Things that annoy me


Worst gambler ever
1.) People who are so opposed to cussing that they use the word "crud".

2.) uscitizen

3.) When a fly goes into my fettucine

4.) Really hot zippers on pants fresh out of the drier

5.) Whiny, insecure dogs

6.) All cats

7.) Tom Cruise

8.) Partisan hacks

9.) Paper airplanes that don't fly right

10.) Angry MBA's with Napoleon complex who can't spell.
1.) People who are so opposed to cussing that they use the word "crud".

2.) uscitizen

3.) When a fly goes into my fettucine

4.) Really hot zippers on pants fresh out of the drier

5.) Whiny, insecure dogs

6.) All cats

7.) Tom Cruise

8.) Partisan hacks

9.) Paper airplanes that don't fly right

10.) Angry MBA's with Napoleon complex who can't spell.

Amen brother to #6
Ohhh ooh me next:

Things I hate:

1) Slow-driving left lane hoggers
2) PETA ass holes
3) George W Bush
4) Barbara Bush for giving birth to GWB
5) Cats
6) Children that talk
7) Bill O'Reilly
8) Hot Tub Salesmen
9) Wedgies
10) Incoherent drunken posters
Ah, crud! Beefy, you're really friggin' vexing me, gosh darn it!

Yes, those hot tub salesmen are beginning to get on my nerves as well...
Things I hate (in no particular order, except for #1):

#1- The word 'fatigue'
#2- Democrats
#3- Republicans
#4- Welfare
#5- The phrase "cash money"
#6- Desh
#7- David Caruso in CSI: Miami
#8- Virgins
#9- Virginians
#10- Cold showers
#11- Starbucks coffee
#12- Portuguese
#13- Chinese
#14- Languages that lack alphabets
#15- Revisionist History
#16- Bladder infections
#17- My persistent cough
#18- Pizza Hut
#19- FDR
#20- Evangelicals
#21- PETA
#22- Unions
#23- Hanson
#24- Britney Spears
#25- Barack Obama
#26- Bill Maher
#27- Jon Stewart
#28- Elizabeth II
#29- Shitty beer
#30- Affirmative Action

Those are a random selection of thirty things...the whole list would be much too long (but I might add some through edits).
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Ohhh ooh me next:

Things I hate:

1) Slow-driving left lane hoggers
2) PETA ass holes
3) George W Bush
4) Barbara Bush for giving birth to GWB
5) Cats
6) Children that talk
7) Bill O'Reilly
8) Hot Tub Salesmen
9) Wedgies
10) Incoherent drunken posters

Grand Dragon Paul didn't make your list?
Gonzo - what the hell did Virgins ever do to you? Slut!

Oh, and Pizza Hutt is my favorite resturant in the world. It makes the best version of the best food, and is therefore the best in the world. So piss off!
Ohhh ooh me next:

Things I hate:

8) Hot Tub Salesmen

10) Incoherent drunken posters


This is all because of the mormon missionary thing right?

And how can you not like cawacko? The guy's freakin great!
Things I hate (in no particular order, except for #1):

#1- The word 'fatigue'
#2- Democrats
#3- Republicans
#4- Welfare
#5- The phrase "cash money"
#6- Desh
#7- David Caruso in CSI: Miami
#8- Virgins
#9- Virginians
#10- Cold showers
#11- Starbucks coffee
#12- Portuguese
#13- Chinese
#14- Languages that lack alphabets
#15- Revisionist History
#16- Bladder infections
#17- My persistent cough
#18- Pizza Hut
#19- FDR
#20- Evangelicals
#21- PETA
#22- Unions
#23- Hanson
#24- Britney Spears
#25- Barack Obama
#26- Bill Maher
#27- Jon Stewart
#28- Elizabeth II
#29- Shitty beer
#30- Affirmative Action

Those are a random selection of thirty things...the whole list would be much too long (but I might add some through edits).

is there anything you do like ?