How odd. I am not saying anything about your proclivities. I do not know what they are. I am merely showing you that that is where we have moved. Not monopoly, still oligopoly. If you define big as buying up competitors, then you are getting closer.
I know few are old enough to have actually seen what competition looks like.. When gas was under 20 cents a gallon, stations had price wars dropping them a penny to undercut, and then the other station would undercut them. They checked your oil, tire pressure and cleaned your windshield. They also pumped the gas. Some stations gave you green stamps that could be redeemed for prizes. Others gave you glasses or silverware when you spent 2 bucks. Think that has changed?
Department stores took back bad products. No squabbling, no send it back to manufacturers. They tried to keep the customer satisfied. Customers were treated with respect.
Now the oligopolies do what they want. Service is abysmal. Call your cable company, if you doubt that. Prices all high and all the same.
This is what Republican policies have fought for. Note what Pai is doing at the FCC.