Thinking about going to school...

You'd probably get paid a lot less.

I can't but imagine that defense investigations are only a fraction of the market compared to prosecutor investigations.
I'd be good at that too. Except for the fact that I'd need to remove my frontal lobe of my brain and subsequently blow the remaining lobes out with a 12 gauge slug.

So then you'd be a Democrat lawyer...go for it.

And if you already have no ethics at all right now, you could forgo the removing the frontal lobe....
I know Topspin is about to have six consecutive orgasms at the mere mention of someone going to college.....but I was thinking about it. I get money from the GI bill, might as well use it. The only question is what do I go for? There's little practical use of a degree of any type in what I currently do, or want to do in the future (gunsmithing). Maye something electrical, since I've discovered I'm good with electric.
I can make good money at gun smithing if you become a master of the art. I know people who have paid big money for custom PA long rifles with scrimshaw, silver/gold inlays, brass work, etc.
I can make good money at gun smithing if you become a master of the art. I know people who have paid big money for custom PA long rifles with scrimshaw, silver/gold inlays, brass work, etc.
That you can. But it takes a lot of time and experience. Not that I'm unwilling to devote my time to it, it's just a very long term investment.
That you can. But it takes a lot of time and experience. Not that I'm unwilling to devote my time to it, it's just a very long term investment.
any profession is. How much do you love it and how much do you want it? It's gotta be something more than just something you love to do. You have to be driven to be the best too.

The advise you getting though about a liberal arts education isn't bad. The whole idea is to learn how to learn and that's something that can never be taken away from you. So, no a sociology degree doesn't make you very marketable but it will make you educated. That's not a bad thing.
I was thinking electrical or mechanical engineering if your real good at math. Dude, I'm only pro college cause you can make a lot more and work not nearly as hard.
GI bill get's you free education, passing on it is like saying no to a raise or promotion.
Topper's right. I have to admit to a bias like SM. Go for something in science, technology or business. The social sciences will give you a good education but it's not very marketable at the undergraduate level.

Even if you like your job as a fabricator eventually you may want to be an independent contractor and a business degree would be a tremendous asset.

If your more into the trades you may want to contact the NASCAR school in the Charlotte area (I think it's in Concord, NC). Their graduates get interesting jobs and make real good money. as in 75 KPY +.
Topper's right. I have to admit to a bias like SM. Go for something in science, technology or business. The social sciences will give you a good education but it's not very marketable at the undergraduate level.

Even if you like your job as a fabricator eventually you may want to be an independent contractor and a business degree would be a tremendous asset.

If your more into the trades you may want to contact the NASCAR school in the Charlotte area (I think it's in Concord, NC). Their graduates get interesting jobs and make real good money. as in 75 KPY +.
I've already done the trade school thing, that's part of what I'll be doing when I decide to go back.
Hey man, not our fault you entered a job field with morons and slimy cretins.

All that aside, if you got a degree in some sort of forensic science you could work for defense attorneys but ONLY after having worked for several years for your state scientific lab division or for a city police crime lab. You would have to work for the PO-leece first.
All that aside, if you got a degree in some sort of forensic science you could work for defense attorneys but ONLY after having worked for several years for your state scientific lab division or for a city police crime lab. You would have to work for the PO-leece first.
Yeah. no thanks. I'll take a pay cut for a job I love, but not for one I'd hate.