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guess what, dummy, deep state lies.
There is no deep state. The proven liar is Trump - who you are choosing to believe.
Trump never tells the truth.
guess what, dummy, deep state lies.
He doesn't have anything between his ears. It's an echo chamber.![]()
Think as you are told OR ELSE!
There is no deep state. The proven liar is Trump - who you are choosing to believe.
Trump never tells the truth.
When are conservatives going to come to terms with the idea that they need EVIDENCE?
Statistical anomalies are not that. They are NOT evidence. And it's been a long time now - you think they'd have at least something.
Dems have something - they have Republicans sending fake electors, and ex-Presidents calling election officials to "find" votes.
For conservatives to continue to make these baseless claims is equal to saying the earth is flat.
You are wrong about EVERYTHING, The rape of a 10 year old that you were sure was a lie, now this.
When you are sure of something its always incorrect...
Those were the facts at the time. Kind of like when you said that Trump colluded with Russia and Mueller was going to charge him with a crime right dumbass?
So you're okay with a ten year old being raped by an ILLEGAL alien? Good to know. By the way. that's on Biden. He's the one allowing millions of unvetted illegals to swarm the border.
This is ironic coming from a lying hack who is seldom right about anything and makes his bullshit up as he goes. You don't have a scintilla of self-awareness do you snowflake?![]()
voters are best served when elections are secure.
you got the tape?
The argument in the OP amounts to this:
Biden couldn’t have won fairly so he must have won by fraud. The evidence is that a LOT of votes were cast. Admittedly, no one has ever been able to show that a significant number of the votes were fraudulent. But hey, Trump’s busy helpers have had less than two years to uncover the truth!
Convinced? It depends on what you want to believe, I suppose. As for thoughts, try this: the stable genius has never won a majority of the American people’s vote.
Why is that, do you think?
voters are best served when elections are secure.
That is absolutely correct. But Democrats can't win if they are secure and properly carried out legally. That's why they created the chaos we saw in 2020. It was a strategy and it worked.
The result was a bunch of angry voters who felt cheated marching on the capital. This time they were unarmed. Next time, we may not be so lucky.![]()
When making your tinfoil hat you don't need tape.
Tinfoil hat!! Make it!!!! Wear it!!!!!
What evidence do you have of 94% participation rate? The actual participation by eligible voters was 66% which is not all that high considering some states like MN have a participation rate of over 80% in every Presidential election.
There is no deep state.
Are you claiming that at the time the 10 year old had not been raped as Biden said?
Voters are best served when conservatives don't try to take their vote away after they were cast and someone other than a conservative won.
You might want to go back and read what I posted. When you do, try not to be a dishonest lying hack. I stated clearly that Biden was lying based on the comments made by Ohio's attorney general.
He was also lying about Ohio's abortion laws. Kind of like you do. So yes, he used an UNVETTED story that now makes him look even more of a dumbass because it was an ILLEGAL who raped the child. I find it fascinating that dumb, lying leftist hacks like yourself seem to be more interested in defending Biden than over the fact that an ILLEGAL raped a child multiple times and was stupidly used in a campaign speech by Biden. You hacks really don't give a shit about anything but political power don't you? Shameful.
So are you telling me you didn't claim that Trump had colluded with Russia and that the Mueller investigation would result in Trump being imprisoned?