Things that annoy me

You are entirely insane. Pizza Hut does not make the best pizza in the world. Although I don't hate it and it isn't bad for conveyor belt pizza, it is far from the best pizza in the world.

I used to love it actually. But you're right. Its so not even close to being the best pizza in the world. I wouldn't even call it good for conveyor belt pizza. Its so greasy and the ingredients are so unfresh.
I know right! These people need to be caned.

I think they need to be locked in a claustrophobic coffin for the rest of their life, and noise and bright lights need to be flashed at them for 40 hours, and then for another 40 hours they will be in complete sensory deprivation, off and on forever until they die of old age. We'll surgically reconstruct their mouth so that they have to be force fed, and their nose to force them to breathe, so whenever they go into the deep levels of insanity they won't even been able to kill themselves by not breathing.. It's the only suitable punishment.
I think they need to be locked in a claustrophobic coffin for the rest of their life, and noise and bright lights need to be flashed at them for 40 hours, and then for another 40 hours they will be in complete sensory deprivation, off and on forever until they die of old age. We'll surgically reconstruct their mouth so that they have to be force fed, and their nose to force them to breathe, so whenever they go into the deep levels of insanity they won't even been able to kill themselves by not breathing.. It's the only suitable punishment.

That's way to harsh WM. 20 hours of sensory deprivation is enough. Otherwise, I like the way you think.
Well, my main line of thought in choosing 40 hour intervals would be to completely throw off their sleep cycle. They could only get sleep during the sensory deprivation. But they probably wouldn't want to wake up. I would believe in sensory overload all the time, but they'd die of sleep deprivation. No matter how hard they tried they couldn't force themselves to kill themselves by not sleeping in the sensory deprivation period. Alternatively, you could make the sensory deprivation period very short, 2-3 hours, so they'd constantly be sleep deprived for the rest of their lives.
I think they need to be locked in a claustrophobic coffin for the rest of their life, and noise and bright lights need to be flashed at them for 40 hours, and then for another 40 hours they will be in complete sensory deprivation, off and on forever until they die of old age. We'll surgically reconstruct their mouth so that they have to be force fed, and their nose to force them to breathe, so whenever they go into the deep levels of insanity they won't even been able to kill themselves by not breathing.. It's the only suitable punishment.
As long as they are not Muslim terrorists the ACLU should be right with you on this. :pke:
Indecisive people

"Wandering Wildebeests" - i.e., a family of fatties, with double wide asses and arms flailing out to the side, waddling along side by side at turtle-like speed.

The traffic direction cop at Turner Classics. You suck. You actually make it worse.
LOL. Actually my coworkers and I were just talking about having multiples. Kids are too darn expensive. We decided that if you have triplets you have to determine which one is the smart one early on and invest in that one. Give 'em a puzzle or something. You have to train the other ones to marry rich.

"...sorry kids.....looks like Sammy is the only one that gets to go to college...."

That's how Deacon John Adams did it in the 1750's. He sent his eldest son, John, to Harvard College and the rest he retained as farmers. It worked out too, as John Adams became an excellent lawyer and a brilliant Founding Father...
That's how Deacon John Adams did it in the 1750's. He sent his eldest son, John, to Harvard College and the rest he retained as farmers. It worked out too, as John Adams became an excellent lawyer and a brilliant Founding Father...

yup. pick the one kid that's likely to succeed and prepare all the others for the mediocre existence they are destined to have.
Wouldn't it make the most sense to prepare all of them as much as possible, with the pre-condition that if you pay for college you get half of all of their future profits?
The reason I hate virgins is because they get clingy and you have to deal with them crying over the first time they have sex.
Ohhh ooh me next:

Things I hate:

1) Slow-driving left lane hoggers
2) PETA ass holes
3) George W Bush
4) Barbara Bush for giving birth to GWB
5) Cats
6) Children that talk
7) Bill O'Reilly
8) Hot Tub Salesmen
9) Wedgies
10) Incoherent drunken posters
