Read the bill.
It's unconstitutional.
This bill increases the burden on small business firearm retailer owners and flips the burden of proof on its head. This would make it incumbent upon the law-abiding citizen to prove his or her innocence to the government to exercise their Second Amendment right to purchase a firearm instead of the government being responsible for proving an individual is prohibited. This could potentially deny a law-abiding citizen their rights for up to a month, while they are saddled with the burden of proving their innocence. That’s un-American.
“Rather than placing further burdens on retailers and law-abiding gun owners, Congress should focus on adequately resourcing NICS. NSSF is the only organization that has successfully advocated for NICS to have the necessary resources to perform its mission in a timely manner.”
I'm on the far side of the American political left.
I own eight firearms,
and have in storage ample ammunition for each of them.
Nobody, at least to this point, has ever asked me to relinquish these things.
[They've let me keep my golf clubs and bowling ball as well.]
Of course I don't own a military-style assault rifle like, say, an AR15 (M16).
I was actually issued one of those several decades ago,
pretty much against my will,
shortly after they replaced M14s,
and never once felt that I was phallically deficient
and thus in need of personally owning an M16 or M14.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you. You obviously don't know the first thing about guns.
The rotting elements of my dead body en route to the crematory could never do anything that disgusting.
Fuck the NRA. I quit the NRA in '99. You're dealing with real Americans now. You're fucked.
A million "chk-chk"s around the country.
(That's being conservative)
Likely 3-6x that.
Not a single thing about anyone taking your guns away. Funny how that lie was so easy to expose. Even you have backed away from it at this point.
Shouldn't all your threads be titled, "Legion tells another LIE"
You really need to pay attention to the conversations here.
According to various sources, some 1.5 MILLION firearms were sold just in February. Gun manufacturers can't make 'em fast enough. Ammunition manufacturers can't make it fast enough.
Think about that, Democrats, if you try to take guns away or ban any gun. Before you start such a war, you had better take a long deep gaze into your own navel.
Basically just means a lot of suckers are believing the gun manufactures propaganda, went thru the exact same thing in 2008 when they promoted that Obama was coming for your guns
We all know PT Barnum wasn't incorrect
I neither speak for nor defend the Republican Party, which I have not been a part of since 1983.
Not a single thing about anyone taking your guns away. Funny how that lie was so easy to expose. Even you have backed away from it at this point.
Shouldn't all your threads be titled, "Legion tells another LIE"