This big Democrat lie is coming back to bite them in the ass

The only people that do think that are people that don't have a clue about economics , that's you buddy. I gave you a lesson on economics and if you would have listened you would have learned something you obviously don't know about. That lesson was easy because you know so little about the subject. I told You I could bury you with facts about economics and I also told you I know shit about it , but my shit is way more then what you have moving around in your head about this. Keep talking , your making a fool of yourself and that's a good thing.

Robert Reich must be your god.
These haters with there attack on Obamas economy during his presidency, the sin of GDP not going over 3 % increase annually. That fact was exactly what business always wants. During Obamas presidency, We had the highest corporate profits in history , the fastest increase of profit in history and the highest percentage of gross that was profit in history. and the stock market went up 178% and add in the highest GDP in history during Obamas presidency. That is so superior to any other president in our history and was so good that it probably will never be bettered. When would GDP not matter to big b. When you have the highest percentage of gross is profit in history, Make less product but have higher profits , the ultimate dream of big B. No wage increase to do it no jobs being offered and no extra expense but with increased production.

This is hilarious. Oh Bah Ma. Oh Bah Ma.
What I find amusing is that libs truly believe that their economic theory of taxing the rich not only works (it doesn't), but that there is no competing theory (or theories).
Ok tell us what civilized country in the world doesn't use progressive taxation. This should be fun
Robert Reich must be your god.

God? he is a newspaper columnist who specialized in economics. He is very good though., But my first was J.K. Galbraith. His text was my first one I had in economics class and I have always had a soft spot for him. The right has Steven Moore. He is so bad you think he is doing comedy when he talk economics. Should I ask if he is your god? Can you see how stupid that is?
Ok tell us what civilized country in the world doesn't use progressive taxation. This should be fun

God? he is a newspaper columnist who specialized in economics. He is very good though., But my first was J.K. Galbraith. His text was my first one I had in economics class and I have always had a soft spot for him. The right has Steven Moore. He is so bad you think he is doing comedy when he talk economics. Should I ask if he is your god? Can you see how stupid that is?

What? Economics is political? Say it ain't so!
What? Economics is political? Say it ain't so!

To you it is.; But there are solid stats showing what the difference between giving money to the wealthy, or favoring the people. The Republican philosophy is to deliberately create larger and larger debts, until they can end Social, Security, Medicare, and programs that help the poor. The Repubs cause huge debt. The Dems try and balance the deficits., Like Clinton and Obama did. You can see graphs showing the difference and who their policies favor. If you are very wealthy, and do not care about the poor or sick, then Republican economics is for you.

Laffler wrote a terrible justification for making the rich richer. The Laffler curve was written on a napkin and is a damn farce. The next week every Repub went in front of the house and senate and proclaimed it as proof, that giving to those on top will trickle down to the rest. it does not work. If you love trickle down, Trump is your man. His policies are those of Bush. Except for Trump. it is tinkle down. the economy is not political. it just reacts to the policies of the party in power. Trump will crank up the debt bigly. That is the plan. If you love that, then vote for the plutocracy. It is coming anyway. The Republic is on fumes. And no, a couple bucks a week in a tax break will not save us.
well I knew that a few of the satellite countries have done that and I also know that in almost all countries that they are moving back to a progressive concept/ Russia is going to exclude some people in their tax rate. "The Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have had flat taxes of 24%, 25% and 33% respectively with a tax exempt amount, since the mid-1990s" a tax exempt amount means what to you. Your list is what I asked for and you supplied it and I didn't know that many of the satellite countries went for the flat tax , so I learned something. But across the board these most of these countries have a tax exempt group. which is the whole reason for a progressive tax.
Now do you want to see my list of countries with a progressive tax process.
?????? what?
It seems that the right, when proven wrong, just reapply the bullshit but shift it over far enough to make it look like it has substance. Every time you even call out the shift as crap, they just respond by shifting it closer to reality and this goes on and on until their comments have nothing to do with their original comment .
well I knew that a few of the satellite countries have done that and I also know that in almost all countries that they are moving back to a progressive concept/ Russia is going to exclude some people in their tax rate. "The Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have had flat taxes of 24%, 25% and 33% respectively with a tax exempt amount, since the mid-1990s" a tax exempt amount means what to you. Your list is what I asked for and you supplied it and I didn't know that many of the satellite countries went for the flat tax , so I learned something. But across the board these most of these countries have a tax exempt group. which is the whole reason for a progressive tax.
Now do you want to see my list of countries with a progressive tax process.

The Flat Tax plan proposed by the GOP also excludes some, actually too many IMO, lower income earners. I think that everyone should have skin in the game.

Here's an example of why the progressive tax that we have in the US is blatantly unfair.

