There was no fraud. The election was perfect. SHUT UP.

I keep hearing this from the PHONY media, the morons in the Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses and shrill, dishonest leftist mental cases on the internet.

They demand that we say that Biden won. It's shrill, it's profound and it raises questions. If the election was so honest, why demand that everyone say it? Why pound on the table and demand compliance with the narrative? If it was, you wouldn't have to cajole, insult or cancel.

So here's what I find so very curious. According to Statista, there were 168.51 million registered voters in 2020.

Let's do some basic math:

Biden got 81,286,365 votes. A massive record. Far greater than the more popular Obama got.
Trump got 74,225,845 votes.
Dr. Jo Jorgensen got 1,865,616 votes.
Howie Hawkins got 406,687 votes.
OTHER = 806,381 votes.

TOTAL = 158,590,894 votes cast. That means that 94% of registered voters cast votes. History suggests that this only happens in dictatorships and third world shit holes. It has NEVER happened in the history of our Republic.

How is that possible with a relatively unpopular geriatric nearing dementia? He couldn't fill a high school auditorium during the campaign. He received 15,367,303 more votes than Obama, a far more popular figure? Trump got 74,222,958 votes, which beat a much more popular Obama by 8,307,163 votes and who had massive, enthusiastic crowds at his events, yet lost the election by 7,060,140 votes?

When someone asks me do I think the election was stolen, I respond with these figures and suggest that we won't know until we have an honest assessment of the facts and data and do a deep dive. BUT, the notion that a douchebag like Biden could have gotten the most votes in Presidential history or that 94% of registered voters voted is stretching the willing suspension of disbelief, as Hillary loved to say.

Thoughts? Arguments?

How is 81,286,365 ninety four percent of 213,799,485 registered voters in 2020, of which 158,590,894, roughly 63%, actually voted? And, more people voted in 2020 than had they did in either Obama election

Are MAGA militia really that stupid? or just totally gullible to fake news and lies?
Don't tell the Dean of Engineering about that- he graduated me "with honors". :rofl2:

Ah.. you are one of those "engineers" that can't do any actual work but only use look up tables.

If you were an actual engineer, you would be able to tell us how this ballot stuffing works. But the fact that you make claims without evidence points to you being a horrible engineer that can't make valid conclusions based on the actual evidence.
I detect TruthDefector is so full of BULLSHIT.....He.....

Ah.. you are one of those "engineers" that can't do any actual work but only use look up tables.

If you were an actual engineer, you would be able to tell us how this ballot stuffing works. But the fact that you make claims without evidence points to you being a horrible engineer that can't make valid conclusions based on the actual evidence.

Not quite. I trouble-shoot and fix errors made by general contractors throughout my state and and kept very busy, doing this now going on 25 years.

Many different ways, and depends on jurisdiction. The most common way is to go through the most recent obits, and knowing how lax the local county is on purging voter rolls, vote for the dead. Ballot drop-off boxes and mail-ins are the delivery method.

In even more lax jurisdictions, they simply make up names.
Not quite. I trouble-shoot and fix errors made by general contractors throughout my state and and kept very busy, doing this now going on 25 years.

Many different ways, and depends on jurisdiction. The most common way is to go through the most recent obits, and knowing how lax the local county is on purging voter rolls, vote for the dead. Ballot drop-off boxes and mail-ins are the delivery method.

In even more lax jurisdictions, they simply make up names.

ROFLMAO.. And where do you think they allow voting by the dead? We have multiple instances of people attempting to vote for a dead relative and getting caught.
Most states will pull the ballots of anyone that mailed in a ballot but died before election day.

As I suspected, you aren't an engineer that solves problems because solving problems requires one to look at the problem realistically.
The usual deflect, distract, and distort tactic.

The usual purlish stupidity.


1. To be sullen, or unhappy.
2. To have a mood or attitude influenced by a different, often unnconnected event. "He was purlish as he had not been picked for the team