165 is likely much more then size 8. my wife is size 4-6 dependent on store and shes tiny. 5foot 120pounds wet.
I know a size 8 is more like 138
I just wanted to see Duhla's head explode
I hate to tell you this dumbass, but since I wouldn’t f you if you were passing out Microsoft stock, my head isn’t even warm, no less “exploding” over your sexist views on women. My head might explode when I am dealing with Ronbots, and war supporters, you know Top, things that actually result in dead people? But your sexist meanderings, which cause many people to believe that asshat trained the pimple on his ass how to type, are of little concern to anyone, other than to bear witness to just what a force sexism still is.
I actually kind of dig a big, round ass.
A size 8 at 165 pounds? You know as much about women’s sizes as you do about politics you stupid shit, which isn’t surprising, what is surprising is that you run around here like you are oleg fucking cassini and the big expert on women’s clothing sizes. Your sexism , and the despicable manner in which you have treated desh on this thread, speaks very ill of you Top.
Flat asses suck.
There is nothing less appealing to me as a flat ass.
Nice round bun cakes are just too sexy.
Duhla is having a junior college lack of education expoding head man hater rant.
I have never f a man hater so that would rule you out
and obviously your way to fat and uneducated
dude all you pussy's cow towing to the fat chick is pathetic
she's a BIG girl with a junior college education she can defend herself
go have a drink
I figure you were trailor trash usually is
my bad enjoy your binge
don't know man, all I buy are the best companies in there industries mostly in the new economy, of course oil stocks, and a tiny bit of reits