This says basically everything I've wanted to say for a long time and didn't know how

dear fucking idiot,

a democracy means we talk about the ideas and then vote on them and then the majority gets its way.

If you don't like what the founders planed then get the fuck out of the country
so, to you, if a majority votes on it and the minority loses, it's all good? so if a majority votes to make abortion illegal, it's all golden?
dear fucking idiot,

if you hate what the founders left us leave the fucking country
dear fucking moron, you do not understand what the founders left us. let me show you with a founders quote, k?

QUOTATION: “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

A Republic, if you can keep it.
ATTRIBUTION: The response is attributed to BENJAMIN FRANKLIN—at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation—in the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention.
You going to shoot up some public place because you didn't get YOUR way and you fear the police?
Get this straight you fucking brain damaged asshole.

No one fears you on the interwebs.

guns don't shoot through those tubes gundick
when we debate you get NO fucking points for threatening people physically.

mmmmmkay you fucking head job moron
the youth are the ones having the will of the previous generations forced upon them. When the retirement accounts became invested in stocks that used globalization and destroying the economy to juice their short term value and then still wanted those with no future to pay their "fair share", that's when the forcing occurred and it was done with collusion between the private and public sectors.

Where is this idiot claim that the economy is destroyed coming from? It is an idiots premise that can only be made in a vacuum of reality and the facts.

Good lord; extract your head from your ass and get some fresh air into the few brain cells you have dude. The economy isn't "destroyed" unless you manufacture your own definition of what "destroyed" is.

For the clueless:

de·stroy [dih-stroi]
verb (used with object)

1. to reduce (an object) to useless fragments, a useless form, or remains, as by rending, burning, or dissolving; injure beyond repair or renewal; demolish; ruin; annihilate.

2. to put an end to; extinguish.

3. to kill; slay.

4. to render ineffective or useless; nullify[b/b]; neutralize; invalidate.

5. to defeat completely.

Yes, you really are that incredibly stupid.
Well i dont even really prefer the government paying for college. You know my big beef (lol big beef) is with sending as many jobs as possible overseas. This is literally wreckng our economy. In lieu of that trend being reversed, i don't know what the fuck should be done, something "socialismy". Large corporations have completely let down america, though they still want to be worshipped as the "job creators". Fuck them. I guess private enterprise is a sham after all. Right?

None of what you claim is happening. What is it with dullards like you; you just make up your own version of reality so that you can spew utter nonsense on political forums?

Earlier you claimed the economy was being destroyed; now it is mere wrecking?

Here is what is wreaking havoc on our economy; the meme of equality and equal outcomes by using the force of Government to obtain them. Yes, dullards like you are making such farcical moronic arguments FOR bigger authoritarian Government in order to ensure equality of outcomes.

It is a historically failed view that only the most uneducated dullards can have.
None of what you claim is happening. What is it with dullards like you; you just make up your own version of reality so that you can spew utter nonsense on political forums?

Earlier you claimed the economy was being destroyed; now it is mere wrecking?

Here is what is wreaking havoc on our economy; the meme of equality and equal outcomes by using the force of Government to obtain them. Yes, dullards like you are making such farcical moronic arguments FOR bigger authoritarian Government in order to ensure equality of outcomes.

It is a historically failed view that only the most uneducated dullards can have.

It is happening, denial monkey. What is wreaking havoc on the economy is globalization. Most people are just too brainwashed by our fascist institutions to be able to comprehend the reality of the situation. Why? our institutions are controlled by the richest of the rich, who don't want things like solidarity amongst citizens and loyalty to other humans getting in the way of their profit.
so, to you, if a majority votes on it and the minority loses, it's all good? so if a majority votes to make abortion illegal, it's all golden?

Well not quite; you see, brain dead hypocrite Liberal Democrats only agree that it's all good if they are not the minority. If they are in the minority; then Government is bad and it is patriotic to criticize the President. Right now, you're racist if you criticize the President dontchyaknow.

Yes, Democrats and Liberals really are THAT stupid and hypocrites of epic proportions.
It's stupefying to me that evince agrees with TD that globalization is just fine and dandy. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
It is happening, denial monkey. What is wreaking havoc on the economy is globalization.

Wrong dimwit; globalization is a TWO way street and many foreign automobile manufacturers are building their cars here in the USA. But the union blogs you tend to get all your information from don’t consider anything outside of Detroit, the city of failure, as being made in AmeriKa.

There are THOUSANDS of examples of companies coming here to do business. The only thing that gets outsourced is cheap easy to make crap. That’s about it.

For the uneducated dullards, automobile manufacturing as a prime example:

Foreign Direct Investment continues to play an increasingly important role in the U.S. automotive industry. There are now nine foreign-based motor vehicle companies producing vehicles in fifteen auto plants in the United States. The list includes one Korean firm, six Japanese companies and two German companies. To varying degrees these companies have encouraged their traditional supplier firms to co-locate new facilities in the United States to supply their new operations.

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, these manufacturers have investments valued at over $66 billion in the United States ($44.7 billion from motor vehicle producers). Many of these firms, such as Toyota have announced new investments over the next few years. In addition, there are new players on the horizon, including Hyundai’s subsidiary Kia, with plans to open U.S. plants.

The trend has been for the foreign-based companies to locate their operations in the southern United States, away from the traditional center of U.S. auto manufacturing in Michigan, and into areas without strong pro-union sentiment. The most recent new plants or plant announcements, from Hyundai, Kia and Toyota are (or will be) located in Alabama, Georgia, Texas and Mississippi. These foreign-based companies have proven to be good corporate citizens adding high paying, quality jobs to local communities.

Most people are just too brainwashed by our fascist institutions to be able to comprehend the reality of the situation.

Another incredibly stupid claim; do you even comprehend the definition of Fascism? Obviously you do not otherwise you wouldn’t make such incredibly stupid comments and misuse the term.

Why? our institutions are controlled by the richest of the rich, who don't want things like solidarity amongst citizens and loyalty to other humans getting in the way of their profit.

Another incredibly stupid claim that cannot be supported by reality or facts; you really are THAT stupid.

Most companies are controlled by shareholders and large institutional investors like unions and pension funds.

This notion that a tiny cabal of sinister elitist rich people are controlling everything is a paranoid view that suggests a mental deficiency more than anything rational or coherent. My advice would be to seek out professional help.