Thinking about becoming a wildcatter

btw Darla not sure on net worth raising, but my various ventures are draining my liquid capital down... for now.
but I have provided 4 jobs so far in my area. With very basic insurance benefits.
I have also linked up Ford and Toyotas reps with the local vo-tech school to try and educate a generation of hybryd auto techs.
I decided to try my best to make my little corner of the world a bit better.

That is very cool! Pretty good for an undegreed guy with one tooth usc! ;)
That is very cool! Pretty good for an undegreed guy with one tooth usc! ;)

yeah , I think so, but more work than just sitting on my butt.
Have a meeting with the Vo_tech group tonight. Then check on other business venture after that...
The gas well will take a bit to see how viable it is. I have a partner lined up to run the distribution portion of it. If it happens.
Plus we have to tie into another supplier in case our well runs out...
Have to take care of the customers.
I also have my state rep pulling for me on all of my business deals. who knows might wind up getting some tax dollars ? :D

I am NOT getting into politics though!

this is all cutting into my travel time too....

yeah , I think so, but more work than just sitting on my butt.
Have a meeting with the Vo_tech group tonight. Then check on other business venture after that...
The gas well will take a bit to see how viable it is. I have a partner lined up to run the distribution portion of it. If it happens.
Plus we have to tie into another supplier in case our well runs out...
Have to take care of the customers.
I also have my state rep pulling for me on all of my business deals. who knows might wind up getting some tax dollars ? :D

I am NOT getting into politics though!

this is all cutting into my travel time too....

Are you flirting with darla or what...? She is a funny girl when she gets off the political crap...carry on with your exaggeration tis funny!
Are you flirting with darla or what...? She is a funny girl when she gets off the political crap...carry on with your exaggeration tis funny!

Why do you always think everybody is flirting with me? Haven't you learned anything from all of the outed homosexual Republicans? About protesting too much? Projection?

I like being one small center of attention with zero repercussions or dangers, which is impossible in real life where there are always repercussions, yes.

what can I say but touche'...don't like your politics but ya are a funny girl...carry on!:clink:
Ohh I may have figured it out.
BB and others would get new friends and quit messing around on here if they "struck it rich" I guess. So if I now have money why am I still here ? Cause I am still me, just me with more money.
And with all these money sucking ventures, perhaps I should not give up my consulting job for a while....
I am hoping to get a commitment for some test equipment from Ford and Toyota for the VO-TECH school this evening.
Ohh I may have figured it out.
BB and others would get new friends and quit messing around on here if they "struck it rich" I guess. So if I now have money why am I still here ? Cause I am still me, just me with more money.
And with all these money sucking ventures, perhaps I should not give up my consulting job for a while....
I am hoping to get a commitment for some test equipment from Ford and Toyota for the VO-TECH school this evening.

This is all so, so cool! Good for you, usc! :clap:
This is all so, so cool! Good for you, usc! :clap:

thanks Thorn.
It has been interesting trying to get the vo-tech school to merge/blend auto mechanics and electronics...But I think I am winning and now that the project pretty much has the state legislatures nod....
I have worked in both and realize that electronics techs of some level are now needed in auto mechanics and more will be needed.

I bought into the auto repair business to put my money where my mouth was and to provide intern opportunities.

I actually started this rolling about 2 years ago.
Darn that kind of stuff moves slow....
And I hate meetings and dressing up for them....But a nice suit and tie does get more attention than a flannel shirt and jeans.
but it looks like ti will be worth it.

Ohh I may have figured it out.
BB and others would get new friends and quit messing around on here if they "struck it rich" I guess. So if I now have money why am I still here ? Cause I am still me, just me with more money.
And with all these money sucking ventures, perhaps I should not give up my consulting job for a while....
I am hoping to get a commitment for some test equipment from Ford and Toyota for the VO-TECH school this evening.

and you really need to tell all of us 'broke ass' message board geeks of your windfall?...Okee Dokee then, carry on snowing darla with your mystical wealth...lmao!:pke: HS rhetoric at it's best!
Just letting you know I am not all wind BB.
I walk my talk.
Of course I kid around sometimes too. I am mainly on here for fun.
And so am I...............

Just letting you know I am not all wind BB.
I walk my talk.
Of course I kid around sometimes too. I am mainly on here for fun.

The lost days of snow jobs and exaggeration are a thing of the past..we all go thru it..some continue the fun at a later date...I was just a 'working class dude'..had alot of fun during the trip and still do...I am okay now as I was then...I am not a millionaire or a wannabee...I eat well have fun with the family and carry on stressing what is right and what is wrong with our lost country....Been there and done that....trying to help those living the nightmare of todays politics...sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't..but thats life in a 'Nutshell' Gotta a problemo with my honesty... call God..he knows me and where it is I come from...I just call em' where I see em'!:tongout: