That's not really true. Any state with an income tax uses some of the money gained for state funds toward education. It is true that most of this money is used for the university level of education, but plenty of states also supplement the budgets of certain counties or cities for precollegiate education. The city of St. Louis, for example, had its schools run by the state of Missouri due to some budgeting issues. If I'm not mistaken, this is still the case today for them.
Also, the federal government throws a lot of money at education funding at the collegiate level and precollegiate levels via the Department of Education and, more specifically, through the Title 1 program.
So, there is a lot of money coming from all citizens that goes toward public schools with a wide range of results.
One of the problems that I see, with the Public Schools, is that hardly any of them offer the opportunity for children to earn a trade.
We used to have automotive classes, cooking classes, wood shop, etc.; which prepared the kids to enter the work force and become productive adults.