There was no fraud. The election was perfect. SHUT UP.

Your opinion isn't legal. Court rulings are. The courts have consistently ruled that voters should not be punished if they were given wrong information. No court will invalidate an election after it has been conducted and a winner has taken office without a ton of evidence of outright fraud.

this isnt about voter information.

its about an unsecure and thus invalid election.
Your opinion isn't legal. Court rulings are. The courts have consistently ruled that voters should not be punished if they were given wrong information. No court will invalidate an election after it has been conducted and a winner has taken office without a ton of evidence of outright fraud.

This is an appeal to authority only. it's a logical fallacy.

you've actually not made a legal argument.
Election rules were changed unconstitutionally.
The result should be set aside prima facie.
Deep state strong armed the senate on 1/6 into approving the mess without debating objections or actually voting.
There is no tape of the vote.

Tinfoil (H)at. Make it! Wear it!!!!!

Your argument is based on nothing but bullshit. A court would refuse to hear it because it is legally wrong.
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this isnt about voter information.

its about an unsecure and thus invalid election.

Actually, it is about the information voters relied on when they cast a ballot. Courts have always ruled that voters should not be punished for following the rules they were told to follow. Voters voted. The majority voted for Biden. Every court in the land will accept that as the final result and not a single one would overturn the election 2 years later.

The courts have also ruled that the rules for the vote were known before the vote occurred. Anyone that had a problem with the rules could have filed a lawsuit prior to the election Waiting until after the election is too late under every legal precedence. That is why the couret ruling in Wisconsin is only for future elections and specifically states as much.

Tinfoil hat. You really should be making one!!!! Wear it!!!!!!!!
Actually, it is about the information voters relied on when they cast a ballot. Courts have always ruled that voters should not be punished for following the rules they were told to follow. Voters voted. The majority voted for Biden. Every court in the land will accept that as the final result and not a single one would overturn the election 2 years later.

The courts have also ruled that the rules for the vote were known before the vote occurred. Anyone that had a problem with the rules could have filed a lawsuit prior to the election Waiting until after the election is too late under every legal precedence. That is why the couret ruling in Wisconsin is only for future elections and specifically states as much.

Tinfoil hat. You really should be making one!!!! Wear it!!!!!!!!

voters are best served when elections are secure.
This is an appeal to authority only. it's a logical fallacy.

you've actually not made a legal argument.

Actually, I have made a legal argument. It is one that is recognized by the courts. Courts recognize previous rulings and rely on them.

It's you that hasn't made a valid or legal argument.

Tinfoil hat!! Make it!!!!! Wear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, I have made a legal argument. It is one that is recognized by the courts. Courts recognize previous rulings and rely on them.

It's you that hasn't made a valid or legal argument.

Tinfoil hat!! Make it!!!!! Wear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is the senate supposed to cerify elections?

where's the tape of the vote?
Thoughts? Arguments?

The argument in the OP amounts to this:

Biden couldn’t have won fairly so he must have won by fraud. The evidence is that a LOT of votes were cast. Admittedly, no one has ever been able to show that a significant number of the votes were fraudulent. But hey, Trump’s busy helpers have had less than two years to uncover the truth!

Convinced? It depends on what you want to believe, I suppose. As for thoughts, try this: the stable genius has never won a majority of the American people’s vote.
Why is that, do you think?
94%participation rate is all the evidence you need that fake ballots were cast.

What evidence do you have of 94% participation rate? The actual participation by eligible voters was 66% which is not all that high considering some states like MN have a participation rate of over 80% in every Presidential election.

The 94% claim is misleading and false. It uses registration prior to the election. That does not capture all voters since many states allow for same day registration. Why do you think 94% proves fake ballots? What is the precise cut off and what evidence do you have? Are there fake ballots at 92%? 90%? 88%? We have had that level of registered voters voting in past elections.

Just to give you an idea of how wrong you are.

MN had voter turnout of almost 97% of registered voters.
3,277,171 votes for President.
On March 1, 2020, MN had 3,392,082 registered voters.

But MN also allows for registration on voting day.
Minnesota voters may register when they vote. 259,742 voters registered when they voted in the general election. Note that these might be new voters, or voters re-registering after changing their name or address.

We don't know how many of those were new voters or voters that had moved and were re-registering.

But MN does tell us how many registered voters there are on 5/1/2021 which gives us a strong clue as to which were new and which were re-registering.
91% of the voters registered in 2021 would have voted in 2020.

By the way, that number Statistica uses we know is not accurate when it comes to the number of actual registered voters in 2020 since the US Census asks that question and comes up with a number similar to Statistica with 37 million not saying if they were registered or not. Of those, at least 8 million had to be registered and have voted because of the number who said they voted is 8 million short of the vote totals.

The only thing the 94% number proves is that you are an idiot for thinking it proves there were fake ballots.
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is the senate supposed to cerify elections?

where's the tape of the vote?

No the Senate does not certify elections. Each state certifies its own election. Is your tinfoil hat not on correctly? Try pulling it up a little so its not so tight.

Each state has a website, usually run by their Secretary of State that lists certified election results.
You are at best a low life piece of dreck

Ironic coming from a worthless, repugnant, dishonest piece of human excrement. You should kill yourself. One less worthless, repugnant, dishonest piece of human excrement in the world has to be a good thing. :palm:
But let's do a deep dive.
Registered voters are not the same thing as eligible voters.

Yo, dumb brain dead cunt, if you aren't registered you cannot vote. Moron. :palm:

In 2020 66% of eligible voters voted in the election.

How is one "eligible to vote dumb cunt? Dumbest thing posted. So anyone who wanted to just got a ballot and voted. What were the numbers of these illicit votes dumb cunt? :palm:

While that is higher then the norm which averages about 55-58% it isn't that much higher than the 62% and 63% that voted in the 1952 and 1960 elections.

94% of registered voters voting is unheard of except in dictatorship third world shit holes dumb cunt.

But then when we look at registered voters, it is a little higher than normal. Using the registered voters from your source at Statistica, the elections from 1996-2020 saw turnout of 75%, 81%, 90%, 84%,84%, 86% and the 94% in 2020.

94% only happens in third world shit holes dumb cunt. Flail all you like. Pound your tiny insignificant fists on the table till they bleed. It doesn't change the fact that 2020 was an election filled with judicial activism and inconsistencies never before seen in an election.

What happens when activist jurists overrule legislature election laws and when the laws are also overruled by Democratic election officials to allow for unsecured drop boxes and mailed out ballots, is that the people don't think the elections are fair. When they don't feel elections are secure and fair, they revolt and you have things like the protest at the capital occurring.

So yes, if Democrats want to see a civil war occur, then by all means, allow illegals, and anyone else for that matter, to stuff drop boxes with ballots. Moron.

While it might be the highest turnout of registered voters it isn't all that much different from the normal turnout when we take into account that Trump was a polarizing figure. Then you add in that Republican states attempted to remove people from registered voter status, 2020 may have had the fewest extraneous registered voters for an election.

Dumb cunt likes to flail. Try banging your head against the wall. Better yet, kill yourself. One less dumb cunt in the world can only be an improvement. :palm:

So in the overall scheme of things, this election wasn't that far off from the norm.

It was off the charts. But dumb cunts like you like to ignore the data presented and pretend that 94% turnout is common and happens all the time. But it doesn't. Judicial activism overruling State laws is unconstitutional. Judicial activism allowing unregistered voters to turn in mail in ballots is not common. It's a recipe for disaster.

Now run along dumb cunt. Do the world a favor and kill yourself. One less dumb cunt in the world would be a good thing.