NRA is 'out of ammo' as it faces a legal mess of its own making, many experts say
If Hale allows the NRA's bankruptcy claim to march forward, he may then choose to appoint a trustee to investigate allegations of fraud -- or even assume control of the organization.
"The first thing a trustee would do would be to, in effect, take over control of the organization, all of the assets, and all of the records," said Jay Westbrook, a bankruptcy scholar at the University of Texas-Austin. "That would be a very undesirable development from the point of view of the people now controlling the NRA."
Pamela Foohey, a bankruptcy law professor at the University of Indiana, suggested that the appointment of a trustee or an examiner could further imperil the organization.
"The most likely scenario in bankruptcy when a trustee is appointed is a plan of liquidation, then dissolution," Foohey said.