This board getting so depressing.

This country has been screwed but good.

The simple fact my friends is that the rebuplican party is responsible for the mess.

Six years of total control.

They controled everything.

When was the last time any party controled everything for six years?

What was the result?

There is just not much that looks good in this country right now.

Oh desh. How joyful and pure your existence must be to believe the parties are split so perfectly along the line of good and evil.

Our main problems are all bipartisan in nature. Considering the elitist meme of their willingness abstract away the humanity of others for "the greater good", it's clear to me that all the things both parties agree on are exactly the wrong policies for the american people.

Yeah right, all the youngsters think they have it figured out. Realilty sets in around 40 or so. Humans just do not live long enough to get very wise.

True that, each generation thinks they will be better and wiser, and then you realize the more you know, the less you know.
True that, each generation thinks they will be better and wiser, and then you realize the more you know, the less you know.
They are also stupid enough to think that what they go through as teens is uber-different and you can "never understand".
I just like to throw back all this stuff in the Kaboomer's faces, to remind them how much damage they did to the human condition by being deliberately obtuse, emo, perverted, and so forth....

I don't see why members of that failed generation ever dare to express surprise when they witness blemishes in the younger generations.
:) Yeah the failed generation that built up all this wealth that is currently being flushed down the tubes by the younger generation?

that was how I got finiancially comfortable, Bought a place from a kid (25) that inherited all his dad had worked for and wanted fast money to buy cars and boats with. I saw the real potential for the place and paid him what he asked for it. He knew what was supposed to happen as well, jut could not wait another year for the money.
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:) Yeah the failed generation that built up all this wealth that is currently being flushed down the tubes by the younger generation?

that was how I got finiancially comfortable, Bought a place from a kid (25) that inherited all his dad had worked for and wanted fast money to buy cars and boats with. I saw the real potential for the place and paid him what he asked for it. He knew what was supposed to happen as well, jut could not wait another year for the money.

1) The "wealth" was built up in the postwar, when you were kids

2) As a libdem, you shouldn't speak of wealth as a good thing, when the standard line is that its superficial, bad for the environment, and its increasing presence spells doom for tis country and those below the upper middle class.

3) The wealth, having been squandered and then regained, is called the Bull Market, whose inception was opposed fanatically by libdems.
yeah that bull market wealth can just evaporate overnight. Paid for land and a savings account is not as likely to vanish.

Wealth is not wealth till it is money or hard assets in hand.