These warming or weaponization of weather?

Weaponizing weather
I'm sure they have.

it's best for amplifying existing patterns and not FULLY predictable as a first go to weapon.

it's probably some limited uses, like destroying a red state area that already gets hurricanes coming regularly.

amplification is modification, de-archie de-bunker.
I'm sure they have.
They have not.

The DoD has investigated everything about weather that is possible, up to ensuring knowledge of future soil conditions for upcoming operations ... but no weather weapons because nobody can control the weather.

it's best for amplifying existing patterns and not FULLY predictable as a first go to weapon.
Humans can't control the weather, so no such weapons have been, or are being, developed.

When the day arrives that humans can control the weather, it will become an item in the Quadrennial Defense Review, at which point the Joint Staff will validate the capability, select an executive agent and authorize funding for the executive agent to pursue the capability in the Acquisition process.

We're not there yet.
They have not.

The DoD has investigated everything about weather that is possible, up to ensuring knowledge of future soil conditions for upcoming operations ... but no weather weapons because nobody can control the weather.

Humans can't control the weather, so no such weapons have been, or are being, developed.

When the day arrives that humans can control the weather, it will become an item in the Quadrennial Defense Review, at which point the Joint Staff will validate the capability, select an executive agent and authorize funding for the executive agent to pursue the capability in the Acquisition process.

We're not there yet.
I'm certain they've found that is useful for modification at the margins.

that's worth deploying for some purposes.

you obviously don't know how they think.
You are mistaken. If the DoD discovered that it was possible and considered it useful, it would be implemented at one or more units and STRATCOM would include it in strategic plans.

I know how they work and I know what they don't have.
I disagree.

your logic is ultimately a tautological absurdity.

you're a deep state shill failing to be convincing in your denials.

Don't forget "Failure to unpack his crap":

* failure to explain this so-called "mathematical limit" of what Earth's atmosphere over this ocean water can produce
* failure to explain how this so-called "mathematical limit" was derived in the first place.
* failure to explain how "near" this hurricane is to said "mathematical limit"
* failure to explain how "near" all the other hurricanes have come to this so-called "mathematical limit" so we can compare this hurricane to the others.
look, a retard jacking itself off.

how charming.