This says basically everything I've wanted to say for a long time and didn't know how

Slacker gen is the first one wanting better than their parents given to them!
It is boomer parents fault, we raised you nancy boys on video games and free cars at 16.
The truth is most of them will do better, more go to college than ever, especially woman.
Now I'm not going so far as to say a basket weaving or history degree will do it though.
education more and more each day is going to be the key to economic ( I mean the whole country) progress.

If this country does not soon start valuing educating its population then we will be swallowed whole
That's been a problem for decades. The family unit is broken, which IMO is the primary problem with early education in this country. Couple that with conservatives who brag about cuts to education, in an effort to reduce taxation, and the future couldn't have been so hard to predict.

That said, this OP rings hollow on a number of points.

First...the person who penned the article chose to major in (I'm guessing) journalism, in an economy that was moving away from traditional paper publications, and toward electronic delivery? He/She accepts a position that doesn't give medical bennies? I didn't bother to click the link...perhaps the author is an independent contractor...which brings its own set of advantages/flaws that should have been considered prior to making life choices.

Further....previous generation had two choices....get a degree if you have any expectation of earning real money, or go into the labor force. Sure...many who were motivated opened businesses in the service field, and earned a lot of money...albeit through hard labor, and a little luck. made the decision to either take a 4,6, or 8 year vacation in college, or jump into the real world after high school.

College degrees today ensure nothing, which is in stark contrast to years past. Unfortunately, the labor force no longer exists here, so kids today have fewer choices. Which makes their decisions about college more important.

For certain classes, college was automatic. You didn't even consider not going, as it would be an embarrassment to the family if you didn't earn a degree.

I think that mentality has to change. If kids are going to exit college with mortgage sized debt, they'd better make damned sure that they didn't waste 4 years playing beer pong.

Of course, you're asking adolescents to make the right life choices, which is patently absurd to begin with.
Bad degrees economically is absolutely not new! The debt to worthless degree figure is what's changed as Althea points out. College never had a guarantee, but on average on makes millions more over a career.
Which is the main reason for the increased percentage graduates.
Dude, i think your stat about college is a bit out of date. People are coming out of college with a house size debt just for school. And no jobs paying something which would actually allow them to pay it back. Havent you heard of "The New Normal"?
the student debt will have to be reorganized soon.

this time lets make the lenders pay the price of the mess they made
Dude, i think your stat about college is a bit out of date. People are coming out of college with a house size debt just for school. And no jobs paying something which would actually allow them to pay it back. Havent you heard of "The New Normal"?
I've read dozen of studies confirming, and only a fraction saying the benefit is reducing.
40 percent more graduate, as that number climbs the premium falls.
That's why type A's got graduate degrees in the 90's
Your stat is out of date man. Past performance is no indicator of future success. Even masters degrees arent working, dude. The economy is imploding, dude, despite the stock bubble and the "jobless recovery".
Angry bird on food stamps
Listen, I'm sure that's the best you can do, so you are who foods stamps are for.
Those who don't have skills to provide for themselves.

Has YOUR income quadrupled over the past four years? While you've built your own business out of a starting budget of $20? Shut the fuck up; you know nothing and understand even less.
Has YOUR income quadrupled over the past four years? While you've built your own business out of a starting budget of $20? Shut the fuck up; you know nothing and understand even less.
Here's where smart people leave you behind.
My net worth quadrupled over the last six years.
Stop crying and start investing
College degrees today ensure nothing, which is in stark contrast to years past. Unfortunately, the labor force no longer exists here, so kids today have fewer choices. Which makes their decisions about college more important.

Wait, didn't Dude just go off about how 'college nets millions'?

And then he thanks you for this?

So he's got the intellectual consistency of Classic Liberal AND a 4th-grade reading comprehension level.

Actually, wait, nevermind, the 4th-grade reading level explains the thanking -- he just didn't understand your post beyond 'this makes my navel feel fuzzy, press thanx now.'
Here's where smart people leave you behind.
My net worth quadrupled over the last six years.
Stop crying and start investing

How much of your "wealth" is in overpriced stocks? You know if you actually need to cash out those securities the prices will be shit. Only the first seller (the insiders) get their stocks sold at a high value, by the time you get your sell order in the quue it will already be at a low.
Wait, didn't Dude just go off about how 'college nets millions'?

And then he thanks you for this?

So he's got the intellectual consistency of Classic Liberal AND a 4th-grade reading comprehension level.

Actually, wait, nevermind, the 4th-grade reading level explains the thanking -- he just didn't understand your post beyond 'this makes my navel feel fuzzy, press thanx now.'
What do you sell junior, newspapers.
Degrees never guaranteed shit
Your shitty degree would have been shitty in the 80's
It's not your parents fault you are poor
Here's where smart people leave you behind.
My net worth quadrupled over the last six years.
Stop crying and start investing

Net worth is not income. Investing is not work. The only thing you're proving is that your superior attitude is completely unwarranted. Welcome to the land of ignore; your drivel isn't worth continuing to prove stupid over and over again.
Net worth is not income. Investing is not work. The only thing you're proving is that your superior attitude is completely unwarranted. Welcome to the land of ignore; your drivel isn't worth continuing to prove stupid over and over again.
Your restarted and a loser, I worked corporate finance for 28 years while investing to be able to retire at 52. I've forgotten more economics than you'll ever know. Poor boy
Dude making good decisions money wise does not make you a superior human.

Its not a bad thing but it is NOT what makes a person a good person.

grow and lose your hubris