This is about two people , You can guess which two.

See how quick the trumpanzees "jump" to defend tRump even when they know that there is no defense.......lmao

I often wonder if tr trumpanzees "drool" every time that they hear a bell ring.


Maybe they all scream MAGA! whenever they hear a bell.

But it's more likely that they scream "Yeah but Hiiiillllllaaaaarrrry! Benghazi! <burp>"
Well, except that you have no clue whether or not one of the two is a Nazi, or not.

It's Trump and the other could be Putin, Kim, any random Ayotollah in Iran, whoever the current Taliban leader is, Saudi king, Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, etc.

We know beyond a doubt that #TRE45ON is one of them.

Not true. There are a considerable number of conditions that must be met. For example, Putin was elected by majority so he's not a fit. Kim wasn't elected at all unless you want to count the phony election that had 100% of the vote for him as one. The Ayatollahs are not elected. They are theocratic council that runs a puppet government. Same with the Taliban. The king of Saudi Arabia is not elected. Hitler was elected by a minority. Mussolini was not. Hirohito, Japan's emperor was not elected but inherited the position.
I see. It is against the 'law' to discuss Hitler. Who else are we not allowed to mention?

It's not against the law... Godwin's law is analogous to a scientific theory. It holds that an internet discussion that goes on long enough will eventually produce a post that inappropriately references Hitler and / or the Nazis. That is what happened here. Godwin's law holds that the person doing this has lost their argument in doing so.

The exception to that is to demonstrate a clear connection between Hitler or the Nazis and the subject at hand. Simply listing a bunch of vague and general characteristics that could be individually argued over doesn't cut it for that exception. For example, on that list, number 11 is not true for either as a generalized rule. Numbers 14 and 15 are untrue completely. 16 is absurd in one case.

Of course, since no defense or detailed explanation of any of that list has been made, the claim I made stands right now.
Some guy, Godwin, had an opinion. My god, is this news to you?!

What other "scientists" confirmed Godwin's law?

It is a sufficiently widely accepted theorem.'s_law

It is most correctly applied when a poster does so beyond simply invoking Hitler and the Nazis as an epitaph. That is, "You're nothing but a Hitler!" while technically a violation of this law, should be ignored as it is simply a childish insult. On the other hand, attempting to make a lengthy comparison inappropriately to Hitler and the Nazis of something or someone is a clear violation.
Last time, what makes it a theorem? Your own words, I never bother with wiki.

It is a system of ideas based on general observations that explains something. That's the basis for a theory or theorem.

In Godwin's law, the idea expressed is that any internet discussion, if it goes on long enough, will eventually result in an inappropriate reference to Hitler and the Nazis. That idea has been reasonably proven by observation.
It is a system of ideas based on general observations that explains something. That's the basis for a theory or theorem.

In Godwin's law, the idea expressed is that any internet discussion, if it goes on long enough, will eventually result in an inappropriate reference to Hitler and the Nazis. That idea has been reasonably proven by observation.

so? I get to discuss anything I want.
It is a system of ideas based on general observations that explains something. That's the basis for a theory or theorem.

In Godwin's law, the idea expressed is that any internet discussion, if it goes on long enough, will eventually result in an inappropriate reference to Hitler and the Nazis. That idea has been reasonably proven by observation.

"The Debate Over the Word ‘Fascism’ Takes a New Turn

On Tuesday last week, as police officers across the country deployed brutal tactics in response to protests over the killing of George Floyd, the former secretary of labor Robert Reich announced that his old vocabulary — crowded already with harsh words for President Trump — was making way for a new addition.

I have held off using the f word for three and a half years, but there is no longer any honest alternative,” Reich tweeted. “Trump is a fascist, and he is promoting fascism in America.”
"The Debate Over the Word ‘Fascism’ Takes a New Turn

On Tuesday last week, as police officers across the country deployed brutal tactics in response to protests over the killing of George Floyd, the former secretary of labor Robert Reich announced that his old vocabulary — crowded already with harsh words for President Trump — was making way for a new addition.

I have held off using the f word for three and a half years, but there is no longer any honest alternative,” Reich tweeted. “Trump is a fascist, and he is promoting fascism in America.”

That isn't a violation of Godwin's Law because fascism doesn't necessarily involve Hitler or the Nazis. On the other hand, Reich's statement is pretty stupid on its own as he either using the word fascism as a pejorative or he doesn't understand in the least what fascism actually involves.
That isn't a violation of Godwin's Law because fascism doesn't necessarily involve Hitler or the Nazis. On the other hand, Reich's statement is pretty stupid on its own as he either using the word fascism as a pejorative or he doesn't understand in the least what fascism actually involves.

We've been through this. Next.
I did contribute. I made the claim, via meme, that your opening post in this thread violated Godwin's Law by making an inappropriate comparison to Nazis. Am I correct or not? If I am correct in that assertion, then your thread died the minute you posted it because it was and is irrelevant.
hate to see you go but what can I do?