This is the real problem?

How childish can you get? You are a joke. Try and take time and make an argument. I assume you can. You just do not do it.

dude.....if you can't face that question honestly don't post.........what you said above merely tells us how fucking stupid lib'ruls can be and still type.........
How the fuck to average or below average students get into prestigious colleges? Take Bush and trump for examples. Their daddies bought their way in, and took seats away from deserving applicants. It goes on with every single college class.

That has more to do with money than color
Originally Posted by floridafan View Post
How the fuck to average or below average students get into prestigious colleges? Take Bush and trump for examples. Their daddies bought their way in, and took seats away from deserving applicants. It goes on with every single college class.

???......paying the full tuition without scholarships or financial aid isn't "buying your way in" need to have a majority of students doing that in order to have "seats for for deserving applicants" who get the scholarships and financial aid........
Gee, you sound annoyed?? Could it be something I said?? :thinking:


So you are unable to go to ESPN & find it??

Certainly it isn't because you made it up.:dunno: NO!!!!! Not you!!!!!!

Rather than play stupid games & make shit up why not just ask??

& if you're gonna make something up, pls, think it over, make it interesting, you have a rep to maintain here, that story was terrible D+ @ best.:laugh:

Unfortunately I am not going to give you the answer you're looking for.

I think it is neither, it's more complicated than that....... No, it isn't just a white problem.. Cops of all races have gotten complaints, charges & been convicted-it's a human problem..

For many cops it is us Vs them..... That is bad..

Municipalities have been allowed to make up their own rules & the rights of the citizens have been made secondary to those being paid to serve their communities..

They should have no more, nor no less rights than anyone else-going through correctional training does not make you a better person........

If someone can't handle that they should consider another profession...........

On the same token communities need to provide proper training & most certainly proper coverage.. Many cities have little or no money to hire enough police-setting the burden on the ones already out there & over worked........

Anyone doing a stressful job like that, & doing the work load of three others is going to have problems-they're basically being set up to fail/have problems..

Then why don't doctors "doing the work load of three others is going to have problems-they're basically being set up to fail/have problems"?
:laugh: you don't.. Your just another lame ass fake....

Fuckin low grade troll, unworthy..........

POS go hide under your girlfriends bed.........

What's wrong, billyboy? Can't take a little heat? Go kiss up to Fowl, she doesn't like me either :laugh:
What's wrong, billyboy? Can't take a little heat? Go kiss up to Fowl, she doesn't like me either :laugh:

You got no heat to give son.........

You can get angry, you'll still be just another lowgrade.:dunno:

I have no idea what else your crying about, but I don't care either...........
You got no heat to give son.........

You can get angry, you'll still be just another lowgrade.:dunno:

I have no idea what else your crying about, but I don't care either...........

Son? I'm not your son, Bill. Unless you were in Phila. in 1959, but I'm far to intelligent to be your stock.

Lowgrade? That's funny coming from you.

Crying? Look who's crying...