This says basically everything I've wanted to say for a long time and didn't know how

Minus the new innovation of the health plans, you have described the Kaboomers perfectly. The original spoiled brats, ZERO personal responsibility, ONLY whining coming out of your mouths, and unrealistic expectations that gave birth to counterculture and other reactions.

It started with milk and cookies and has evolved to tens of trillions in national debt.

If that's true...then what are you worrying about? It worked out just fine for us.

Patience Grasshopper, patience.
Regarding college degrees, they may not guarantee jobs, but the possession of a diploma is still considered a basic requirement by employers.
That's true but basket weaving and history degrees get you that job in unrelated fields that only require non idiots.
If that's true...then what are you worrying about? It worked out just fine for us.

Patience Grasshopper, patience.

As you alluded to, things such as dignity might matter to a few people. I want to be able to go before my God with a larger boast than that I wasn't born between 1945 and 1965. I also don't want to test the limits that our national treasury can sustain with regard to national debt.
Dude, i think your stat about college is a bit out of date. People are coming out of college with a house size debt just for school. And no jobs paying something which would actually allow them to pay it back. Havent you heard of "The New Normal"?
Those jobs still exist. There are 100 applicants for each of them, though.
Here's a quick, random thought. If right-wingers are supposed to be all about the value of hard work and they're supposed to have this mystically better understanding of the economy, they should be able to answer this question:

If you think people should value hard work, why don't you encourage incentivizing hard work? Because 35 years of flat wages and ever-increasing productivity seems like a pretty damn strong argument that hard work has been pretty powerfully de-incentivized recently. Maybe the problem with kids today isn't that they have a sense of entitlement -- it's that the economy straight up doesn't reward them for working as powerfully as it rewarded people a few decades ago. Fix the incentive problem, and you'll see the work ethic you love so much spring back up like so many May flowers.
Here's a quick, random thought. If right-wingers are supposed to be all about the value of hard work and they're supposed to have this mystically better understanding of the economy, they should be able to answer this question:

If you think people should value hard work, why don't you encourage incentivizing hard work? Because 35 years of flat wages and ever-increasing productivity seems like a pretty damn strong argument that hard work has been pretty powerfully de-incentivized recently. Maybe the problem with kids today isn't that they have a sense of entitlement -- it's that the economy straight up doesn't reward them for working as powerfully as it rewarded people a few decades ago. Fix the incentive problem, and you'll see the work ethic you love so much spring back up like so many May flowers.

Arent those called 'merit raises?'

It absolutely isnt raising the minimum wage to silly heights for unskilled labor which is what we hear more about.
It's about working smarter not harder!
There is exponentially more opportunity for millenials.
But not the buggy whip maker waiting on a come back.
Arent those called 'merit raises?'

It absolutely isnt raising the minimum wage to silly heights for unskilled labor which is what we hear more about.

I couldn't give less of a flying fuck what you're hearing about. I want you to THINK about the fact that wages have remained stagnant while productivity has increased by 175%, and ask yourself what effect that has on the morale and desire of the people working under those conditions to put in the kind of hard work that their parents did. If you reduce people's incentive to do something, do have any right to even be surprised, much less bitch about it, when they do less of that thing?
It's about working smarter not harder!
There is exponentially more opportunity for millenials.
But not the buggy whip maker waiting on a come back.

There are certainly about a million more tools for doing exactly that these days.
I couldn't give less of a flying fuck what you're hearing about. I want you to THINK about the fact that wages have remained stagnant while productivity has increased by 175%, and ask yourself what effect that has on the morale and desire of the people working under those conditions to put in the kind of hard work that their parents did. If you reduce people's incentive to do something, do have any right to even be surprised, much less bitch about it, when they do less of that thing?

I dont 'know' that. I get merit raises all the time. I've also been given excuses, based on the economy and company bottom line, that I'm not 'this time around.' In 2008, as contractors, we were told (the entire hundreds...thousands?...working for a contracting company) that we would ALL get a 10% CUT in our current, signed contracts due to 'the economy.' The company's bottom line was not in danger, it was only about how it 'looked' to investors.

