Thousands beaten, raped in Irish reform schools

An image your Church thinks is so bad that it protects the very people who do it. And then you support their actions.

Even a godless wonder like me is more morality upstanding than the Holy See?

Who'd have thought it?

An image your Church thinks is so bad that it protects the very people who do it. And then you support their actions.

Even a godless wonder like me is more morality upstanding than the Holy See?

Who'd have thought it?
It appears that God and facts are yours to choose to ignore.
WE have clearly demonstrated that you will dodge, dance, and play at semantics to avoid any condemnation of an organization that has repeatedly been an accessory-after-the-fact to the crimes of child molestation and child abuse and has, through inaction, enabled these crimes to continue.
Actually, the only thing that you have clearly demonstrated is your intent to bash the Catholic Church.
Actually, the only thing that you have clearly demonstrated is your intent to bash the Catholic Church.

You would like it that way. But I have expressed universal disgust with pedophiles and those who protect them.

You on the other hand have done everything except condemn the organization responsible for continuing these pedophile's access to kids.

I bash the catholic church's policies and practices of protecting priests who abuse kids. Guilty as charged. I have not bashed the church without basis for my disgust. I have also not bashed the church on any subject except this one.
A God who condones child abuse?

I'm not a religious type but even i don't remember the parable of the misunderstood paedophile and the flirtatious child.

I must have missed that parable too. Does anyone else find it strange that the church condemns gay marriage but hides and protects pedophiles?
A God who condones child abuse?

I'm not a religious type but even i don't remember the parable of the misunderstood paedophile and the flirtatious child.
I don't remember that one either. You may be thinking of something you read in public school... :p
You would like it that way. But I have expressed universal disgust with pedophiles and those who protect them.
Actually, I don't remember you bashing the public school system, worse on a percentage and numerical basis, or homosexuals, far, far worse on a percentage basis.
Wasn't that the UN's child prostitution scandal? :pke:

The UN wouldn't be involved in child prostitution and if they were it would probably be just a few bad apples, the UN charter has rules which probably says it's allowed and you're just bashing the UN unfairly. :mad:
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Actually, I don't remember you bashing the public school system, worse on a percentage and numerical basis, or homosexuals, far, far worse on a percentage basis.

I did not follow your bait to change the direction of this thread but I certainly want anyone involved in abusing kids or protecting those abusers from prosecution to be severely punished.

Homosexuals are worse on a percentage basis? What basis do you have for saying they are worse? Most child abusers are straight white males.
The UN wouldn't be involved in child prostitution and if they were it would probably be just a few bad apples, the UN charter has rules which probably says it's allowed and you're just bashing the UN unfairly. :mad:

The UN wouldn't be involved in child prostitution and if they were it would probably be just a few bad apples, the UN charter has rules which probably says it's allowed and you're just bashing the UN unfairly. :mad:
If they have rules like that the blasted French must have wrote 'em.
I did not follow your bait to change the direction of this thread but I certainly want anyone involved in abusing kids or protecting those abusers from prosecution to be severely punished.

Homosexuals are worse on a percentage basis? What basis do you have for saying they are worse? Most child abusers are straight white males.

Wow did you read this before you hit the :submit" button? Because there are two glaring inconsistencies in your argument.

1. You didn't take the bait but you just did.
2. Percentage basis cannot be logically compared with an overall quantity from a much larger group.
Wow did you read this before you hit the :submit" button? Because there are two glaring inconsistencies in your argument.

1. You didn't take the bait but you just did.
2. Percentage basis cannot be logically compared with an overall quantity from a much larger group.

If there are 50 million straight white males and 500,000 commit the crime of child abuse that would mean 1% of straight white men are abusers.

If there were 2 gay, hispanic, left-handed, miopic men in the US and one of them molested a child then 50% of the gay, hispanic, left-handed, miopic men are child abusers.

But where is the greater danger?

And what is the basis for your statement that homosexuals are worse? Using percentages or overall quantities I have not seen anything saying homosexuals are worse.
If there are 50 million straight white males and 500,000 commit the crime of child abuse that would mean 1% of straight white men are abusers.

If there were 2 gay, hispanic, left-handed, miopic men in the US and one of them molested a child then 50% of the gay, hispanic, left-handed, miopic men are child abusers.

But where is the greater danger?

And what is the basis for your statement that homosexuals are worse? Using percentages or overall quantities I have not seen anything saying homosexuals are worse.

The fact that a higher percentage of homosexual males are pedophiles compared with the percentage of males overall are pedophiles is well documented.