Gee, you sound annoyed?? Could it be something I said??
So you are unable to go to ESPN & find it??
Certainly it isn't because you made it up.
NO!!!!! Not you!!!!!!
Rather than play stupid games & make shit up why not just ask??
& if you're gonna make something up, pls, think it over, make it interesting, you have a rep to maintain here, that story was terrible D+ @ best.
Unfortunately I am not going to give you the answer you're looking for.
I think it is neither, it's more complicated than that....... No, it isn't just a white problem.. Cops of all races have gotten complaints, charges & been convicted-it's a human problem..
For many cops it is us Vs them..... That is bad..
Municipalities have been allowed to make up their own rules & the rights of the citizens have been made secondary to those being paid to serve their communities..
They should have no more, nor no less rights than anyone else-going through correctional training does not make you a better person........
If someone can't handle that they should consider another profession...........
On the same token communities need to provide proper training & most certainly proper coverage.. Many cities have little or no money to hire enough police-setting the burden on the ones already out there & over worked........
Anyone doing a stressful job like that, & doing the work load of three others is going to have problems-they're basically being set up to fail/have problems..