Mott the Hoople
Sweet Jane
I'm offended you would even ask me that. Of course it was! One does not offer to give up sex for cobbler that comes frozen in a box! Come on Darla!Well was it homemade peach cobbler?
I'm offended you would even ask me that. Of course it was! One does not offer to give up sex for cobbler that comes frozen in a box! Come on Darla!Well was it homemade peach cobbler?
I'm offended you would even ask me that. Of course it was! One does not offer to give up sex for cobbler that comes frozen in a box! Come on Darla!
I know what you mean Darla. I do something similiar when I'm with a group of ladies and they start babbling about "God knows what!" so I have perfected the art of Manlistning (which, as you must surmize, is the corrollary to mansplaining.). I'll mansplain manlistning to you just in case one of these clowns in your group tries to pull it off on you.I'm telling you that's what they've said to me. You have to see the shit I listen to. I was at this group last week, I go every week and this is a very closed, very hard core networking group (I was actually investigated for three weeks before being accepted and had to be recommended by a member just to be considered) and what a rant they were on! I LMAO, every single one of them could have been a poster here, there was even a tinfoil! I keep my politics very under my hat, only my closest networking buds know them. When guys ask (and it's always guys) I actually give them the ole "Oh i don't follow politics" or "oh really? i don't look at the news" followed by a "your big-man brain really understands this stuff wow" look. I crack myself up. It's hard to keep a straight face.
I know what you mean Darla. I do something similiar when I'm with a group of ladies and they start babbling about "God knows what!" so I have perfected the art of Manlistning (which, as you must surmize, is the corrollary to mansplaining.). I'll mansplain manlistning to you just in case one of these clowns in your group tries to pull it off on you.
Manlistning has three steps.
Step# 1. "Active Listening.". This is when she starts babbling and you drop a " what happened?"
She: "Oh my gosh, I just heard about my best friend Sarah's Aunt Lucy. She was such a freak, she actually died having rough sex with a large Norewegian sailor in a barka lounge......."
He: " what happened?"
Step #2 "The Throwback." This is where you "throwback" the conversation to her because she really wants to talk about herself anyways.
She: So have you ever been to Norway?
He: Yes, it's a lovely country. Have you ever been to Norway?
She: No but I've like always wanted to go there cause I've heard about the fiords and the large sailors and you can get some really nice sweaters there and I've been like saving for a long time to go there.......
The last step to manlistening is the callback. What better way to prove to her that you've been actively listening then to use the "call back" where you recall part of a previous conversation.
She:.....So after I pulled the turkey out of the oven and put the fire out Then Sarah like tells me I shouldn't have basted it with hot buttered rum.....
He: Sarah? She's the one with the freaky Aunt Lucy, right?
She: "Yes, that's right, my you're a good listener, and like she may know way more about basting a hot buttered turkey than I do but i can tell you that she's really starting to let herself go.......
So guys remember these three basic principles of manlistning and you will convince any woman that you have the sensitivity to really care about what she has to say.....even if you really don't have that first clue as to what the hell she's babbling about. what happened?I can see you put a lot of work into this Mott! LOL
I do this too, I always say "uh-huh" when I'm not listening. (I don't get as elaborate as you, but maybe that's because unlike men I don't have to make a big show of listening in order to get sex, I just have to say; "Sex?") My ex always knew it, he'd stop immediately and say, you're not listening to me. And I'd laugh and listen. It's weird because my guy now doesn't know that, and I feel like he knows me better than my ex. I can never figure it out. Anyway, it's not just a male thing! You think I want to hear about golf? Basketball?
Yep. Mott called it. You really need to get laid. This may be the most advanced case of lackofnookie the world has seen. Good thing you don't have a gun.
The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats are ashamed of what they have earned where as Republicans are very proud of everything they've stolen.![]()
followed by a "your big-man brain really understands this stuff wow" look. I crack myself up. It's hard to keep a straight face.
Why would you be proud of what you've stolen unless your a giant life asshole?why would you be ashamed of what you've earned unless you were a giant life-sap?
Can't keep a good man down!!send someone my way then . .![]()
I'm telling you that's what they've said to me. You have to see the shit I listen to. I was at this group last week, I go every week and this is a very closed, very hard core networking group (I was actually investigated for three weeks before being accepted and had to be recommended by a member just to be considered) and what a rant they were on! I LMAO, every single one of them could have been a poster here, there was even a tinfoil! I keep my politics very under my hat, only my closest networking buds know them. When guys ask (and it's always guys) I actually give them the ole "Oh i don't follow politics" or "oh really? i don't look at the news" followed by a "your big-man brain really understands this stuff wow" look. I crack myself up. It's hard to keep a straight face.
And I bet those guys keep crawling back for more.![]()