Things blacks never did.

So what happened to all these advanced societies you claim used to exist in afficuh.??? When whites started going there all they found were stone age savages. What happened?

You started this thread out with a ridiculous caricature because your only knowledge of African history came from old Tarzan movies.

I already provided you several solid doses of African history which took me commitment and time to learn.

I am not here to be your free African history teacher, and if you want me to continue to provide the anecdote to your ignorance, you will have to pay me money to be your tutor.
Moral of the story: the thread author got all his knowledge about Africa from old Tarzan movies.

Maybe he should watch Zulu Dawn some time... After all, the Zulu had iron working technology all on their own, and a military capable of kicking the British's ass... Maybe all those dead British soldiers would have a different opinion than TDAK.
So what happened to all these advanced societies you claim used to exist in afficuh.??? When whites started going there all they found were stone age savages. What happened?

What happened was the same thing that kept the Americas from advancing technologically. That is, isolation as the Sahara grew in size, a lack of population pressure, and an relative abundance of natural resources. These meant that pressure on sub-Saharan civilizations was low and created no particular pressure after contact with those civilizations further North on the Mediterranean coast was lost, as I said, due to the Sahara growing in size.
When Europeans reestablished contact with these civilizations, they still existed in many cases as such, but were stalled technologically due to the above reasons and behind where Europe was. Same thing in the Americas.
Maybe he should watch Zulu Dawn some time... After all, the Zulu had iron working technology all on their own, and a military capable of kicking the British's ass... Maybe all those dead British soldiers would have a different opinion than TDAK.
The European colonial empires were built on gunpowder. Advanced gunpowder based weaponry was what was lacking in Africa and the Western hemisphere.

But the archeological evidence is clear that Iron metallurgy had been in subsaharan Africa since at least 1,000 BCE, and perhaps earlier.
The European colonial empires were built on gunpowder. Advanced gunpowder based weaponry was what was lacking in Africa and the Western hemisphere.

But the archeological evidence is clear that Iron metallurgy had been in subsaharan Africa since at least 1,000 BCE, and perhaps earlier.

Exactly. The Europeans not only built their empires on gunpowder, but on better organization and greater capacity for civil engineering.
Maybe he should watch Zulu Dawn some time... After all, the Zulu had iron working technology all on their own, and a military capable of kicking the British's ass... Maybe all those dead British soldiers would have a different opinion than TDAK.

HAHAHAHA. Hear that everybody?. This moron says "i saw it in a movie". HAHAHA. No doubt you also believe in wakanda and black female engineeers running the Apollo moon

HAHAHAHA. Hear that everybody?. This moron says "i saw it in a movie". HAHAHA. No doubt you also believe in wakanda and black female engineeers running the Apollo moon


I was suggesting an activity you could easily do.

Want another example?


That's the ruin of the palace at Husmi Kubwa Tanzania.

Built by Sultan al-Hasan ibn Sulaiman (a Black African), in the 14th Century, at a time when Europe had yet to adopt things like indoor plumbing--yes, this palace had that--it was a major trade hub in sub-Saharan Africa importing Chinese silk and porcelain while exporting gold and ivory. There was also a full harbor with docks and jetties, and the palace even had an octagonal swimming pool and over 100 rooms.

Now you're talking sense. Yes indeed - white people are smarter than darkies. Blacks can't do tech. Never have been able to.

Not particularly. The Europeans had two things going for them:

A greater amount of internal strife and struggle (aka war)
Access to more resources.

I just posted an example of African construction that shows they were ahead of Europe in some spots well into the current era.

Where'd that come from? I don't support affirmative action at all. In fact, at one point in my work career, I was a victim of it but the GS-13 that made that happen got put on notice by me shortly afterwards in a way that made it clear I owned her if I took it to court or raised a stink about it. So, what I got from that was a position where I was left alone and no longer involved in petty office politics. I was seen as too dangerous to touch by the management.
No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or drilled a well, or irrigated, or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device.

You don't quite understand that Egypt is in Africa then, do you?

They built structures that, to this day, engineers really cannot figure out how it was done... had a written language, did math even, and the structures were most certainly taller than one story. They did all this while being black and before white folks even knew what a pyramid was.
Are you autistic and can't grasp figures of speech.? When people speak of africa they mean the regions ruled by blacks.

And folks in Egypt are black until you want them to be white. The reality is those folks are black, in Africa, had wheels and a written language and were far advanced over white folks at one point in history. Your whole racist claim here fails to deliver.

For example, here is an Egyptian (an Egyptian President in fact):

No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or drilled a well, or irrigated, or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device.


The first plow appeared in Africa. Writing appeared everywhere, including Africa. Simple tabby weaving by hand also occurred pretty much everywhere, including Africa. Africans used the wheel long before a lot of other people did. They also watched the stars a lot more than people do today, and developed a calendar from it.

Laws were simple. Basically tribal elders were the law.
Measurements were based on how far a man typically walked in a day. There was no need for anything else.
Math is not created. It simply exists.
There was no need for a sewer or for drilling a well.
Irrigation was invented in Africa, using the Nile river as it's source headwaters.
Yes. That's also agriculture.
There was little need to build a road. They just happened wherever people traveled. Just a worn track, really.
There being no sea to worry about most of the time, there was no need for a sea vessel.
They did domesticate animals.
The did exploit underground resources, typically keeping accurate memory on where underground water could be located.
Even a stick was used as a mechanical device. Sometime you should look up what a lever is.
HAHAHAHA. You don't have a shred of evidence for any of that. Anyway if you think blacks are intelligent explain why

1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests.

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.


None of these are examples of intelligence.