This board getting so depressing.

I am back on the farm. Talk about comforts. A garden with nice fresh veggies, steaks walking around. A cement pond.

The only place I miss some now, having lived there some in my youth, is Orygun.
I am back on the farm. Talk about comforts. A garden with nice fresh veggies, steaks walking around. A cement pond.

The only place I miss some now, having lived there some in my youth, is Orygun.

Well, Warshington is better, but I can sympathize with someone missing America's best region...
Well, Warshington is better, but I can sympathize with someone missing America's best region...

I dunno, I liked the Bend and 3 sisters region of Orygun a lot. St. Helens area was super before it blew up.
I would spend entire weekends in the woods north of ST. Helens.
The coloumbia river gorge was nice too.

Never spent much time in eastern Orygun though, but from what I saw I would have liked to.

I left just as the Caliprunians were taking over.
We tried to keep em out. Damned piece of paper constitution!
I am back on the farm. Talk about comforts. A garden with nice fresh veggies, steaks walking around. A cement pond.

The only place I miss some now, having lived there some in my youth, is Orygun.

Man, that sounds great.
I dunno, I liked the Bend and 3 sisters region of Orygun a lot. St. Helens area was super before it blew up.
I would spend entire weekends in the woods north of ST. Helens.
The coloumbia river gorge was nice too.

Never spent much time in eastern Orygun though, but from what I saw I would have liked to.

I left just as the Caliprunians were taking over.
We tried to keep em out. Damned piece of paper constitution!

Yeah, my mom was one of those. At least she was from way north in Crescent City :)

WA has it all. I love to go up north to Concrete (by Mt. Baker), and you can't beat the San Juan Islands.

Mt. St. Hellens is my volcano. My birthday is May 18th :cool:

Also, I've never ventured east of the Cascades, either :clink:
I dunno, I liked the Bend and 3 sisters region of Orygun a lot. St. Helens area was super before it blew up.
I would spend entire weekends in the woods north of ST. Helens.
The coloumbia river gorge was nice too.

Never spent much time in eastern Orygun though, but from what I saw I would have liked to.

I left just as the Caliprunians were taking over.
We tried to keep em out. Damned piece of paper constitution!

I spent a few days in Bend many years ago - what a lovely town.
Yeah, my mom was one of those. At least she was from way north in Crescent City :)

WA has it all. I love to go up north to Concrete (by Mt. Baker), and you can't beat the San Juan Islands.

Mt. St. Hellens is my volcano. My birthday is May 18th :cool:

Also, I've never ventured east of the Cascades, either :clink:

It's pretty flat from memory. I went out to Spokane, had to go and see someone about an education programme. Cascades is lovely. Can't think of the name of the town but there was one that was a sort of reproduction or perhaps it as authentic but maintained, anyway it had boardwalks and old western style buildings. Really interesting. Wish I could think of the name of it but my ex has the travel diaries.
Make that no matter what is likely to happen. Devolving into a 1984-type total dictatorship would pretty much ruin the rest of my life, but that s unlikely to happen. Being vaporized in a terrorist nuclear explosion would not do anyone much good for their outlook, and do little for survivors either. But that, too, is not likely.

That being said, those things which ARE lklely to occur in the coming years, such as high inflation coupled with high unemployment, China taking the lead as the world's largest economy, Earth's mean temperature going up another 0.5 degrees, gasoline becoming rationed, etc. etc. etc; will unlikely ruin the lives of most - even those affected by a run away unemployment rate.

I tell my children and grandchildren the same thing my grandfather told me repeatedly: Be grateful for what you have, instead of sad about what you don't have. Because there will always be things you want you cannot have. If that is what you concentrate on, you will never allow yourself to be happy.

What a crock. This is not about THINGS. We are devolving into a 1984 style totalitarian dictatorship.
Yeah, my mom was one of those. At least she was from way north in Crescent City :)

WA has it all. I love to go up north to Concrete (by Mt. Baker), and you can't beat the San Juan Islands.

Mt. St. Hellens is my volcano. My birthday is May 18th :cool:

Also, I've never ventured east of the Cascades, either :clink:

Crescent city part of CA is ok. Northern CA needs to split from the rest of CA.

seriously tho, the sentiment has sucked around here lately.

what do you expect. the republicans don't have anyone and the reality has set in on Obama. the economy is going down the tubes.

And oh yes Jolie and Brad had twins.

The bat in the bra was a good diversion though.
This country has been screwed but good.

The simple fact my friends is that the rebuplican party is responsible for the mess.

Six years of total control.

They controled everything.

When was the last time any party controled everything for six years?

What was the result?

There is just not much that looks good in this country right now.