Things are getting dark

The economy has ups and downs. The idea is to use policy to keep them as shallow as possible. The Bush team used the subprime fiasco to bolster their economic situation instead of trying to nip it in the bud. The result is what we are seeing now. They alllowed the industry to wring many Americans dry to keep them shopping. It was irresponsible policy and it will haunt America for the next ten years.

I was correct huh
this proves that I am better at reading economic news than many experts even

remember how many of them were caught unaware if its coming

all cons here at the time railed agaisnt the idea

now they think they are the experts?

The economy has ups and downs. The idea is to use policy to keep them as shallow as possible. The Bush team used the subprime fiasco to bolster their economic situation instead of trying to nip it in the bud. The result is what we are seeing now. They alllowed the industry to wring many Americans dry to keep them shopping. It was irresponsible policy and it will haunt America for the next ten years.

Spot on
November of 07

When I wrote that post we were a year away from the stock market crash of 08

Facts make it possible to see the world as it actually is

I end up to be correct repeatedly because I honor facts

Imagine that
Sanctimonious twat, did you say anything about this retired police chief who was shot by BLM looters?

How does that make all my correct predictions incorrect?

Your idiot brain patterns is why the Russians could roll your dumb ass with anti American lies

Did you cheer when rioters killed people and shit all over our capital buildings and smeared the entire place with their shit like mentally in prison inmates?
How does that make all my correct predictions incorrect?

Your idiot brain patterns is why the Russians could roll your dumb ass with anti American lies

Did you cheer when rioters killed people and shit all over our capital buildings and smeared the entire place with their shit like mentally in prison inmates?

Russians, Russians, Russians.

How in the hell will the Rs blame this on the Dems?

After what Los Angeles money manager Arnold Silver called "a brutal three days," the question is: What now for the market?

A Wall Street superstar this year who runs Balestra Capital Partners, Jim Melcher, says he's "worried about a recession. Not a normal one, but a very bad one. The worst since the 1930s. I expect we'll see clear signs of it in six months with a dramatic slowdown in the gross domestic product."

Balestra Capital, a $350 million New York hedge fund, was up 3% for the past three market sessions, when the Dow Jones Industrials, spearheaded by widespread declines in financial stocks and fears of more billion-dollar-plus asset write-downs, tumbled more than 677 points, or about 4.5%. The Nasdaq fared worse, skidding about 7%, triggered by across-the-board declines in those fast-stepping technology stocks.


Note the date

A year before the crash

All the right here called me all sorts of stupid for correctly predicting what happened a year later

This keeps happening here

I understood what was happening in the economy because I was following FACTS instead of political bullshit

This is what anyone can do if you can tell bullshit from facts

The right uses lies

I don’t

I end up correct

They end up with shit all over their heads from shoving their heads up the likes of Putin ass
Prim keeps groaning about the fact that with honoring facts I could predict the oncoming economic crash

Prim thinks facts are bad

Prim thinks correct prediction are bad

You righties want stupid and lies to guide them instead of facts and people who can access those facts in a way that proves out to be correct

Exactly why the Republican Party needs to be heaved in the trash can of history

How in the hell will the Rs blame this on the Dems?

After what Los Angeles money manager Arnold Silver called "a brutal three days," the question is: What now for the market?

A Wall Street superstar this year who runs Balestra Capital Partners, Jim Melcher, says he's "worried about a recession. Not a normal one, but a very bad one. The worst since the 1930s. I expect we'll see clear signs of it in six months with a dramatic slowdown in the gross domestic product."

Balestra Capital, a $350 million New York hedge fund, was up 3% for the past three market sessions, when the Dow Jones Industrials, spearheaded by widespread declines in financial stocks and fears of more billion-dollar-plus asset write-downs, tumbled more than 677 points, or about 4.5%. The Nasdaq fared worse, skidding about 7%, triggered by across-the-board declines in those fast-stepping technology stocks.


Definition number 5:

5: one that is highly successful

Deshtard demonstrates her illiteracy and weak vocabulary once again. What's wrong with raising your sons to be highly successful? Idiot.
Note the date

A year before the crash

All the right here called me all sorts of stupid for correctly predicting what happened a year later

This keeps happening here

I understood what was happening in the economy because I was following FACTS instead of political bullshit

This is what anyone can do if you can tell bullshit from facts

The right uses lies

I don’t

I end up correct

They end up with shit all over their heads from shoving their heads up the likes of Putin ass

I predict a crash bigger and longer than Bush's while Biden is president. What says deshy-weshy?
I predicted the 2008 Bush bank deregulation crash

Along with uscitizen

He was one cool dude

Just like maineman
The republicans treated every sign that it was building like “fake news”

They never get anything correct

Because they lie and base their ideas on lies