This is the Islam

I said in the op that pinheads defend this shit because its Muslims, not really thinking they would be stupid enough to actually come out and
show it so openly......but all ya gotta do is read the posts, look at the thanks and groans and I'm proven absolutely right again....
Damn, I'm glad I didn't ban the moron Dude from the thread ..... hes is priceless....takes the bait every time....sticks his foot in his mouth and then packs the
entire thing up his ass again where it was to begin ya Dude....

and thanks seem to understand the terror and torture this child suffered...and I hope your not falling for the denial bullshit...
imagine....8 fuckin' years old and raped to death by a barbarian....cause the prophet did it too...

I did not defend anything, mushbrain.
I said in the op that pinheads defend this shit because its Muslims, not really thinking they would be stupid enough to actually come out and
show it so openly......but all ya gotta do is read the posts, look at the thanks and groans and I'm proven absolutely right again....
Damn, I'm glad I didn't ban the moron Dude from the thread ..... hes is priceless....takes the bait every time....sticks his foot in his mouth and then packs the
entire thing up his ass again where it was to begin ya Dude....

You guys are doin' about some more....the posts about Christians while you ignore the topic and then the denials are the best......
that American pinheads defend at every opportunity...

America has a history of hating every culture they are exposed to. Eventually things settle down and there is a new culture to hate.

Some of us pick up on it and question the hate information. Some don't.

I would hate to be a peaceful Islamist trying to make their way to a Country with Freedom of Religion and run into a pre-historic mind just like the ones they ran away from. :fu:
I don't know what this thread is about, haven't read the OP, but I assume it is something criticizing a religion and all the dumbass board liberals falling over themselves rushing to defend it when they would have no problem with a thread trying to take apart christianity.

They criticize ideology every day for years on this site, but criticizing the ideology of islam is off limits and shocking and mean.
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I should just point out that this rape trial has just finished and Michael Le Vell was found totally innocent. He is very famous in the UK for being in Coronation Street for 30 years. It would seem that the child's mother was pursuing a vendetta against him and used the rape charges as a way to get back at him. There was no evidence against him apart from from the mother and child's testimony. Of course the mother is totally protected by anonymity laws whilst he has been subjected to the full glare of publicity for over two years.
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Islam is just as stupid and barbaric as Christianity. The funny thing is that Christians claim credit for the civilizing influence of secularism and blame those secular forces for Islam.

Nova and his ideological stepchild, the fake libertarian, grind are not criticizing religion. They are attacking the foreigners because stupid people have trouble with difference.

Again the premise is that a moderate muslime is someone that doesn't want to blow themselves up. That isn't a moderate, that is just a pussy. They still want Sharia law and they still want everyone converted to Islum. That makes them no different than the Al Queda types.

You can bow down to them if you want, but I won't.

Hell look at your own country. You are turning into Islam every day under your very nose
Islam is just as stupid and barbaric as Christianity. The funny thing is that Christians claim credit for the civilizing influence of secularism and blame those secular forces for Islam.

Nova and his ideological stepchild, the fake libertarian, grind are not criticizing religion. They are attacking the foreigners because stupid people have trouble with difference.

Sorry Bax...wrong again....I certainly am criticizing the religion....Islam shows its barbaric nature in hundreds of ways....especially in the treatment of
women and can just close you eyes to it, or accept, or defend it, see how your comrades handle the issue....they
immediately try to turn to issue to Christians...the very few that sometimes do horrific a equivalence. Rationalization.
Sorry Bax...wrong again....I certainly am criticizing the religion....Islam shows its barbaric nature in hundreds of ways....especially in the treatment of
women and can just close you eyes to it, or accept, or defend it, see how your comrades handle the issue....they
immediately try to turn to issue to Christians...the very few that sometimes do horrific a equivalence. Rationalization.

I think the main point is that both religions have a very violent history, and both religions have their extremists who use the religion for their own agenda.

Any attempt to generalize either religion based on either the history or extremists is just glossed-over bigotry.
Sorry Bax...wrong again....I certainly am criticizing the religion....Islam shows its barbaric nature in hundreds of ways....especially in the treatment of
women and can just close you eyes to it, or accept, or defend it, see how your comrades handle the issue....they
immediately try to turn to issue to Christians...the very few that sometimes do horrific a equivalence. Rationalization.

I am not closing my eyes, you are. All religions attempt to subjugate women. Christians and social conservatives are claiming credit for the influence of secular institutions.


I should just point out that this rape trial has just finished and Michael Le Vell was found totally innocent. He is very famous in the UK for being in Coronation Street for 30 years. It would seem that the child's mother was pursuing a vendetta against him and used the rape charges as a way to get back at him. There was no evidence against him apart from from the mother and child's testimony. Of course the mother is totally protected by anonymity laws whilst he has been subjected to the full glare of publicity for over two years.

The mother's protected because to identify her would be to identify the minor child.

I'm glad LeVell was found innocent and sorry he was the object of such vindictive smears. I hope he sues the mother for what she did. However, when children are involved I think it's better for authorities to assume the worst. Look at Jimmy Savile, fifty years' worth of abuse and he got away scot-free.