Deal with it. It sucked. Life is like that sometimes. If you know the score...make your choices accordingly.
What gives you the impression that I'm not 'dealing with it'? We're all fucking 'dealing with it'; we don't have a choice. There's not even an option that isn't 'dealing with it.' But the fact that we're obligated to 'deal with it' doesn't mean that we shouldn't be looking at WHY we have to 'deal with it' and WHO made us 'deal with it' and HOW we can avoid this entire scenario in the future.

And you could very easily 'know' that if you did just a few moment's research. Look up wages vs. productivity over the last 30 years. Look up consumer goods price indexes vs. inflation. All the data is out there, all you need to do is take a few moments to put it together for yourself, and then ask yourself the questions I just posed.

Your individual experience is irrelevant. My individual experience is irrelevant. The point is the large scale, not how you or I or any one other person has managed to scrape by. The point is that the entire right-wing bullshit about how it's all the fault of each and every one of the hundreds of millions of people that have managed to keep living despite the wage stagnation and the income inequality is just that -- bullshit.
I'm still waiting for the day you explain WHY. You've got all of this opinion, but you've never once (at least since I've gotten here) given a single actual fact to support it all. I keep asking you to actually debate, and you keep spewing your opinion without offering a single lick of support for anything you say. And you know what -- you can't afford to get into a genuine debate about your beliefs, because if you actually did take the time to offer up the support that you do use to explain your idiocy to yourself, it would get dismantled in a heartbeat by people who a) know how to debate and b)understand the facts.

You hide behind several synonyms of the word 'stupid' and your own overinflated ego because if you actually laid out what you believe and why, you would have to actually examine your own beliefs, and you can't afford to do that, because they don't actually stand up to any level of rigorous scrutiny.

And if you don't believe that, than do it. Get off your intellectually lazy ass and actually argue. Tell me WHY what I say is stupid, not just THAT it's stupid. Do it in a way that someone who doesn't have a good grasp of conservative economic and social theory would understand. Explain your axioms as well as your arguments. Let's see who the real Truth Detector is.

I suspect you're too fucking lazy and stupid to actually step up, and I straight up, elementary-schoolyard double dog dare you to prove me wrong.

I'm amused that you think your posts are not filled with hyperbole, opinion and lies. What facts support Liberal ideologues?
There are none. You claim to be interested in debate; but you're not. In order to be interested in debate you have to use facts. It is painfully obvious facts have no impact on you.

You want to know what I believe? I believe that Progressivism is a mental disease for gullible emotional fools who place their faith in political outcomes rather than free markets.

I am a staunch believer in the Constitution and the limitations it places on the Federal Government. I believe in free market capitalism and an intelligent regulated market. The Federal Governments role should be limited to the nations defense including defending our borders, making treaties and administering our laws. It should not be in the business of re-distribution and subsidizing. All other powers are reserved for the States where they should be.

If you truly wanted to fix what is wrong in America, you can do the following:

Abolish the current tax code which is an abomination and supplant it with a Fair Tax or flat tax.

Mandate term limits on Senators of two terms and Representatives to three terms without the capability of cross over.

Abolish the Department of Labor, Education, Health an Human Services, Housing and Urban Develoment, Energy and Agriculture.

End ALL subsidies.

If you're not interested in doing the above, then you're uninterested in REAL change and ending the partisan bickering, cronyism and lobbying that is a way of life in Washington DC. Anything less is mere window dressing. Those things I listed above are not partisan; they are common sense and the ONLY way to end the political corruption in Washington.

Facts? You would'nt comprehend a fact if it slapped you on your hyper partisan leftist skull. If you did, you wouldn't be a brain dead partisan leftist hack parroting the brain dead talking points of the DNC.

You don't like being told you are stupid; then stop saying incredibly stupid things.

Any other questions I can answer for you?
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