This made me smile

cancel2 2022


This from the man who supports wife beaters everywhere! He thinks it's funny to reference killing his wife and burying her! And next he'll be regaling you with his wonderful marriage and his family and how he couldn't participate in the debate because he spent the time in Thailand getting his son dual citizenship. Yep it's all coming, all the washwoman gossip! Another chapter in the JPP memoir! Misogynists everywhere will be flocking here to read his next anti-woman screed!
You can never be a decent guy can you Tom? Why do you hate women?

Oh you have finally returned, but for how long though? That was sent to me by a woman on Facebook. You must have been counting down the days and hours before you came back and managed to wait a whole hour before sharing your bon mots with us.
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Oh you have finally returned, but for how long though? That was sent to me by a woman on Facebook.

Want to know what is hilarious? The dumb twat Dante's reads this and automatically assumes it is written from the mans perspective. This could just as easily be written from the female perspective.

But her tampon string is in a constant state of combustion she can't think properly
Oh you have finally returned, but for how long though? That was sent to me by a woman on Facebook. You must have been counting down the days and hours before you came back and managed to wait a whole hour before sharing your bon mots with us.

Clearly no woman you have met in person would still talk to you. Why does this woman you never met send you quotes?
ILA you ignorant bigoted misogynist, racist rape culture supporter; how's it hanging? Good, fuck you too.
Clearly no woman you have met in person would still talk to you. Why does this woman you never met send you quotes?

Your hate will burn you up, I suggest another rest from this board for the sake of your health. The woman in question I've known for over thirty years, she has a wicked sense of humour and only recently recovered from glandular fever. Something I wouldn't wish on anyone even you.
Want to know what is hilarious? The dumb twat Dante's reads this and automatically assumes it is written from the mans perspective. This could just as easily be written from the female perspective.

But her tampon string is in a constant state of combustion she can't think properly

They are not endowed with much in the way of grey matter and ironic humour is totally outside their paygrade. Anybody that has been married for a long time would find that funny apart from Rune of course. I think his main problem is that he used to be an alcoholic and still really misses the booze. I have found in the past that people with booze problems that give up also seem to lose part of their personality and the ability to laugh at the craziness of our existence. It's almost as if a little light goes out in their soul.
That's quite a stretch even for a moron like you. The Mods are much smarter than that, but carry on.

Actually, no. Knock it off. Find another line of insults or you can compete with Howey on who can be banned the longest in a single year.
Wish I had gotten pool together to see how long it would be before Rune had to Force Ignore Tom.

He was back on the board within an hour of the ban being lifted and hasn't even been to bed since seemingly. You would imagine that in his absence he would have gathered great knowledge to impart to us plebs on his return, sadly not to be.
Actually, no. Knock it off. Find another line of insults or you can compete with Howey on who can be banned the longest in a single year.
