They called Trump a dictator for this


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democrats called Trump a dictator for his use of executive orders , yet blow hole biter signed 17 on his first day.

And I see him signing a lot more in his goal of changing America to a socialist shat hole .
democrats called Trump a dictator for his use of executive orders , yet blow hole biter signed 17 on his first day.

And I see him signing a lot more in his goal of changing America to a socialist shat hole .

And it was just four years ago that the same wingers were praising Trump’s EOs, and eight years before that attacking Obama for his EOs, least they are predictable.
democrats called Trump a dictator for his use of executive orders , yet blow hole biter signed 17 on his first day.

And I see him signing a lot more in his goal of changing America to a socialist shat hole .

Most of Biden's executive orders were to reverse Trump's idiotic and damaging executive orders.
Like energy independence. At least now we can again have to rely on oil from the Mid-east. Thank God low fuel prices are over.

He did not change a thing on energy dependence and believe me US Oil and Gas Companies are praying for the prices to go up, most are doing well to keep operating.
He did not change a thing on energy dependence and believe me US Oil and Gas Companies are praying for the prices to go up, most are doing well to keep operating.

Let’s use this as a timeline.
Yesterday was the last full day president Donald J. Trump
will be in office.

Gasoline is currently $2.15 per gallon.

Interest rates are 2.25 percent for a 30 year mortgage.

The stock market closed at 30829.40 though we have been fighting
COVID for 11 months.

Our GDP growth for the 3rd quarter was 33.1 percent.

We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.

We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years.

North Korea has been under relative control.

ISIS has not been heard from for over 3 years.

The housing market is the strongest it has been in years.
Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell well.

Let's not forget that peace deals in the Middle
East were signed by 4 countries-unprecedented!

Unemployment sits at 6.7% in spite of COVID.
Fucking stupid comment. We didn't need mid-east oil before trump was president.

Let’s use this as a timeline.
Yesterday was the last full day president Donald J. Trump
will be in office.

Gasoline is currently $2.15 per gallon.

Interest rates are 2.25 percent for a 30 year mortgage.

The stock market closed at 30829.40 though we have been fighting
COVID for 11 months.

Our GDP growth for the 3rd quarter was 33.1 percent.

We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.

We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years.

North Korea has been under relative control.

ISIS has not been heard from for over 3 years.

The housing market is the strongest it has been in years.
Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell well.

Let's not forget that peace deals in the Middle
East were signed by 4 countries-unprecedented!

Unemployment sits at 6.7% in spite of COVID.
Let’s use this as a timeline.
Yesterday was the last full day president Donald J. Trump
will be in office.

Gasoline is currently $2.15 per gallon.

Interest rates are 2.25 percent for a 30 year mortgage.

The stock market closed at 30829.40 though we have been fighting
COVID for 11 months.

Our GDP growth for the 3rd quarter was 33.1 percent.

We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.

We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years.

North Korea has been under relative control.

ISIS has not been heard from for over 3 years.

The housing market is the strongest it has been in years.
Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell well.

Let's not forget that peace deals in the Middle
East were signed by 4 countries-unprecedented!

Unemployment sits at 6.7% in spite of COVID.

Why don't you post a link to the source of your spam? Why are you so dishonest?
Most were to undo the stupidity of trump, remember, elections have consequences.

no such things as the travel ban to help permit terrorist from entering the nation were not stupid , they were to protect Americans , but dont fear the big biter will act like a true dictator and sign exective orders left and right many will be things he has no clue about and didnt write him self.
democrats called Trump a dictator for his use of executive orders , yet blow hole biter signed 17 on his first day.

And I see him signing a lot more in his goal of changing America to a socialist shat hole .

You dont expect these fucking moron BCGs to realize their double standard do you? They are useless pieces of shit that will be giddy with laughter every time the imbecile joe farts.
Let’s use this as a timeline.
Yesterday was the last full day president Donald J. Trump
will be in office.
I assume you mean Biden, LOL
Gasoline is currently $2.15 per gallon.
Which trump did nothing to create those low prices
Interest rates are 2.25 percent for a 30 year mortgage.
Yes and trump again had nothing to do with
The stock market closed at 30829.40 though we have been fighting
COVID for 11 months.
The market is not an indicator of a healthy economy, you know that right?
Our GDP growth for the 3rd quarter was 33.1 percent.
And what did trump do to influence that?
We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.
Actually no it is not, and the economists have been predicting another Recession for over a year now and like it or not it will come.
We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years.
And we have not pulled out of any either and I would remind you that there were more troops in DC than in Afganistan and Iraq combined
North Korea has been under relative control.
Except that they are building bigger and more missiles and warheads, we are not safer than 4 years ago
ISIS has not been heard from for over 3 years.
Yes, and that is a good thing but we are not the ones that actually did the bulk of the work to get rid of them
The housing market is the strongest it has been in years.
Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell well.
And that is a good thing, what did trump have to do with that

