Thinking about becoming a wildcatter


Its just the alcohol talking, USC.

Over your simple 'vet' proverbial head with the doggies and kitties..more compatible with your animal philosophy...clean them there cages...what is with y'all liberals who always say 'drunk' or whatever whenever you don't grasp the concept of what one says...Freudian concept or what?..geez...grow up and try experiencing life for once in your pathetic sheltered life!;)
Actually I meant wildcatting in the sense of creating a new cartridge that factories don't offer.
I honestly didn't know it applied to anything else in the world. Now I know it involves geology as well.
Interesting. Sounds like an awesome career opportunity.

On a slightly related topic (read unrelated topic), isn't this one of the overall goals of the space program? We know we're running out of resources at a rate faster than they can be replenished (if they can be replenished at all). Mars for example could harbor much oil, and very likely many vital metals.
Actually I won't be taking very much risks, The pros apparently think there is natural gas there.

They approached me about drilling a well on my property. And from reading the paper they wanterd me to sign and having mining engineer friend research the underground rights on my property it appears I own the rights to what is down there.
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Got test equipment commitments from Toyota and Ford on the way. for the new Automotive Technology training at VOTECH.

About $ 700 K worth and factory service manuals with right to reproduce for classroom use.
And my state legislature rep has pretty much guaranteed at least 100K from the state for the school to spearhead the project.
The republican guv is up for re-election right now...
And since this is mainly to do with hybryd and electric car maintenance and repair....

I have pledged to hire 4 interns part time each year for the next 5 years.

It is on its way. should fire off in the spring.
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Got test equipment commitments from Toyota and Ford on the way. for the new Automotive Technology training at VOTECH.

About $ 700 K worth and factory service manuals with right to reproduce for classroom use.
And my state legislature rep has pretty much guaranteed at least 100K from the state for the school to spearhead the project.
The republican guv is up for re-election right now...
And since this is mainly to do with hybryd and electric car maintenance and repair....

I have pledged to hire 4 interns part time each year for the next 5 years.

It is on its way. should fire off in the spring.
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Congratulations about these five interns, do you need any help picking them out? Monica was a good intern, and not too bad looking, I would not kick her out of bed for eating crackers, or even peanut butter, let me know if I can give you a hand? Butt, this is good news, even without the five, zaftig interns.
Umm 4 interns a year for 5 years there RJS.

I just can't see Monica working on cars. Besides no cigars required.

Maybe she could work in the tire shop, blowing up tires. I hear she has skill in that area though.
:clink: this is funny shit, beating topper like a VT Hoky
Why would that upset me, USC is the one railing about oil companies now he's hypocritically going to become one.
College is not the only way morons, just makes it easier.
Umm natural gas Topper.
I rail about the short term view of the pro oil types and the result of our shortsighted planning creating a very harsh impact on all of us when oil turns around and the demand exceeds the supply.
that and the fact that our oil addiction is turning us into conquoring colonialists.

A very very harsh impact on all of us.....
natural gas is hydrocarbons and is the primary business of oil companies.
You sir are a hypocrite
but if you drill you'll be doing a great service to help fight foreign oil dependence.
Good luck,
I go with a strong independent and get a WI and a high override.
My argument has been against the way oil companies do business, not the oil comapnies per sie. Also our invading another country to secure oil supplies.
the shortsighted view on oil dependence which WILL burn our ass.
Butt mostly it has been towards you topper. The on this board elitist pro oil prick.