This is how we will defeat Trump

Countrywide Financial loan controversy[edit]
Further information: Countrywide financial political loan scandal
In his role as chairman of the Senate Banking Committee Dodd proposed a program in June 2008 that would assist troubled sub-prime mortgage lenders such as Countrywide Financial in the wake of the United States housing bubble's collapse.[35] Condé Nast Portfolio reported allegations that in 2003 Dodd had refinanced the mortgages on his homes in Washington, D.C. and Connecticut through Countrywide Financial and had received favorable terms due to being placed in the "Friends of Angelo" VIP program, so named for Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo. Dodd received mortgages from Countrywide at allegedly below-market rates on his Washington, D.C. and Connecticut homes.[35] Dodd had not disclosed the below-market mortgages in any of six financial disclosure statements he filed with the Senate or Office of Government Ethics since obtaining the mortgages in 2003.[36]
Dodd's press secretary said "The Dodds received a competitive rate on their loans," and that they "did not seek or anticipate any special treatment, and they were not aware of any," then declined further comment.[37] The Hartford Courant reported Dodd had taken "a major credibility hit" from the scandal.[38] At the same time, the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee Kent Conrad and the head of Fannie Mae Jim Johnson received mortgages on favorable terms due to their association with Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo.[39] The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and two Connecticut papers have demanded further disclosure from Dodd regarding the Mozilo loans.[40][41][42][43]
On June 17, 2008, Dodd met twice with reporters and gave accounts of his mortgages with Countrywide. He admitted to reporters in Washington, D.C. that he knew as of 2003 that he was in a VIP program, but claimed it was due to being a longtime Countrywide customer, not due to his political position. He omitted this detail in a press availability to Connecticut media.[44]
On July 30, 2009, Dodd responded to news reports about his mortgages by releasing information from The Wall Street Journal showing that both mortgages he received were in line with those being offered to general public in fall 2003 in terms of points and interest rate.[45]
On August 7, 2009, a Senate ethics panel issued its decision on the controversy. The Select Committee on Ethics said it found "no credible evidence" that Dodd knowingly sought out a special loan or treatment because of his position, but the panel also said in an open letter to Dodd that the lawmaker should have questioned why he was being put in the "Friends of Angelo" VIP program at Countrywide: "Once you became aware that your loans were in fact being handled through a program with the name 'V.I.P.,' that should have raised red flags for you."[46]
Hello evince,

You lost the debate in the face of facts huh

If so, you would not have to resort to insults.

the republicans crazy economic ideas that fail every time they are tried caused the world wide economic crash in 2008


Nope. Sorry. That is an opinion. I largely share it, but it is still an opinion. Your inability to distinguish fact from opinion is a weakness. One must be able to put themselves in the shoes of the other, consider their POV before asserting their own. Only then can one feel their view is balanced and macroscopic.
this is what happens to democratic people

The republicans accuse someone of something

it turns out to be nothing OR next to nothing

then the Democratic person tries to believe not all republicans are liars by dissing their own members

and the lying cheating republican party gains from their attempts to see it fairly

the cheating fucking countrywide assholes set this up this way for just this purpose
Hello evince,

you provided shit idiot

I see one poster clearly stating their views and another totally losing their cool.

One comes off well, the other appears completely rattled.

You seem to be struggling with:

"5. Keep your message positive; they want the country to be angry and fearful because this is the soil from which their darkest policies will grow."
Hello evince,

If so, you would not have to resort to insults.

Nope. Sorry. That is an opinion. I largely share it, but it is still an opinion. Your inability to distinguish fact from opinion is a weakness. One must be able to put themselves in the shoes of the other, consider their POV before asserting their own. Only then can one feel their view is balanced and macroscopic.


like Eron?

deregulation for deregulation sake is ALWAYS A DISASTER

read economic history dude

I insult liars

get used to it

its my right
Hello evince,

I see one poster clearly stating their views and another totally losing their cool.

One comes off well, the other appears completely rattled.

You seem to be struggling with:

"5. Keep your message positive; they want the country to be angry and fearful because this is the soil from which their darkest policies will grow."

I fight for facts

I wish you did too
Hello evince,

I see one poster clearly stating their views and another totally losing their cool.

One comes off well, the other appears completely rattled.

You seem to be struggling with:

"5. Keep your message positive; they want the country to be angry and fearful because this is the soil from which their darkest policies will grow."

fear is not how we win

I fight for facts

facts kill fear

being polite to liars doesn't get us anywhere

the convincible need to know when the enemy of democracy is lying
Hello evince,

want the FACTS or are you sticking to the lies reublicans told you

He was completely cleared of the claim


Clearly there are conflicting stories. The accused always try to explain away the accusations.

The highly partisan always believe the best about their own side and the worst about the other.

