Thousands die of flu every year

It's sad. They are literally in a prison of fear of their own making.

There are a lot of sheeple about. They don't understand that doing it to get along is actually pissing people off.

Absolutely we understand, pissing people like you off is one of the great joys of life

Get the fuck out of our restaurant. Problem solved.
Agreed. Pretty sure the mask mandates are nothing more than behavior modification/ habit building tools. If you can get someone to do something for three consecutive weeks it becomes a habit. Just the way it is. Thus the reason we sometimes see people wearing masks when they are riding all alone in their own car or hiking alone in the middle of the deep woods...:laugh: Lots of weak minded people these days. Real shame....
Glad to see you back! :)

But yeah, this mask shit is accomplishing a lot for the tyrants of the world. It is modifying human behavior... it is instilling fear into people, which causes them to lose sight of logic... it is causing people to forget about how an immune system works, and to forget about how herd immunity works... it is leading weak minded people to willingly put themselves into fear prisons of their own making... It is "getting the foot in the door" for medical tyranny, of which we are already witnessing with the push for forced medical procedures (forced vaccinations, atm) and "vaccine passports" in order to participate in society.

We need to be actively resisting this tyranny. PRONTO! We need to be creating networks and coming together as communities to resist these Satanic evils.

The Christian churches (at least in my area) have been pretty silent and complacent with this tyranny, haven't they? Has anybody else noticed this?
Get the fuck out of our restaurant. Problem solved.
Then don't bitch when other restaurants require that masks be removed in order to enter.

I'm just curious... Are you also on board with forced kidney transplants? Forced lung transplants? Forced gastric bypass surgeries?

You can get by with losing a kidney... Someone on dialysis could really use your healthy kidney. You should be mandated to undergo kidney transplant surgery. It's for "the greater good".

You can get by with losing a lung lobe or two. People with COPD and cystic fibrosis could really use your healthy lung lobes. You should be mandated to undergo lung lobe transplant surgery. It's for "the greater good".

It is not healthy for people to be obese. Don't you also think that anyone who has a BMI over 26 should be mandated to undergo gastric bypass surgery? It's for "the greater good".
Get the fuck out of our restaurant. Problem solved.

That image is for you genius. I wouldn't go near a restaurant that has mask requirements.
You worry about the China virus, I choose to do otherwise.
Be afraid, be very afraid.

That image is for you genius. I wouldn't go near a restaurant that has mask requirements.
You worry about the China virus, I choose to do otherwise.
Be afraid, be very afraid.

You posted it pal. Please keep your distance from intelligent people. Thanks in advance.