Thou Shall Not Steal! How Government Destroys Moral Character

Yeah , we do have a lot of mythology poked down us in school.....

Having a nation mythology isn't a bad thing. We have a mythology in the UK; King Arthur and the round table (equality), Robin Hood (protecting the weak), etc etc

The thing is, the US is a much, much younger nation and so the sources of its mythology are relatively recent.

The mythology of pursuing an abstract notion of freedom, of self sufficiency and independent isolation, of survival of the fittest (capitalism) were all born in America's birth.

Believing mythology as fact is obviously flawed (take a look at the religious) but having a mythology gives the nation character and creates the feeling of nationhood....

It is only when people take the mythology as literal fact that problems occur.
It is only when people take the mythology as literal fact that problems occur.

Yep, and it seems to be a Republican trait to accept / promote mythology as reality....
What do you mean? Arthur wasn't real?!!!

Probably... Maybe....

He was, like Robin Hood, probably a composite character, an amalgamation of many characters.

Certain things are real, Tintagel castle exists as did the Pendragon bloodline....
Yep, and it seems to be a Republican trait to accept / promote mythology as reality....

Mythology is easily used as a political tool, take for example the Nazi use of mythology...

Note for Repos... That wasn't a comparison between the two parties.....
any i am getting tired of your statements saying we should go elsewhere if we don't like it. Liberals have complained often of the rights staple use of the "love it or leave it" mentality and what you are doing is exactly the same thing.

I'm not going anywhere.