Thou Shall Not Steal! How Government Destroys Moral Character

There are plenty of wild places you could become a hermit. You could also buy a piece of land to become a hermit on.

It is simply the fact that living in society is so comfortable, so much easier, that those who protest against taxation don't have sufficient courage of their convictions to do it.

If people want to return to natural freedoms, they should have the bollocks to do it....

Once again this is rubbish, there simply are not enough places. And you could not buy that land without paying taxes, thus enforcing the fricking idea that there is no real place to go to get away from that. If you didn't pay the tax they would kick your ass off the land and probably put you in prison. This is the most disingenuous argument I have ever seen you make AOI. Especially the "buy a piece of land" part. There is nothing more hilarious than pretending there is actual land ownership in a society where you only rent from the government.
When the majority realizes it can take from the minority to spend on themselves...

That is why we operate representative government and not democracy a la Rousseau's general will.....
It doesn't change the general premise. There are many who vote to take from the minority in order to give to themselves. So it doesn't change the premise of the article on whit.
Ban all paid lobbyists. Only lobbyists minimal expexses could be reimbursed. And they would not be allowed to funnel any money to campaigns.
There is nothing more hilarious than pretending there is actual land ownership in a society where you only rent from the government.

Especially in the US, there are plenty of isolated places you could use.

If you wanted to, you could buy the land, you might have to pay taxes on the land but once that is done you are tax free.

Provided you don't enjoy the benefits of a stable society, ie earn money, buy things, provided you can survive from your land, you won't have to pay taxes.

What's so hard about that?
There are many who vote to take from the minority in order to give to themselves.

Unless the rights of minorities are protected and you operate a representative government.
There is nothing more hilarious than pretending there is actual land ownership in a society where you only rent from the government.

Especially in the US, there are plenty of isolated places you could use.

If you wanted to, you could buy the land, you might have to pay taxes on the land but once that is done you are tax free.

Provided you don't enjoy the benefits of a stable society, ie earn money, buy things, provided you can survive from your land, you won't have to pay taxes.

What's so hard about that?
any, Property taxes are an annual thing here, not a one time shot.
There is nothing more hilarious than pretending there is actual land ownership in a society where you only rent from the government.

Especially in the US, there are plenty of isolated places you could use.

If you wanted to, you could buy the land, you might have to pay taxes on the land but once that is done you are tax free.

Provided you don't enjoy the benefits of a stable society, ie earn money, buy things, provided you can survive from your land, you won't have to pay taxes.

What's so hard about that?
No, you can't. You have to pay your annual tax or you will be removed from the property and likely end up in jail for tax evasion. You keep insisting that I can own property in a place where you have to pay a yearly rent.
any, Property taxes are an annual thing here, not a one time shot.

Surely only if you are connected to or use local amenities such as roads, garbage collection etc?

If not, and you wished to be a hermit, or return to natural freedoms, there are plenty of places around the world where you can buy land and not ever be disturbed.

Even in the UK, where we have very little space, you can buy land and live on it, provided you don't use local council amenities, have an income or trade with those in society you can avoid taxation.
Here the taxation is independent of any services. You just pay it or the govt takes your land and auctions it off.
any, Property taxes are an annual thing here, not a one time shot.

Surely only if you are connected to or use local amenities such as roads, garbage collection etc?

If not, and you wished to be a hermit, or return to natural freedoms, there are plenty of places around the world where you can buy land and not ever be disturbed.

Even in the UK, where we have very little space, you can buy land and live on it, provided you don't use local council amenities, have an income or trade with those in society you can avoid taxation.
Nope. It doesn't matter if you are connected to anything. You pay taxes for property here.
Any, No one in "The land of the free" really own property, we just rent it for a year at a time from the government.
But Any, We are convinced this is the best country in the world, how can we leave ?

It doesn't seem conducive to living by natural freedoms, which is ironic considering the strong libertarian persuasion in American national mythology....
exactly any, so SHOVE it.

Shove what? It's not my fault you have to pay annual property taxes to the government.....
But Any, We are convinced this is the best country in the world, how can we leave ?

It doesn't seem conducive to living by natural freedoms, which is ironic considering the strong libertarian persuasion in American national mythology....

Yeah , we do have a lot of mythology poked down us in school.....
And many still soak it up till the day they die.
the strange thing is that libertarians, well some promote a property tax based system instead of income tax based. I never understood that, obviously ;)
Yeah , we do have a lot of mythology poked down us in school.....
And many still soak it up till the day they die.
the strange thing is that libertarians, well some promote a property tax based system instead of income tax based. I never understood that, obviously ;)
Only some of them do. Most promote Sales Taxes... Basically a Usage Tax.

Also some promote private roads, etc. There is a weird mix of Libertarians....