This big Democrat lie is coming back to bite them in the ass


Let's go Brandon!
A majority of Americans now support Republican-led tax reform, according to a new poll from The New York Times.

The poll, done in conjunction with SurveyMonkey, says that 51 percent of Americans approve of tax reform, while just 46 percent disapprove. Republicans have enjoyed a steep rise in support for their tax reform plan, climbing from just 37 percent approval in December...

Fourteen percent change in two months as employees start to see the actual positive impact on their paychecks instead of the lie that they were told by the Democrats. 2020 is looking better and better...
yeah, Trump was smart enough to throw a couple bucks to the people while he made the plutocrats even richer and more powerful. Whatever tax break you think you are getting, the changes to property tax credits will erase it and more. You can be bought for 10 bucks a month. A ten bucks that is illusionary.

Creepy old Biden? How about molester old Trump. He confessed to abusing women. Did you fall asleep when that was revealed on the tapes? Trump pays for sex. Well, pays them off so they wont tell. He has no respect for marriage. However a tape showing Biden playing with a girls hair is disqualifying. Trumps lifetime of real abuse, does not matter. Damn it, can you see ?
Trump has an eye, and wallet, for beautiful women. Grown adult women. Women who are attracted to him. That's not abuse. Biden, on the other hand, likes little girls: children. Children who then try to get away from him.

Fourteen percent change in two months as employees start to see the actual positive impact on their paychecks instead of the lie that they were told by the Democrats. 2020 is looking better and better...

Americans were sold a bill of shit by Trump. The tax bill is a giveaway for the wealthy and corporations. The few pennies that people are getting, about 10 bucks a month, is apparently enough to make them miss the point of the bill. When they see their property tax changes will take that back and more, they might learn something. Today, warren buffet said the tax bill is netting his company 29 billion dollars.
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Trump has an eye, and wallet, for beautiful women. Grown adult women. Women who are attracted to him. That's not abuse. Biden, on the other hand, likes little girls: children. Children who then try to get away from him.[/QUOT

Can you really do that? Trump said it clearly. Are you able to totally ignore the evidence. trump is disgusting. He cheated on all his wives and is still doing it. He pays for sex, at least for silence. He is just a crude man who has no respect for women and uses them crudely. Damn OODA, can you really convince yourself of that premise?

19 women say Trump did exactly what he says he does. That OK for you?
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Fourteen percent change in two months as employees start to see the actual positive impact on their paychecks instead of the lie that they were told by the Democrats. 2020 is looking better and better...
I ran out of guesses whats the Democratic lie your talking about, Survey monkey is a poll that anyone can make with their own word and sent to who they want it sent to. I can turn your numbers to 90% apposed to the tax increase. So what good is it.
Trump has an eye, and wallet, for beautiful women. Grown adult women. Women who are attracted to him. That's not abuse. Biden, on the other hand, likes little girls: children. Children who then try to get away from him.[/QUOT

Can you really do that? Trump said it clearly. Are you able to totally ignore the evidence. trump is disgusting. He cheated on all his wives and is still doing it. He pays for sex, at least for silence. He is just a crude man who has no respect for women and uses them crudely. Damn OODA, can you really convince yourself of that premise?

19 women say Trump did exactly what he says he does. That OK for you?
These half minds think that they can justify what scum bag does by what someone else does. Weakest argument there is,
Americans were sold a bill of shit by Trump. The tax bill is a giveaway for the wealthy and corporations. The few pennies that people are getting, about 10 bucks a month, is apparently enough to make them miss the point of the bill. When they see their property tax changes will take that back and more, they might learn something. Today, warren buffet said the tax bill is netting his company 29 billion dollars.

What do you think Buffet will do with that windfall?
The lie that the tax bill wouldn't put money into taxpayer's pockets and create jobs.
Well we all know that this won't increase jobs and no one said that taxpayers wouldn't get money from this tax cut. It's how it is distributed of course, that's the problem. That tell the whole reason why the hate party exist, transfer of wealth to the top. The tax rates have little to do with the total tax relief because of this ridiculous bill.
What do you think Buffet will do with that windfall?

It will not impact our economy much. I am well aware that you know nothing about economics. However to stimulate the economy, money and tax breaks have to go to the bottom and middle. Repuibs said for decades that profits are the stimulus. Total BS. Corporate profits are at all time highs.. Taxes are at 60year lows. Wages have stagnated for 50 years too. Easy to see, the top 1 percent kept the money.

Buffet will put it in stocks or bonds.
Well we all know that this won't increase jobs and no one said that taxpayers wouldn't get money from this tax cut. It's how it is distributed of course, that's the problem. That tell the whole reason why the hate party exist, transfer of wealth to the top. The tax rates have little to do with the total tax relief because of this ridiculous bill.

DNC talking points.
More capital available for those companies to upgrade or expand: jobs.

That absolutely is not happening. Large corporation are not expanding in America,and not giving people raises. Corporations are sitting on over 3 trillion dollars now. They are not doing that, They are giving out huge bonuses to execs and buying back stock, so that the stock options execs get will be worth even more.

I have not heard anyone make that claim in years. Economists and educated followers know what crap it is. Higher profits do not make companies hire or expand. Only demand does that. If they cannot keep up with the demand, they hire. If they make a lot more money, they pocket it.
It will not impact our economy much. I am well aware that you know nothing about economics. However to stimulate the economy, money and tax breaks have to go to the bottom and middle. Repuibs said for decades that profits are the stimulus. Total BS. Corporate profits are at all time highs.. Taxes are at 60year lows. Wages have stagnated for 50 years too. Easy to see, the top 1 percent kept the money.

Buffet will put it in stocks or bonds.
So true ,Demand is the only thing that will drive any market, to think otherwise is ignorant or self serving. there is no way to drive a sick economy using supply side economics. the only way is to give it to the poor and middle class and for being the most effective give it to the poorest of them all . There is no group that will spend it faster. The supply side lie makes corporations and the rich real happy, but it just doesn't work if you want to drive a market.
That absolutely is not happening. Large corporation are not expanding in America,and not giving people raises. Corporations are sitting on over 3 trillion dollars now. They are not doing that, They are giving out huge bonuses to execs and buying back stock, so that the stock options execs get will be worth even more.

I have not heard anyone make that claim in years. Economists and educated followers know what crap it is. Higher profits do not make companies hire or expand. Only demand does that. If they cannot keep up with the demand, they hire. If they make a lot more money, they pocket it.

If this is the case, which I doubt for most companies, nobody buries money in their mattress, as what would have to occur for your theory to hold water. Those owners would make other investments, upgrade their car or house, or throw their money out the window and buy a boat. Either way that money creates jobs.
If this is the case, which I doubt for most companies, nobody buries money in their mattress, as what would have to occur for your theory to hold water. Those owners would make other investments, upgrade their car or house, or throw their money out the window and buy a boat. Either way that money creates jobs.

Not my theory. It is standard economic theory based in math. I made it simple enough. Demand creates hiring and expansion. Do you suspect that a company expands or hires because they are making more profits? If they are keeping up with demand, why would they hire more workers. C'mon think about it. Think they will hire workers to stand around? Nope, it is in response to demand and giving a ton of money to the owners does not change demand. Here is a link. They are sitting on 2 trillion and more. How is giving them another couple trillion going to change any thing?
What Trump will; accomplish. An incredible debt. He is slashing taxes and spending like a madman. Wants a wall, wants a huge kick in military spending, wants more on nukes , spend spend spend. Even a righty like you should be able to figure out what that will result in.
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