They killed Peanut for nothing

That is the normal way to test for rabies in an animal. All other ways are uncertain, which leads to trouble if a human has been bit.
The squirrel didn't have rabies. It was a pet. You do not have to kill an animal to test for rabies.
As for whether the squirrel bit anyone, I doubt Night was a witness.
The squirrel didn't bite anyone. It was always kept indoors as a pet.
An animal biting a human is all the evidence needed of rabies. That is life.
That is not evidence, Wally.
The squirrel didn't have rabies.
Squirrels can carry bubonic plague, and are wild animals.
It was not a wild animal.
The owner spent 7 years refusing to get a license for the squirrel,
You don't need a license for a squirrel.
and even told investigators the squirrel did not exist.
Blatant lie. It was the best known squirrel on the internet.
He later claimed that he was "going to apply" for a license, but how would he apply for a license for a squirrel he swore did not exist?
Blatant lie. Mantra 30a. Lame.

And why did he own this squirrel?
To funnel viewers to his porn site.
Not a porn site.
A squirrel attracts young viewers, so he is funneling children to his porn site.
Not a porn site.
the only reason anyone can think of as to why Democrats care about 'The Children' is their obsession with sexually mutilating them.
...or aborting them,
...or indoctrinating them instead of educating them,
...or taking them from the parents so they can be raised by the government,
...or using them as pawns to further their tyranny and agenda.

Democrats hate children.