This is how we will defeat Trump

I stopped discussing economics with you when I realized it was pointless due to your dogma and lack of economic literacy.

I gave you an Securities and exchange data release idiot

you gave nothing but a spew of your own captured minds programming with NO PROOF

you are a russo bot hole[/img]

As adopted, Regulation R provides banks with a transitional exemption until the first day of their first fiscal year commencing after Sept. 30, 2008. This will give banks time to make any necessary changes in their systems and compliance programs and should ensure that banks have time to come into compliance with the Exchange Act provisions relating to the broker definition. This exemptive rule will become effective on the date that the Commission's current order expires, Sept. 28, 2007.

it gave the banks a year to comply

then the markets crashed because they would be responsible to comply

Here's an idea.

How about arresting the lying, cheating, racist, crooked, fucks.

Treat them like you treat Blacks.
SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers
Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented
Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.

this is from the first link in my signature

cold hard FACTS

republicans always lie about everything

I gave you an Securities and exchange data release idiot

you gave nothing but a spew of your own captured minds programming with NO PROOF

you are a russo bot hole

I provided links as well, but you reject anything that puts any culpability on the Democrats.

You'll notice that, when it comes to banking scandals, I don't defend either party, because I understand that the corruption involved is bipartisan. You seem incapable of realizing that no matter what I provide.
I provided links as well, but you reject anything that puts any culpability on the Democrats.

You'll notice that, when it comes to banking scandals, I don't defend either party, because I understand that the corruption involved is bipartisan. You seem incapable of realizing that no matter what I provide.

you provided shit idiot
That is such a nice baby picture of you! It's very telling!

QUOTE=Adolf_Twitler; The Democrats will soon take back both houses- and show the Republicans how it's really done! LOL!

QUOTE=Adolf_Twitler; No! He [Kavanaugh] won't get approved!

QUOTE=Adolf_Twitler; Go ahead! Put a fork in him, because he's just about done! LOL!

QUOTE=Adolf_Twitler; Donald Trump's little boot-licking toadie Mike Pence will be impeached along with DOnald Trump.....
......And Nancy Pelosi will be our new president by default!
MIC DROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Woko Haram,

Lies leading to war are a bipartisan tradition. We were told by both parties that intervention in Vietnam was in our best interests. We were told the same by both parties about Iraq.

As for crashing the world economy, the last major crash was partially due to the Community Reinvestment Act -- legislation that has been amended multiple times in a progressive direction. One of the fundamental lies behind this legislation is that everyone should own a house. In reality, taking on a mortgage should only be done by financially secure individuals and families.

I think the goal should be for everyone to be financially secure enough to own a house before the richest should be able to own multiple houses.

The way to do that is to end the class war and seriously promote the general welfare with vastly more aggressive worker-oriented legislation.

Raise the minimum wage. Implement a maximum executive to average worker pay ratio. If executives wish to raise their own pay they must raise that of their workers accordingly. Sure, create more profits through skillful management, but then share it with those whose labor made that possible.
Hello Woko Haram,

If that's all you can muster for a counterargument, that's pathetic.

I do not agree with your position, but I heartily applaud your candor. You come across far better than the other person who is clearly losing their cool. It is a sign of weakness when someone has so little faith in their argument that they feel they need to resort to derogatory name-calling.

Anyone who has confidence in their position can well display that by simply stating their position in the belief that it is all that is required to counter an opposing view.

Those who have less faith in the strength of their position are the first to resort to attempts to throw the other off their game by insulting them.

Basically, if using insults, it is a show of weakness and shallow conviction.
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Hello Woko Haram,

Everytime banks get bailed out, the people get fucked. There should be very little connection between banks and government. They should be allowed to rise and fall without bailouts.

There were no bailouts in 29. That didn't work out very well.
Hello Woko Haram,

And again, you think Democrats don't play favorites with banks? Even one of your links pointed out how Democrats became more deregulation friendly in the 80s.

Deregulation in and of itself isn't really the problem. The problem is that when banks fall, they get bailed out. That's the real reason they do risky things. The worst case scenario for Wall Street is that they lose money but get it back from taxpayers.

If bailouts weren't part of the equation, then these crashes would happen less often and would be smaller.

Biden is more banker-friendly than DJT.
Hello Woko Haram,

They took people's houses after the crash since we bailed out the banks but not the families who were affected. The Democrats certainly could have changed that when they acquired a supermajority and had the presidency, but they didn't.

If you really think this is about party, you're not paying attention.

Yes. How many executives were jailed after the Great Recession? None? Republicans? None?

Was nobody at fault?
Hello evince,

pretending every time the republicans ideas FAIL that you can FORCE the Democratic party to share your blame is an idea that is OVER

the republicans ideas ALWAYS SCREW THE PEOPLE

Your view is so hopelessly partisan you blind yourself to any digression by Democrats. That's not being well-informed. That's being selectively misinformed.

Get real. Democrats can and do screw up and there are corrupt Democrats. There are good and bad Republicans. It is not one-sided.

Democrat Chris Dodd got special mortgage deals in return for banker-friendly legislation. He was one of the 'Friends Of Angelo.'

They wrote 'FOA' on the top of a loan application and it got green-lighted for the lowest possible rate and nonexistent scrutiny.

Wake up.
Hello evince,

Your view is so hopelessly partisan you blind yourself to any digression by Democrats. That's not being well-informed. That's being selectively misinformed.

Get real. Democrats can and do screw up and there are corrupt Democrats. There are good and bad Republicans. It is not one-sided.

Democrat Chris Dodd got special mortgage deals in return for banker-friendly legislation. He was one of the 'Friends Of Angelo.'

They wrote 'FOA' on the top of a loan application and it got green-lighted for the lowest possible rate and nonexistent scrutiny.

Wake up.

Hello Woko Haram,

If regulations are so great, why is most of the internal migration within the US from blue states into red ones?

I doubt that it is.

Deregulation is substantially better for small business, and yes, even some Democrats understand that, which is why only part of the Democratic party goes along with the higher regulations agenda.

Regulations, like political parties, are not all bad or all good. There are good regulations and bad ones. Also, the effect on business owners should not be the only consideration. Environmental and safety regulations don't always help profits, but greedy business owners always want to be rid of them. Making lots of money is pointless if we have to destroy our own habitat. How about a glass of water with a side of hexavalent chromium and lead? No?
Hello evince,

Your view is so hopelessly partisan you blind yourself to any digression by Democrats. That's not being well-informed. That's being selectively misinformed.

Get real. Democrats can and do screw up and there are corrupt Democrats. There are good and bad Republicans. It is not one-sided.

Democrat Chris Dodd got special mortgage deals in return for banker-friendly legislation. He was one of the 'Friends Of Angelo.'

They wrote 'FOA' on the top of a loan application and it got green-lighted for the lowest possible rate and nonexistent scrutiny.

Wake up.

want the FACTS or are you sticking to the lies reublicans told you

He was completely cleared of the claim
