Thieving Cops

I once held a conversation with a gas station dude, opened a pop and drank it while talking then forgot to pay for it when the conversation ended. I did turn around and pay for it when I remembered. It was one item. I worked with him previously, he and I both didn't even think about it until I returned going 'D'oh!'
Because with added power and priviledge comes added responsibility.
They are in a position of authority and trust and can really screw someone elses life up. And also enjoy being above many laws.

Which is why the job should be gone. No more punitive sentences by law. If a black female is raped by a white guy, it's no more 'hate' than a white female raped by a black guy, yet the law will not see it that way. That's wrong. Actually, shock, rape is rape. Murder is murder. A shoplifting charge is a shoplifting charge.
Race is a bit different than someone in a position of authority breaking the laws they are paid and have sworn to uphold. the race card will not play here.
Which is why the job should be gone. No more punitive sentences by law. If a black female is raped by a white guy, it's no more 'hate' than a white female raped by a black guy, yet the law will not see it that way. That's wrong. Actually, shock, rape is rape. Murder is murder. A shoplifting charge is a shoplifting charge.

If a black girl is raped by a white guy because she's a black girl, Runyon, that's a hate crime.

If a police officer steals a candybar because they are a police office, that's an abuse of authority. However, I do not think this was the case.
Race is a bit different than someone in a position of authority breaking the laws they are paid and have sworn to uphold. the race card will not play here.

I'm addressing the 'higher standards' argument, one that doesn't hold for either race or position.

As I stated, holding police/politicians/teachers to standards due to their position makes sense based on their ability to remain employed in that position. As for criminal prosecution, no.

Of course, you would agree, Diaper Don, Donny, because if they give some fool 5 years for stealing a candy bar, what are they going to give to you when they finally get you for running naked around school tracks, trying to convince 13 year old girls your johnson is a new candy bar, touche? Methinks this is a case of the weasal trying to look like a big thinker, when all he is doing is laying the groundwork for his own, "the johnson on the school track was only there because I forgot I had it on me" defense? Thank you, I do not know how I do it, the truth is, I am a bit of a lawyer and detective myself? It is a natural talent, God-given, unlike Donny's talent for exposing himself to horrified children, which God had nothing to do with? Touche.
Of course, you would agree, Diaper Don, Donny, because if they give some fool 5 years for stealing a candy bar, what are they going to give to you when they finally get you for running naked around school tracks, trying to convince 13 year old girls your johnson is a new candy bar, touche? Methinks this is a case of the weasal trying to look like a big thinker, when all he is doing is laying the groundwork for his own, "the johnson on the school track was only there because I forgot I had it on me" defense? Thank you, I do not know how I do it, the truth is, I am a bit of a lawyer and detective myself? It is a natural talent, God-given, unlike Donny's talent for exposing himself to horrified children, which God had nothing to do with? Touche.

Just more of your crap. Di you honestly think you are getting anywhere with this garbage?? I have said before, You can't even be playing the fool. YOU "ARE" THE FOOL.
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Just more of your crap. Di you honestly think you are getting anywhere with this garbage?? I have said before, You can't even be playing the fool. YOU "ARE" THE FOOL.

It is good that you are still following me around, nipping at my heels Donny, trying to catch up to me in posting skills, though futile, is keeping you out of the schoolyards, at least? It is as if I sense I am doing a favor to society, by feeding your obsession with yours truly, who knows how many school girls have been saved from having to stare at your wrinkled balls? Do not try and sneak out of the house in the middle of the night again, we will have to start chaining you to the JPP tree?
Hello, non-sequitor.

A judge taking a bribe is not a cop stealing a dollar candybar.
Oh I agree the 5yrs is excessive. a normal fine and fired and not permitted to work in any law enforcment capacity agin is more fitting if the theft was intentional.

If you check back I never said the 5 yrs was appropriate, just that cops and such should be held to a higher standard.
Anything Dano has to say about crime and punishment should be ignored. This is the guy who thinks statutory rape should be a capital offense.
Anything Dano has to say about crime and punishment should be ignored. This is the guy who thinks statutory rape should be a capital offense.
You're referring to this thread?

Yes I do think people who rape a baby and take pictures of it should be put to death and I'm proud of thinking that.

You're the sick fucking piece of shit who had the disgusting nerve to try and make it sound not so bad:
"Someone rapes a baby (and it doesn't appear by the article that the baby was physically harmed, and at 12 months is far to young to have been psychologically traumatized) and you think they should be put to death." - ib1yysguy

Remember they took photos of them doing these acts and they admitted it, there is ZERO possibility at all they are innocent.

Sick fucking sack of shit...