This is about two people , You can guess which two.

You know these weaklings are in pain and frantic , it's the new hate attitude of scum bags hate group they call a party.This I have to say is fun.Beating on these haters, day after day gives me lots of joy. Can't wait for tomorrow.
A theorem is a proposition derived according to the rules of logic from a priori principles. Godwin's law is not a theorem. It isn't a scientic law either. Originally, I believe,
it was a joke.
It's just a bunch of red necks trying to distract from the obvious , that Scum Bag is the American Hitler , here's a fact
Hitler started his routine in 1919 so it took him 25 years to become the monster he was. Scum bag routine started 3 1/2 years ago and he is worse then Hitler was after his first 3 1/2 years. He says he won't leave office if he losses the election. The right who support this crap, want a dictatorship as long as it is their dictator.
It's just a bunch of red necks trying to distract from the obvious , that Scum Bag is the American Hitler , here's a fact
Hitler started his routine in 1919 so it took him 25 years to become the monster he was. Scum bag routine started 3 1/2 years ago and he is worse then Hitler was after his first 3 1/2 years. He says he won't leave office if he losses the election. The right who support this crap, want a dictatorship as long as it is their dictator.

If, as you claim, Trump is worse than Hitler, those like you would have been gone a long time ago.
Let me think.... the Orange Oaf and the Q-Tip?

Which party supports BLM, Antifa and the violence in places like Portland. It took having those cunts burn down a police station and try to block the exits before that ignorant fucker of a mayor spoke up! Oh and if Hitler was anti-science then why there so many scientific breakthroughs in Nazi Germany.

You can thank fuck he hated the Jews so much, otherwise he would undoubtedly have got to building nuclear warheads first. Just imagine if Albert Einstein, Hans Bethe, John von Neumann, Leo Szilard, James Franck, Edward Teller, Rudolf Peierls and Enrico Fermi hadn't fled Europe and joined the Manhattan Project, can you do that?

Remember the 'science hating' Nazis developed both the V1 and V2, the M-262 the first operational jet fighter, heavy water production , stealth bombers like the Horton HO 229 which could have dropped nuclear bombs on New York undetected. The B2 bomber was based on that technology, but Hitler hated science, right?
Which party supports BLM, Antifa and the violence in places like Portland. It took having those cunts burn down a police station and try to block the exits before that ignorant fucker of a mayor spoke up! Oh and if Hitler was anti-science then why there so many scientific breakthroughs in Nazi Germany.

You can thank fuck he hated the Jews so much, otherwise he would undoubtedly have got to building nuclear warheads first. Just imagine if Albert Einstein, Hans Bethe, John von Neumann, Leo Szilard, James Franck, Edward Teller, Rudolf Peierls and Enrico Fermi hadn't fled Europe and joined the Manhattan Project, can you do that?

Remember the 'science hating' Nazis developed both the V1 and V2, the M-262 the first operational jet fighter, heavy water production , stealth bombers like the Horton HO 229 which could have dropped nuclear bombs on New York undetected. The B2 bomber was based on that technology, but Hitler hated science, right?

We have the technology today thanks to Hitler. And we have the Autobahn thanks to Hitler. ;)
Trump Through the Eyes of a Holocaust Survivor
How do the rhetoric of the president-elect and the hate crimes unleashed after his election affect those who have witnessed the worst?

She had hoped that November 8 would be the postlude, not the prelude, to one of the ugliest political chapters in American history. She had hoped, but had never quite believed. When those around her insisted that the Trump phenomenon would inevitably collapse under the weight of so much hate, Vera sensed something else altogether: Donald Trump could do this. Her lived experience had not made her paranoid-it had made her prescient.

Vera grew up in Sopot (Zoppot), Poland, a seaside town outside Gdánsk (Danzig), the "free city" that gave rise to Lech Walesa's Solidarity movement. In 1933, the Nazi Party won a majority of assembly seats in the region. Two years later, after the Nuremberg laws were passed, Vera and her mother, father, and older brother were forced into hiding.

Her memories of Kristallnacht, the wave of violent anti-Jewish pogroms that took place during two nights in November 1938, retain a powerful hold over her. In her in-progress memoir, Blunt Edge, Vera writes, "We heard screaming from the street below … flames and smoke surged from the synagogue across the street, heating the windows of our cousins' apartment. We stood back, in fear of being seen from below as our pink temple burned."

This distant but still-painful past shapes Vera's responses to our American present. She knows that a storyline that blames "the other" for a nation's woes can have a horrible, dark allure, especially during difficult economic times. She understands how easily a charismatic demagogue, armed with a savant-like ability to speak to and conjure ancient fears ("They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists") can transform members of a community into a threat to that same community. She still wears the scars of being rendered a stereotype: no longer an individual but instead a nameless, faceless member of a maligned and hunted collective.