The truly wise observer will carefully consider all information without prejudice.
Hello evince,

You're not going to like it. Yes, there were corrupt Democrats who took part in the lead up to the crash of 08:

Friends Of Angelo like Democrats Chris Dodd and Kent Conrad Got Special Treatment And Noncompetitive Low Mortgage Rates


he and his policies DID NOT cause the crash

the republicans economic policy did

I never said the Democratic party doesn't suffer fools at times

NO large group is all saints

they are all humans

DODD GOT PLAYED By Countrywide

he did NOT commit CRIMES

theb economic policy of the republicans was Deregulation of everything they could

that gave us the crash

the economy and banks did not crash because Dodd got played by countrywide
Depersonalize him and gut the cult.

1. Don't use his name
2. Remember this is a regime and he's not acting alone
3. Do not argue with those who support him--they will not change their minds.
4. Focus on his policies, not his mental state.
5. Keep your message positive; they want the country to be angry and fearful because this is the soil from which their darkest policies will grow.
6. No more helpless/hopeless talk
7. Support artists and the arts
8. Be careful not to spread fake news. Check it twice.
9. Take care of yourselves, and maintain a sense of humor.
10. Resist.
11. VOTE!

And most important of all Give Bernie Sanders the nomination!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello evince,


like Eron?

deregulation for deregulation sake is ALWAYS A DISASTER

read economic history dude

I insult liars

get used to it

its my right

First of all it is uncouth to use insults at all, and secondly, the people you call liars are often simply giving their opinions. You would come across better if you just stuck to what YOU believe and stop being so judgemental of others. Argue policy and don't get so personal. You're well informed. That is your strength. Any moron can hurl insults. It is the immediate resort of the uninformed to hurl insults. You degrade your views by doing so. And keeping America bitterly divided unwittingly helps Putin.

You know I am closer to your view than to Woko Haram's. I am trying to help you here. You make some good points and then trash them with the trash talk.

Woko is making you come across like a hysterical unhinged person. And doing it with elan.

I've had my say. I'll leave you alone now, evince. Time for me to go do other things besides chatting politics online. I know that if I spend too much time here it is not good for my psyche. You should get away from it more often yourself. There is so much more to life. I'm off to other pursuits. Time away from this to reflect and contemplate is important.
I think the goal should be for everyone to be financially secure enough to own a house before the richest should be able to own multiple houses.

Good lord; how old are you? THREE?

The way to do that is to end the class war and seriously promote the general welfare with vastly more aggressive worker-oriented legislation.

There is no class warfare you uneducated fool. It resides in the minds of idiots like you who are duped into this class envy bullshit. You need to grow up, get an education and stop buying into this Marxist class envy baloney without looking at it's historical failures and the reasons why it ALWAYS fails.
Hello Woko Haram,

I think the goal should be for everyone to be financially secure enough to own a house before the richest should be able to own multiple houses.

The way to do that is to end the class war and seriously promote the general welfare with vastly more aggressive worker-oriented legislation.

Raise the minimum wage. Implement a maximum executive to average worker pay ratio. If executives wish to raise their own pay they must raise that of their workers accordingly. Sure, create more profits through skillful management, but then share it with those whose labor made that possible.

That's not how capitalism works, or industrialization in general. Wealth accumulates at the top through a combination of factors, and some of it is a matter of merit and work ethic. Very few wealthy people inherit their wealth. They usually work long hours to reach the executive level, and they often continue to work long hours at that level.

There are countries like Germany that are more worker oriented through union like structures, but a lot of the reason for that has less to do with law and more to do with culture. Also, up until relatively recently, Germany was comparably homogeneous to America in terms of culture. Germany has always had multiple cultural groups, but said groups have historically had a lot in common with each other in terms of priorities and values. America is very heterogeneous, and while many industries and companies are unionized, these unions don't typically function the same way that Germany's worker groups do.

Also, a lot of German companies are much more democratic than ours, but this wasn't due to law either, it was due to cultural preferences.

In short, government can only do so much in terms of changing work culture in America. For them to function properly for the long term, cultural changes have to be organic rather than state imposed.

You'll also notice that the housing market in a lot of European countries that are more worker oriented doesn't exactly involve most people owning houses. In a lot of Europe, people rent their entire lives. Housing is substantially more expensive in much of Europe than it is here, because a lot of these populations are highly urbanized. America is comparably suburban and rural. For most areas, this makes housing comparably affordable here.

Availability of land and zoning regulations have the most effect on housing affordability. What the average worker makes is actually less significant overall, unless there is a major increase or decrease in pay.

What an executive makes compared to the average worker is far less significant.

Overall, all that more state involvement in business will do is harm the creation of small businesses while encouraging more corporations to increase production elsewhere.
Hello Woko Haram,

And a dumber nation - ideal for politicians who appeal to the hateful, angry uneducated.

That's assuming that 4 year colleges are the only option.

In an environment where 4 year colleges have fewer applicants, more students enroll in community college. And if they pick the right programs, they'll end up with better paying jobs straight out of college than they would have gotten with various 4-year academic degrees.

In short, we should be encouraging more people to enter various blue collar trades. Not everyone is an academic, and frankly, you only need so many academics to run a society. You need far more tradesmen to keep things running properly, which is why we keep having to import tradespeople from other countries. We wouldn't have a shortage in plumbing under the approach I suggest.

Another advantage is that the general public would have far less debt to pay off.