Let's not forget that peace deals in the Middle
East were signed by 4 countries-unprecedented!
He had a peace deal with countries that have never been at war, more show than anything else, of-course while arming SA even more, what could go wrong
Unemployment sits at 6.7% in spite of COVID.
Nearly a Million Americans applied for UE last Week, hmmmm

You seen to give trump credit for things he had nothing to do with, just saying
Hello Bulletbob,

democrats called Trump a dictator for his use of executive orders , yet blow hole biter signed 17 on his first day.

And I see him signing a lot more in his goal of changing America to a socialist shat hole .

America is going to be fabulous. You'll see. We should have no worries at all about slipping into socialism. We have already had plenty of socialist policies, and guess what? We can have that right alongside our capitalism. America is the best of both worlds. We use socialism for the things we should, and everything else is left wide open for capitalism.

Social Security is one of the greatest successes of America, and even as that has become an accepted part of the nation, the stock market has never been higher.

Before Social Security elder Americans with no strong savings or family support simply became destitute beggars on the street. It was a national shame and a disgrace. We fixed that with socialism.

We never have to choose between socialism and capitalism. We can have both. We already do. And it is fine.

Wanna make America greater?

What we should do is enact the 2nd Bill of Rights.

" The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education."
Hello Bulletbob,

no such things as the travel ban to help permit terrorist from entering the nation were not stupid , they were to protect Americans , but dont fear the big biter will act like a true dictator and sign exective orders left and right many will be things he has no clue about and didnt write him self.

Funny thing, if we don't attack Muslims, their extremists stop trying to retaliate.

The FBI has said for years the biggest threat to America is domestic right wing terrorism.

We saw that in our face on Jan 6th, the 2nd Day of Infamy.
no such things as the travel ban to help permit terrorist from entering the nation were not stupid , they were to protect Americans , but dont fear the big biter will act like a true dictator and sign exective orders left and right many will be things he has no clue about and didnt write him self.

Problem with the "travel ban" was that he did not ban travel from some of the very worst Nations when it came to terrorists, if the point was to keep them out one would think one would include those countries, problem was that several were political allies, think Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
Since you bring up travel bans, answer me this, why is it that trump had a ban on travel from some Nations such as Brazil that had very high virus infection rates then days before he left office he drop the ban on them? True, Biden re-instated them but why would trump do that, was it that the Nations became safer, or was it a childish attempt on his part to cause as much chaos as possible for the next administration???
Problem with the "travel ban" was that he did not ban travel from some of the very worst Nations when it came to terrorists, if the point was to keep them out one would think one would include those countries, problem was that several were political allies, think Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
Since you bring up travel bans, answer me this, why is it that trump had a ban on travel from some Nations such as Brazil that had very high virus infection rates then days before he left office he drop the ban on them? True, Biden re-instated them but why would trump do that, was it that the Nations became safer, or was it a childish attempt on his part to cause as much chaos as possible for the next administration???

then please do so, why don't you tell us all how many terrorist events we had in the USA with the ban in place for outsiders while it was in effect.
Hello Bulletbob,

America is going to be fabulous. You'll see. We should have no worries at all about slipping into socialism. We have already had plenty of socialist policies, and guess what? We can have that right alongside our capitalism. America is the best of both worlds. We use socialism for the things we should, and everything else is left wide open for capitalism.

Social Security is one of the greatest successes of America, and even as that has become an accepted part of the nation, the stock market has never been higher.

Before Social Security elder Americans with no strong savings or family support simply became destitute beggars on the street. It was a national shame and a disgrace. We fixed that with socialism.

We never have to choose between socialism and capitalism. We can have both. We already do. And it is fine.

Wanna make America greater?

What we should do is enact the 2nd Bill of Rights.

" The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education."

socialist policy's always get out of hand as numb nuts start to accept them more and more they just get more radical and end up hurting nations peoples and we have a constitution that the socialist would love to do away with also
indee he did and hes signing more today , I doubt he really knows whats in them as he didnt write them his political suck up did hes like a mob controlled casino owner and just doing what hes told for the most part