Things are getting dark

You watch they will find a way to say it was the democrats fault.

I remember back in 1993 when congress passed ad Bill signed the bill which set us on the path to fiscal balence I turned to my husband and said " watch them try and claim this as their doing" They have done just that. The bill was signed without ONE single R vote and was credited by the CBO and the GAO as a major reason for the surpluses. The Rs base still thinks it was Newt. They will claim it , it will be twisted logic and some will buy it.

post 4
Heres the KEY. The rs have had complete control for the years.They even enacted some bankruptcy laws which made it harder for people to go bankrupt and save their homes not to mention they did nothing to fix the laws to protect uneducated buyers from this frenzy.

It is the fault of corporate whores and the republicans.

post 5
The economy has ups and downs. The idea is to use policy to keep them as shallow as possible. The Bush team used the subprime fiasco to bolster their economic situation instead of trying to nip it in the bud. The result is what we are seeing now. They alllowed the industry to wring many Americans dry to keep them shopping. It was irresponsible policy and it will haunt America for the next ten years.


look at the facts asshole

How in the hell will the Rs blame this on the Dems?

After what Los Angeles money manager Arnold Silver called "a brutal three days," the question is: What now for the market?

A Wall Street superstar this year who runs Balestra Capital Partners, Jim Melcher, says he's "worried about a recession. Not a normal one, but a very bad one. The worst since the 1930s. I expect we'll see clear signs of it in six months with a dramatic slowdown in the gross domestic product."

Balestra Capital, a $350 million New York hedge fund, was up 3% for the past three market sessions, when the Dow Jones Industrials, spearheaded by widespread declines in financial stocks and fears of more billion-dollar-plus asset write-downs, tumbled more than 677 points, or about 4.5%. The Nasdaq fared worse, skidding about 7%, triggered by across-the-board declines in those fast-stepping technology stocks.


post 1

How in the hell will the Rs blame this on the Dems?

After what Los Angeles money manager Arnold Silver called "a brutal three days," the question is: What now for the market?

A Wall Street superstar this year who runs Balestra Capital Partners, Jim Melcher, says he's "worried about a recession. Not a normal one, but a very bad one. The worst since the 1930s. I expect we'll see clear signs of it in six months with a dramatic slowdown in the gross domestic product."

Balestra Capital, a $350 million New York hedge fund, was up 3% for the past three market sessions, when the Dow Jones Industrials, spearheaded by widespread declines in financial stocks and fears of more billion-dollar-plus asset write-downs, tumbled more than 677 points, or about 4.5%. The Nasdaq fared worse, skidding about 7%, triggered by across-the-board declines in those fast-stepping technology stocks.


just as well have democrats controlling both houses it would be the same ,both parties are nothing but bed-wetters and crooks.

How in the hell will the Rs blame this on the Dems?

After what Los Angeles money manager Arnold Silver called "a brutal three days," the question is: What now for the market?

A Wall Street superstar this year who runs Balestra Capital Partners, Jim Melcher, says he's "worried about a recession. Not a normal one, but a very bad one. The worst since the 1930s. I expect we'll see clear signs of it in six months with a dramatic slowdown in the gross domestic product."

Balestra Capital, a $350 million New York hedge fund, was up 3% for the past three market sessions, when the Dow Jones Industrials, spearheaded by widespread declines in financial stocks and fears of more billion-dollar-plus asset write-downs, tumbled more than 677 points, or about 4.5%. The Nasdaq fared worse, skidding about 7%, triggered by across-the-board declines in those fast-stepping technology stocks.


The only thing getting dark is your view from puckering up to Obama's ass, bitch. Keep kissing it.

How in the hell will the Rs blame this on the Dems?

After what Los Angeles money manager Arnold Silver called "a brutal three days," the question is: What now for the market?

A Wall Street superstar this year who runs Balestra Capital Partners, Jim Melcher, says he's "worried about a recession. Not a normal one, but a very bad one. The worst since the 1930s. I expect we'll see clear signs of it in six months with a dramatic slowdown in the gross domestic product."

Balestra Capital, a $350 million New York hedge fund, was up 3% for the past three market sessions, when the Dow Jones Industrials, spearheaded by widespread declines in financial stocks and fears of more billion-dollar-plus asset write-downs, tumbled more than 677 points, or about 4.5%. The Nasdaq fared worse, skidding about 7%, triggered by across-the-board declines in those fast-stepping technology stocks.


Post one


it was me warning about an impending economic crash.

I was spot on idiot
With all due respect Desh, if you are not on the Democratic Party payroll you ought to be. You are the party's most ardent defender regardless. You should be remunerated for your effort.

wack reacting to me prediciting the 2008 econmic crash

these guys are always wrong

yet they always talk as if they know everything

and then they ban you from their threads for fear they get caught being idiots again
I dont always get desh.. you have been talking market gloom for like 2years now... probably longer. Its not going to happen. we will have corrections as we always do. The housing market correction will end at some point because shelter is a necessity.

In terms of your pro tax increase.. and for all of you that think 2.6T annual tax receipts isnt enough for a small populous of 300M people your simply flat out socialists. its an absurd amount of money for what the government job should be.

Now if you want to tax the righ more thats fine.. but give the cuts back to the middle class. Poor already get off easy. it should be a wash. There is absolutely no need to collect more taxes.

1 Last thing.. only a fool would think the 90's historic bull market was the result of a tax increase. Did the tax increase help balance the budget? perhaps.. but there would have been no balance without the tech boom. So unless u think there is another golden boom around the corner to eliminate the pain of a tax increase on the middle class then I wouldnt be looking for it.

this one did leave or change his name
I'm not too worried about the economy-- first of all, the market may have taken a hit, but last week (I think, maybe two weeks ago) there was a day that set records for the amount of increase.

Not only that, but Desh likes to ignore that a great deal of economic success in the mid-late 90s came from Greenspan and the Fed., which Clinton frequently disagreed with but took the credit for Greenspan's successes.

another one

this is why they change their names all the time
typical you and desh get your ass handed to you on business and economics and you pull out the kindergarden spelling superiority card and the anti-feminist "your a little man" card. I call that the man-hater syndrome

and an idiot saying I got my ass handed to me for prediciting the ecnomic crash
why would the reps blaming dems be a surprise? the dems tried to blame the reps, especially shrub, for the slowdown that started when bull clowntoon was still in orifice.

gee I wonder what he said once the crash came ?

he changed his name instead