The Flat Tax plan proposed by the GOP also excludes some, actually too many IMO, lower income earners. I think that everyone should have skin in the game.

Here's an example of why the progressive tax that we have in the US is blatantly unfair.

Hold back a second you may have interpreted what I said ass backwards. A flat tax exist for only one reason. so the poor pay more and the rich pay less. The satellite states of Russia trying the flat tax has more to do with coming from dictatorships that write the tax law dictatorially with no economic experience about economies, In simple terms they had no clue and this flat tax they have is only there for one reason. One tried it and they all had to pick a approach when the USSR went down the tubes. They picked it out of ignorance and lack of experience. Simply ask your self why the world chooses the progressive tax cut. . This country for a example, for 37 years all the new increase of wealth from the richest country in the world, the US all but pennies went to the top golden few. That can't be argued. So under that circumstance tell me why anyone here would pick a flat tax. It's all gone to the top for the last 37 years . I mean isn't everything enough. Good God.
Since the hate party only exist to transfer the wealth to the top, of course they would want a flat tax . as we speak the list Ooda so proudly showed about flat tax countries , just about across the board they are moving back to a progressive tax. No country with a sane learned economic history would choose a flat tax and they don't.
I just read an article about the CEO of Lowes Foods. Tell him that there's no competition.

Almost all large industries in America are oligopolies. They have few companies in them. That is like gas companies, department stores, and cable. They have the same pricing, the same horrible service and dated technology. The reason they can get away with that is, they do not compete. Shopping around is a waste of time. they are all the same. The only competition is illusionary. They compete in advertising. Which only function is to fool the people. I am sure you never saw a price war. I will be happy to tell him there is no competition, because there isn't. How many grocery stores were bought up and merged? Remember when there were lots. Not that way now.
Almost all large industries in America are oligopolies. They have few companies in them. That is like gas companies, department stores, and cable. They have the same pricing, the same horrible service and dated technology. The reason they can get away with that is, they do not compete. Shopping around is a waste of time. they are all the same. The only competition is illusionary. They compete in advertising. Which only function is to fool the people. I am sure you never saw a price war. I will be happy to tell him there is no competition, because there isn't. How many grocery stores were bought up and merged? Remember when there were lots. Not that way now.

Actually the number of large grocery chains here is huge; Lowes, Harris Teeter, Public, Food Lion, Walmart, Costco, Aldi, Lidl. Then there are local food coops and farm stands.
Hold back a second you may have interpreted what I said ass backwards. A flat tax exist for only one reason. so the poor pay more and the rich pay less. The satellite states of Russia trying the flat tax has more to do with coming from dictatorships that write the tax law dictatorially with no economic experience about economies, In simple terms they had no clue and this flat tax they have is only there for one reason. One tried it and they all had to pick a approach when the USSR went down the tubes. They picked it out of ignorance and lack of experience. Simply ask your self why the world chooses the progressive tax cut. . This country for a example, for 37 years all the new increase of wealth from the richest country in the world, the US all but pennies went to the top golden few. That can't be argued. So under that circumstance tell me why anyone here would pick a flat tax. It's all gone to the top for the last 37 years . I mean isn't everything enough. Good God.

That's your opinion and not news to me. In my opinion, a flat tax exists because it's more fair, and makes everyone beholden to efficient government. After watching that short video, explain to me how the progressive tax system is fair. What motive does the couple with lower income have to support efficient government programs?
That's your opinion and not news to me. In my opinion, a flat tax exists because it's more fair, and makes everyone beholden to efficient government. After watching that short video, explain to me how the progressive tax system is fair. What motive does the couple with lower income have to support efficient government programs?
Like I said it doesn't exist because it is simply stupid. Tell me why 90% of the countries in the world have progressive taxation. Answer my question,why would this country even consider it, when Every dime of new wealth in this country already goes to the top. It would be stupid to go with a flat tax . isn't all the new wealth enough for you .Answer or go away. Tell me why you should get more then all of the new wealth.
That's your opinion and not news to me. In my opinion, a flat tax exists because it's more fair, and makes everyone beholden to efficient government. After watching that short video, explain to me how the progressive tax system is fair. What motive does the couple with lower income have to support efficient government programs?
didn't look at your crap, tell me why I should. when I know the subject way better then you do, why would I use you as a reference for this.
Actually the number of large grocery chains here is huge; Lowes, Harris Teeter, Public, Food Lion, Walmart, Costco, Aldi, Lidl. Then there are local food coops and farm stands.
Even Adam Smith this countries first economist said straight out that there are times when the market doesn't control prices that business them selves does, they set the prices not the market and that is bad for Capitalism. This as Norberg is pointing out one of those times. Your the supposed expert ,Tell me who set prices before the anti trust laws were implemented. You know none of this stuff do you?