They're coming for your guns

It's funny how, whenever you point out that Dems want to ban your guns, progressives will demand that you cite a current piece of proposed legislation. So, this thread gets posted, and, progressives move the goalposts again...
Fuck the NRA. I quit the NRA in '99. You're dealing with real Americans now. You're fucked.
A million "chk-chk"s around the country.
(That's being conservative)
Likely 3-6x that.

Fuck you. The NRA is it's membership.
NRA is 'out of ammo' as it faces a legal mess of its own making, many experts say

If Hale allows the NRA's bankruptcy claim to march forward, he may then choose to appoint a trustee to investigate allegations of fraud -- or even assume control of the organization.

"The first thing a trustee would do would be to, in effect, take over control of the organization, all of the assets, and all of the records," said Jay Westbrook, a bankruptcy scholar at the University of Texas-Austin. "That would be a very undesirable development from the point of view of the people now controlling the NRA."

Pamela Foohey, a bankruptcy law professor at the University of Indiana, suggested that the appointment of a trustee or an examiner could further imperil the organization.

"The most likely scenario in bankruptcy when a trustee is appointed is a plan of liquidation, then dissolution," Foohey said.
NRA is 'out of ammo' as it faces a legal mess of its own making, many experts say

If Hale allows the NRA's bankruptcy claim to march forward, he may then choose to appoint a trustee to investigate allegations of fraud -- or even assume control of the organization.

"The first thing a trustee would do would be to, in effect, take over control of the organization, all of the assets, and all of the records," said Jay Westbrook, a bankruptcy scholar at the University of Texas-Austin. "That would be a very undesirable development from the point of view of the people now controlling the NRA."

Pamela Foohey, a bankruptcy law professor at the University of Indiana, suggested that the appointment of a trustee or an examiner could further imperil the organization.

"The most likely scenario in bankruptcy when a trustee is appointed is a plan of liquidation, then dissolution," Foohey said.

Never happen.
NRA made fools of members, donors

Here are some highlights.

CEO salary for 2019 was $5 million
For 2015, diverted tens of millions of dollars to executives and relatives of executives
Millions of dollars were allocated for personal trips
There were no-show contracts
CEO Wayne LaPierre took his family and friends to NASCAR events, the Bahamas, spent hundreds of thousands on his personal wardrobe including $39,000 one day in Beverly Hills, spent $63,000 for Christmas gifts and allegedly had a $17 million retirement package without the approval of the board of directors
NRA made fools of members, donors

Here are some highlights.

CEO salary for 2019 was $5 million
For 2015, diverted tens of millions of dollars to executives and relatives of executives
Millions of dollars were allocated for personal trips
There were no-show contracts
CEO Wayne LaPierre took his family and friends to NASCAR events, the Bahamas, spent hundreds of thousands on his personal wardrobe including $39,000 one day in Beverly Hills, spent $63,000 for Christmas gifts and allegedly had a $17 million retirement package without the approval of the board of directors

Doesn't matter with RWNJ's, they gave Dotard $250 million..................AFTER he lost the election, BOTH, just fleece their gullible herd.
Doesn't matter with RWNJ's, they gave Dotard $250 million..................AFTER he lost the election, BOTH, just fleece their gullible herd.

You should talk about things you know about such as how much you hate white people how to riot gay sex how to milk the system drugs etc you know democrat stuff
Horse shit. I purchased a glock 17 in California. I took a gun competency test, sent in my vital data, voila un Austrian gun.

You think smart people don't know all you have is a bunch of fucking lies? What, you want people
to buy guns like a McDonalds happymeal at a drive through window? Goverment (MY REPRESENTATIVES AND MY VOICE)
just wanted to know who the fuck I was, if I had felonies, if I was adjudicated fucking insane, if I was subject to a pending restraining order, and be able to tie the weapon to
me in case it was involved in crime by either me or me illegally hypothecating it. Is that fucking unreasonable?

I easily purchased a semi-automatic handgun in "Commiefornia". What say you OP?
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I'm on the far side of the American political left.

I own eight firearms,
and have in storage ample ammunition for each of them.

Nobody, at least to this point, has ever asked me to relinquish these things.
[They've let me keep my golf clubs and bowling ball as well.]

Of course I don't own a military-style assault rifle like, say, an AR15 (M16).
I was actually issued one of those several decades ago,
pretty much against my will,
shortly after they replaced M14s,
and never once felt that I was phallically deficient
and thus in need of personally owning an M16 or M14.
Generations of "they are coming for our guns" and it still works. It is amazing how easily gun lovers are" triggered". We have more guns every day and rights cannot figure it out that battle was won decades ago. The rightys are emotionally attached to weapons. That is why logic and facts do not work. Why are they so afraid when we have more guns than people.? Over 17 million guns bought last year and saying they are coming for your guns still works. What is wrong with you people?