the funeral home getting ready to preach a funeral on the fifth, I left my boy in charge. I had prepared 20 hamburger patties for our gathering and placed them on the cooking grates of the box smoker then left them in the fridge. Left him instructions on how to cook them in the box smoker and how to make the queso for the smoked queso burgers. He carried it off without a hitch and they were really good.

That box smoker is the handiest thing for smoking chicken, pork but for pulled pork, pork loin, brisket, deer roasts, leg of lamb…you name it and that thing will cook it and smoke it well.

I use the pellet grill for grilling now and then but to me it’s as much trouble as the charcoal grill. Mostly I use the pellet grill for smoker overflow when I’m doing a lot of chicken or several briskets.

I use the gas grill when I’m in a hurry and I use it a lot in the Winter.

But when I want a steak prepared my favorite way or burgers that remind me of my childhood I use the old fashioned charcoal grill. If I really want them the way I remember them I start the charcoal with liquid starter rather than use my chimney starter.
I used to have a Webber charcoal grill from the 70's! One of those round ones, and I used it till it burned through.

Even though I have an outdoor propane grill, I still have a mini table-top version of the Webber, and I use it all the time when I'm just cooking for myself or 2 people. I also take with me on picnics and some light camping trips. I actually found this one after some campers abandoned it.

I also have a bag of orangewood chips that I soak and spread on the charcoal for some really great smokey flavors.

I don't even use charcoal lighter fluids, as I just grab my propane torch and fire up the charcoal with it. :whoa:

I hate the smell of that fluid, as it can taint the meat, so I never use it.

OK, too many uses of I's here! I didn't even know I was an attention whore until now!:palm: Me! Me! Me!
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I used to have a Webber charcoal grill from the 70's! One of those round ones, and I used it till it burned through.

Even though I have an outdoor propane grill, I still have a mini table-top version of the Webber, and I use it all the time when I'm just cooking for myself or 2 people. I also take with me on picnics and some light camping trips. I actually found this one after some campers abandoned it.

I also have a bag of orangewood chips that I soak and spread on the charcoal for some really great smokey flavors.

I don't even use charcoal lighter fluids, as I just grab my propane torch and fire up the charcoal with it. :whoa:

I hate the smell of that fluid, as it can taint the meat, so I never use it.

OK, too many uses of I's here! I didn't even know I was an attention whore until now!:palm: Me! Me! Me!

To the bolded…I kind of like the smell and the weird taste it imparts. Like I said in the last sentence of my post above, it reminds me of my childhood…good memories.
Lump charcoal not briquettes
Lump charcoal is the product of the process in its purest form—pieces of wood burned into carbon.

Just a point of science. We should always respect the science. The wood isn't "burned" into carbon, it is reduced to carbon. You make charcoal by heating wood in a vacuum so it doesn't burn. Rather, all of the VOC's in the wood (or other carbon-based lifeforms) are boiled off leaving just the carbon behind.
Its keep it simple Sunday! About an hour and a half from now were gonna be chomping down on some beer brats and spicy Italians simmered in HAMMS beer and onion and finished off on the grill, black eyed peas with onion and red and green pepper, sweet corn on the cobb, and a nice healthy salad. HELL YEAH!!!!!! I need a 6 pack to do it though, 2 for simmering, and 4 for me to drink. ;)
Its keep it simple Sunday! About an hour and a half from now were gonna be chomping down on some beer brats and spicy Italians simmered in HAMMS beer and onion and finished off on the grill, black eyed peas with onion and red and green pepper, sweet corn on the cobb, and a nice healthy salad. HELL YEAH!!!!!! I need a 6 pack to do it though, 2 for simmering, and 4 for me to drink. ;)
Sounds fabulous...enjoy!! It is just about dinner time...You've inspired me to get out of here and cook....Thanks!!
(I hope your corn this year is as wonderful as ours has been...)
Burgers and Mexican street corn grilled in the porcelain egg. The flavor from wood charcoal is so much richer and fuller than with regular charcoal. I don't think I'll ever go back.

Just finished off the last burger. Damn good.
Burgers and Mexican street corn grilled in the porcelain egg. The flavor from wood charcoal is so much richer and fuller than with regular charcoal. I don't think I'll ever go back.

Just finished off the last burger. Damn good.

My wife has been after me to make Mexican street corn on the grill again. She loves it,.....I do too. Havent made it since last summer,.....pretty sure Im going to do some next weekend though.
Sounds fabulous...enjoy!! It is just about dinner time...You've inspired me to get out of here and cook....Thanks!!
(I hope your corn this year is as wonderful as ours has been...)

I bet your a pretty good cook too!
It's been too hot here to really grill anything. My grill doesn't have a refrigeration setting so I can cool things down enough to cook stuff on it... :awesome:
Charcoal is fine for somebody with a lot more patience than I have.

When I cook, I'm already pissed that I'm not eating out or at least bringing home take out.

Cooking was for my mother and grandmothers, not me [and certainly not the Gestapo, God forbid].

If I have to do it, I don't want to drag it out.

I can't see the point of making myself more surly by having to wait for freakin' charcoal.