These warming or weaponization of weather?

If weather modification is just a conspiracy theory, then why does the NOAA have an entire page dedicated to the 9 methods of weather modification (including lasers and ionization) that require mandatory REPORTING with the government (using Form 17-4)? This NOAA page also lists over 1,000 weather modification experiments that have been filed with the government
I am seeing lots of chatter that these hurricanes are not natural, that they are the result of either American or Chinese weather manipulation.

Without people conspiring to control space during the time they are evolving as genetically eternally separated daily adapting to the moment life never duplicates previous results so far trying to keep tomorrow same as today means people have to eliminate yesterday every day of the week.

Living eternally separated since rotation of one's personal conception living a an ever changing form since being alive uniquely here daily how is it people came to believe in yesterday and tomorrow are separate times than living balancing with everything never the same again now?

My brain finally figured out how humanity corrupts every great great grandchild added so far. 7 days a week being governed by 6 degrees of separating 5 generation gaps of 5 basic ancestral lineages evolved due to temperate zones the ancestry developed in before recorded history translated life beyond adapting to the moment all the time alive cradle to grave each body is changing between heartbeats t the same time regardless ancestral lineage or generation gap here today/ this rotation of the planet intellectually defined as midnight to noon being tomorrow planned out noon to midnight this rotation and day and night are divided by dawn and dusk same way seasons are separate by the tropics north and south having opposite seasons each solstice and equinox annually changing seasons 8 times a year with only 4 seasons happening.

8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 forms of periodic elements sustain both inorganic and ancestral positions present always changing form while present uniquely timed apart in series parallel placements ancestrally here each rotation present since day conceived to replace their 30 relatives that were their 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents and 16 great great grandparents composed 93.75% chromosomes in every generation since inception.

why does this species do this to itself all the time in every generation of every ancestral lineage living in plain sight each rotation suggesting life isn't what it does today.
I am seeing lots of chatter that these hurricanes are not natural, that they are the result of either American or Chinese weather manipulation.

You should DEFINITELY believe this stuff. It's all part of the "contrails" and "space lasers". They are using them in conjunction to make super hurricanes.

Nah, I'm just jokin'.

But humans probably DID help make this storm. We've consistently ignored warnings about climate change so in a sense we are the ones busy making these sorts of storms.

SO, yeah, we DID make this storm. We should enjoy it now.
You should DEFINITELY believe this stuff. It's all part of the "contrails" and "space lasers". They are using them in conjunction to make super hurricanes.

Nah, I'm just jokin'.

But humans probably DID help make this storm. We've consistently ignored warnings about climate change so in a sense we are the ones busy making these sorts of storms.

SO, yeah, we DID make this storm. We should enjoy it now.
I am in learning mode but airplanes are certainly being used to pump chemicals into the atmosphere and the Russians for sure have the ability to hunt and kill satellites.
It is highly likely that the main reason the American Empire is not currently doing deep strikes into Russia is that the Russians warned that the price for doing so is that our military satellites start dying, which would cripple our military.
Helene also strengthened rapidly belore landfall, much more than predicted.
I'm just going to throw this out there ... but do you think that if a "model" (apparently only two people on JPP know what a model is) doesn't correctly predict nature, that perhaps ... the model is wrong and needs to be fixed?

I know, it sounds crazy but I'm just throwing it out there as a wild, remote possibility for consideration. I know that nature is almost always what is wrong, not human judgement or human-created algorithms ... but let's just consider the possibility for a moment.

The chances of this happening organically twice in just few weeks are what?
What are the chances that humans were mistaken twice in just a few weeks? Naaaah, it couldn't be that.
I'm just going to throw this out there ... but do you think that if a "model" (apparently only two people on JPP know what a model is) doesn't correctly predict nature, that perhaps ... the model is wrong and needs to be fixed?

I know, it sounds crazy but I'm just throwing it out there as a wild, remote possibility for consideration. I know that nature is almost always what is wrong, not human judgement or human-created algorithms ... but let's just consider the possibility for a moment.

What are the chances that humans were mistaken twice in just a few weeks? Naaaah, it couldn't be that.
I have no use for models generally, but they would be particularly useless if new technology was being used.

Which is entirely possible.

Why is
removing information from their website if weather modification isn’t happening? They’ve removed 103 pages of weather modification reports that were previously listed on their site. In addition to that they removed access to the NEXRAD radar inventory which listed the locations and information for all of the NEXRAD stations throughout the US?
The way I see it is that there are fewer hurricanes in the last few years, and that only the strongest ones are able to form and move through the Gulf and Atlantic. The weaker storms fail to materialize.

Now, whether that's good or bad is open to debate.
Ask all the Floridians who have lost or about to lose their uninsured homes what they think about the "weaker" storms passing through Florida the past few years. LOL

IMO, there's a good chance Florida's new laws regarding immigration, voting and camping (homelessness) will result in Florida turning blue in November.


10 Shocking Stories the Media Buried Today#10 - Weather Manipulation Claims Are BACKED by Science“Yes, scientists do control the weather.”Over 50 countries, including the US, are using cloud seeding and geoengineering to change the weather.This has been proven true by numerous scientific studies, historical military operations, and active government programs.For example, the U.S. Department of Defense's Operation Popeye during the Vietnam War successfully used cloud seeding to extend monsoon seasons, while China's massive weather modification efforts have been publicly documented, with plans to control half the country's weather by 2025. Additionally, a U.S. federal agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), acknowledges the use of cloud seeding to increase precipitation.Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has also warned that The World Economic Forum and Bill Gates have “hijacked geoengineering,” with Gates funding these projects around the world.“They aggravate the problem then sell us the solution,” Kennedy said, and the solution is that “they want is more social controls.”“Geoengineering is a threat that the environmental community needs to know about and the rest of us needs to know about.”Take a moment to watch this video from
and prepare to have your mind blown.
You should DEFINITELY believe this stuff. It's all part of the "contrails" and "space lasers". They are using them in conjunction to make super hurricanes.

Nah, I'm just jokin'.

But humans probably DID help make this storm. We've consistently ignored warnings about climate change so in a sense we are the ones busy making these sorts of storms.

SO, yeah, we DID make this storm. We should enjoy it now.
weather modification through seeding and energy beams is old news.

it's definitely real.

you;re just an ignorant fool shill for the establishment.
Oh, they're 100 percent controlling them.

What's funny is the people that will call you a conspiracy theorist for stating this fact (despite decades of history of weather control technology and experiments being common knowledge), will be the first to bleat that humans are causing global warming and that only through ruthless destruction of the world's economies, can we then stop global warming. But yeah, we somehow can't control the weather, right.