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OK AHZ, this is where our lines are crossed. Violent ACTS is what you are talking about and this thread started with suggestions on the "pro-life" board that something should be done about a specific individual. You then compared that to the more nebulous threats made by moslem groups about beheading infidels. That was where I was trying to make the distinction and I may not have been clear enough about it. Threats towards nebulous groups are protected while threats against specific people are not, that is all that Brandenburg says. So I apologize for any continued agitation which I now think is you and I talking about two seperate things. Action vs threats.Yes, and Im shifting the argument slightly to avoid admitting he's right.![]()
It is whacked if true. The dictator can send swat teams down on the people, pour burning oil on them etc. because he doesn't know who they are individually, but any talk against the dictator is outlawed because everyone knows his name. This is an irrational legal position which protects powerful individuals, but leaves people in general unprotected.