Threats to President Obama will not be Tolerated on this Forum


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I have complained to Generic, aka The Site Administrator about Howey's lying post reply to me about my threatening the life of President Obama. "One way" or "another way", I bet that I get the JPP Forum rules changed to not allow any violent threats against President Obama whether in jest or not, period. Right now I am in the "one way" stage but it will get done, trust me on that one. The "another way" will come tomorrow if the "one way" proves fruitless....capisce, forget about it
I bet that you say uncle first DipSheep, laugh all you want, it will not hep you. I have that email ready to go to the Secret Service and I will post it right now if you ask nicely. You got that arrogant uppity Lib attitude and you really need an attitude adjustment and the SS will give it to you through the JPP Forum big wigs...LOL...I expect a full online public apology and retraction from this house butt boy named Howey.
I should add that if any agency asks for our cooperation, we will comply. Just because we don't have a rule against it doesn't mean we support it or the poster.
Please. For all the racism and bigotry that goes on here, with you in the middle of that mix, you have your nerve.
I should add that if any agency asks for our cooperation, we will comply. Just because we don't have a rule against it doesn't mean we support it or the poster.
I will try my best to make your implementation of a new rule change possible just as you stated here. Even though I am not an Obama fan per se, I personally do not dislike him as a person at all, never have, never will. The fact that he plays golf is pretty cool in itself and I also liked Bill Clinton, but I just think Capitalism with a heart is the way to go. Anyway, thank you for the input, it was very enlightening.
I will try my best to make your implementation of a new rule change possible just as you stated here. Even though I am not an Obama fan per se, I personally do not dislike him as a person at all, never have, never will. The fact that he plays golf is pretty cool in itself and I also liked Bill Clinton, but I just think Capitalism with a heart is the way to go. Anyway, thank you for the input, it was very enlightening.

I just said there is no rule change. But if the SS asks to talk to you, don't be surprised.
I just said there is no rule change. But if the SS asks to talk to you, don't be surprised.
Great I have nothing to hide, you must know by now that I am not afraid to express myself? Do you personally think that the SS would want posters bringing up that dangerous subject matter publicly like in Public Political Forums? I just Googled that Howey post and it showed up, were you aware of the fact that they show up on Google? I sure don't want to be a trouble maker, but come on, this needs to be covered by just one of all those rules you have, not just in my opinion, but I bet in the opinion of every normal thinking US Citizen, Democrat or Republican. Why should that subject be allowed on this Forum, for what reason, it is a veiled terrorist threat in a roundabout way? If the SS asked your Forum Board to change your rules, you said you would, why not do it yourselves, why is it necessary to get the Feds involved? Do you personally think that it was correct for Howey to say what he said to me, "Like When you threatened to "blank" Obama", whether in a question form, a joke, whatever? To the average non member reader, it sounds as if I made that threat, and I will get that retracted one way or another, sorry about that.
sjj is a terrorist. he wants to blow up america.
I expected more from you Blood, butt that Liberal ameba in you just had to show itself. Libs are brainwashed from early childhood, so I really do understand your Leftist position with this childish post. We will see who wins this one, butt if you boot me off for speaking my piece, so be it, then it will really hit the fan so be careful Folks. I would not be able to handle this Forum by myself, and I might have to hire a few of you to help me run my new Forum...LOL
Great I have nothing to hide, you must know by now that I am not afraid to express myself? Do you personally think that the SS would want posters bringing up that dangerous subject matter publicly like in Public Political Forums? I just Googled that Howey post and it showed up, were you aware of the fact that they show up on Google? I sure don't want to be a trouble maker, but come on, this needs to be covered by just one of all those rules you have, not just in my opinion, but I bet in the opinion of every normal thinking US Citizen, Democrat or Republican. Why should that subject be allowed on this Forum, for what reason, it is a veiled terrorist threat in a roundabout way? If the SS asked your Forum Board to change your rules, you said you would, why not do it yourselves, why is it necessary to get the Feds involved? Do you personally think that it was correct for Howey to say what he said to me, "Like When you threatened to "blank" Obama", whether in a question form, a joke, whatever? To the average non member reader, it sounds as if I made that threat, and I will get that retracted one way or another, sorry about that.

No, I said we'd cooperate if they asked for info. They've been involved here before and we didn't change our rules then
sjj poisons water supplies.
If you really want to show your huevos Blood, why don't you say what Howey said to me verbatim, directly word by word, not all this rediculous one liner BS to get attention or maybe you are showing US that you are still on the job...LOL...I am still the main man. PS, if you do post that threat, you will become involved with the SS just as Howey will be shortly so take care Blood. I know that you are trying to make points with your bosses, butt try to use your wet noodle a little..capisce?
No, I said we'd cooperate if they asked for info. They've been involved here before and we didn't change our rules then
Fine, but if the Secret Service says that any more "Blank" Obama posts like Howey posted to me are out of order and of a terrorist nature, are you still going to not change any rules? That does not make sense when it is such a simple matter to issue a rule that states any attempts to insinuate violence against our President is forbidden, how does that hurt this Forum? Why would you even want the Feds getting involved here, because once they get their foot in the Forum door, etc etc etc? You really should have had a talk with Howey just like you people have done in the past with me and everyone else on this Board for stuff not near as bad as what Howey posted to me. You could stop all these proceedings and I will wait for a Howey full retraction and apology before I proceed on. I want you to know that I will take this further if Howey does not take it back and apologize to me online. I will wait a few days more and if you feel that you want to kick me off and protect Howey, then so be it, because I am not backing down. As far as info goes, my Howey post link or my screen shot of the Howey post will do the trick with the SS, they don't mess around with posting threats. Why are you all protecting Howey, is there something there that I do not get yet? Is Howey one of the in-crowd boys?
Dude I have no clue what you're smoking but its gotta be strong stuff. If you think howey broke the law report him. We aren't protecting anyone, least of all him.
SJJRSJJS, I still think you're just yanking everyone's chain for fun, but this forum doesn't need to ban things that are explicitly illegal elsewhere. Talking about killing the president is illegal ... do they really need to say it again here?

I know they DO explicitly ban talking about kids & sex which is also illegal, and I shudder to think of the history that made that rule necessary. Hopefully I'm over-imagining it.

But in general - if it's illegal in the "real world" it's illegal here. Don't really need to mention it.

Ok, that was too much typing for a Monday morning... Hope everyone is waking up to a beautiful day! We got some rain last night; cooled it over beautifully, smells great outside, so it's a good day! too bad I have to work...