Thousands beaten, raped in Irish reform schools

The fact that a higher percentage of homosexual males are pedophiles compared with the percentage of males overall are pedophiles is well documented.

It is? I have seen no such documentation. Care to share a link?
All that would do is satisfy your trolling desire.

Oh I see. So when you demand a link it is just to have the poster prove what they say. But when someone demands a link from you it is for nefarious reasons?

Must be handy to slant things like that.

So you don't have any proof just your own suspicions. And you have already stated that having numerous people in their 50s to 80s give consistent testimony is just spin. So your suspicions don't mean much.

You refuse to provide a link? Then your opinion is baseless. *shrug*
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Oh, what the hell:
Contrary to the homosexual assertion that heterosexual molestations outnumber those committed by homosexuals, Yale and Harvard-connected psychiatrist Jeffrey Satinover states that "careful studies show that pedophilia is far more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals." Satinover adds, "The greater absolute number of heterosexual cases reflects the fact that heterosexual males outnumber homosexual males by approximately 36 to 1. Heterosexual child molestation cases outnumber homosexual cases by only 11 to 1, implying that pedophilia is more than three times more common among homosexuals."

Took you a while to find that link?

Here is what I found at

"Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual (Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147)."

"In a more recent literature review, Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy (1998) similarly cautioned against confusing homosexuality with pedophilia. He noted, "The man who offends against prepubertal or immediately postpubertal boys is typically not sexually interested in older men or in women" (p. 259). "

"This well known lack of a linkage between homosexuality and child molestation accounts for why relatively little research has directly addressed the issue. Proving something we already know simply isn't a priority. Indeed, a commentary that accompanied publication of the 1994 study by Jenny et al. in Pediatrics noted that debates about gay people as molesters "have little to do with everyday child abuse" and lamented that they distract lawmakers and the public from dealing with the real problem of children's sexual mistreatment (Krugman, 1994)." (this fits well here, dont you think?)

The point that is missed when you just study statistics is that the cases of gays and lesbians sexually molesting children is very rare. Most molesters are living as straight males or are exclusively pedophiles. A true pedophile is not attracted to adults at all and so is not heterosexual or homosexual.

Also since many pedophiles molest prepubescent boys they are not attracted to attributes of males but of children.

Young girls are much more carefully watched in our society. Young boys provide much easier access for the pedophile.
Took you a while to find that link?

Here is what I found at

"Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual (Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147)."

"In a more recent literature review, Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy (1998) similarly cautioned against confusing homosexuality with pedophilia. He noted, "The man who offends against prepubertal or immediately postpubertal boys is typically not sexually interested in older men or in women" (p. 259). "

"This well known lack of a linkage between homosexuality and child molestation accounts for why relatively little research has directly addressed the issue. Proving something we already know simply isn't a priority. Indeed, a commentary that accompanied publication of the 1994 study by Jenny et al. in Pediatrics noted that debates about gay people as molesters "have little to do with everyday child abuse" and lamented that they distract lawmakers and the public from dealing with the real problem of children's sexual mistreatment (Krugman, 1994)." (this fits well here, dont you think?)

The point that is missed when you just study statistics is that the cases of gays and lesbians sexually molesting children is very rare. Most molesters are living as straight males or are exclusively pedophiles. A true pedophile is not attracted to adults at all and so is not heterosexual or homosexual.

Also since many pedophiles molest prepubescent boys they are not attracted to attributes of males but of children.

Young girls are much more carefully watched in our society. Young boys provide much easier access for the pedophile.

So your argument is that a man who screws a boy up the butt isn't gay.
You are quick to jump on the "Gay are child molesters" bandwagon. But you are reluctant to say anything bad about priests molesting kids or about the church organization protecting them.
You are quick to jump on the "Gay are child molesters" bandwagon. But you are reluctant to say anything bad about priests molesting kids or about the church organization protecting them.
Again I don't defend what these perverts have done; I merely put things in perspective for all you Catholic bashers.
You dismissed the testimony of thousands of victims even though it was "overwhelming, consistent testimony" as spin.

So yep, you did defend the church and deny its involvement.
I'm not an attorney so I didn't defend it, nor did I deny anything. I prefer to let whatever court decide on its own instead of piling on with you and all the Catholic bashers.