This is the Islam

Sorry Bax...wrong again....I certainly am criticizing the religion....Islam shows its barbaric nature in hundreds of ways....especially in the treatment of
women and can just close you eyes to it, or accept, or defend it, see how your comrades handle the issue....they
immediately try to turn to issue to Christians...the very few that sometimes do horrific a equivalence. Rationalization.

the fake libertarian baxter has to always lie about my positions. I do not disagree with what he said about christianity, I just don't feel the need to add an asterisk every time I discuss islam. Nor do I feel the need to prostrate myself when taking it apart. My words should be good enough. "I am responsible for what I say, not what you hear/read." I am consistently anti-religion on this site, but that is not enough. If only the fake libertarian liar could just kill himself, the world would be a better place.
I think the main point is that both religions have a very violent history, and both religions have their extremists who use the religion for their own agenda.

Any attempt to generalize either religion based on either the history or extremists is just glossed-over bigotry.

present day, 20% of muslims believe in death for apostasy. You will not find those type of numbers for christians, I am sure.

They both have violent histories, but currently islam is the top dog for most violent, imo. A lot of it also has to do with the fact that many followers of islam live in shithole 3rd world countries right now, rather than first world educated nations. It is what it is though.
It's been a while since I was living in the middle east, but I certainly met - and came to know quite well - many warm, friendly, generous, tolerant, moderate muslims while there. I have kept in contact with several of them, and one even stopped by in Maine during a vacation he took in the US. Great guy. Eye doctor. Lovely family.
I am not closing my eyes, you are. All religions attempt to subjugate women. Christians and social conservatives are claiming credit for the influence of secular institutions.


That too is bs......all cultures at one time or another tried to subjugate women, more precisely, all men....irrespective of religion or culture.
so its just more strawman crap you libbies throw in the game with the aim to add confusion and derail the issue....
To compare 15th century Christians with 21st century Muslims is bogus....
To compare what is taught by Christians with what is taught by the Muslims is bogus....
To compare the actions of a small minority or Christians with the actions of a large percentage of Muslims is bogus....

Its been quite some time since Christians were cutting the heads from anyone or stoning women half buried in the ground or amputating limbs from people as retribution for anything.
I think the main point is that both religions have a very violent history, and both religions have their extremists who use the religion for their own agenda.

Any attempt to generalize either religion based on either the history or extremists is just glossed-over bigotry.

Wow attempt at civility ?

Try to keep up and can the strawman crap...

we aren't talking sbout history. not the 15th century not the 17th....its about today...after 10 or 12 or whatever millennial of working on being civilized...

we aren't talking about extremists. marrying children and buying and selling children is common in the Middle East, just as honor killing and enslavement of women, etc.
Its condone by their religion...

we aren't 'generalizing' the religion...this is what they believe, what they are taught, it IS who they are.

I'd venture you probably have what you think is a valid reason for them to kill Americans just because they are Americans....for their self proclaimed Jihad against us....
for their barbaric methods of executing captives, usually people that have done nothing to deserve execution...

And please don't give me the stories about all this happening in other parts of the world too....its totally irrelevant......and no excuse.

Marrying and raping an 8 yr. old child to death is too horrific to comprehend by a madman, let alone something that is condoned by anyones religion.
Islam is a rapidly spreading ideology. Its overturning governments. Its numbers surge. Look at Europe, Turkey. Its a thing, and a very real thing.
Turkey is still a secular state though the PM Erdogan is Muslim.

The tradition of Atatürk remains. But I agree the sectarian influence is on the rise - I can't think of any Muslim states in Europe...
It's been a while since I was living in the middle east, but I certainly met - and came to know quite well - many warm, friendly, generous, tolerant, moderate muslims while there. I have kept in contact with several of them, and one even stopped by in Maine during a vacation he took in the US. Great guy. Eye doctor. Lovely family.

Some Americans are just insular and xenophobic and don't understand that the vast majority of humans want the same basic things in life. I never lived in a Muslim country but traveled there, and the people are just as you describe.
It's been a while since I was living in the middle east, but I certainly met - and came to know quite well - many warm, friendly, generous, tolerant, moderate muslims while there. I have kept in contact with several of them, and one even stopped by in Maine during a vacation he took in the US. Great guy. Eye doctor. Lovely family.

i don't think anyone on this board has said there are no good muslims. this is usually a bastardization of what is actually being discussed.

Yes, there are many muslims that don't actually follow their religion, just like there are many christians that don't think it is appropriate for kids to be killed by bears for teasing a man.