it took Rune fifteen minutes....
Another lie, liar, and one I can readily disprove, by the way...
it took Rune fifteen minutes....
I have PMP on IA...isn't he another yurt sock account?
same stupid talking points
regurgitating the same old fucking lies non stop.
you people make me wont to wretch
But he's got you agreeing with him, so likely he has no hope at all.
Your avatar is even more disgusting than your comments by the way, proving that even the lowest of the low can still sink lower.
I have been on the internets talking to people for over a decade now.
I have twice gone non insult for a year.
Both times I was merely treated WORSE by the right for my efforts.
invective has it place when people are so fact adverse they need shaming for their complete lack of
respect for the facts.
I doubt it
there are just allot of these creepy assed cracker party weasels in this country.
they are just so consistently weasely they all seem like the same person.
shaming them non stop until they accept facts or are permenantly labeled the idiots and liars that they are being.
This thread has my name on it. Try to talk a bit more about me and a lot less about Rune, PMP, Desh, and Yurt.
..I may be a bit more diplomatic though
You are new.
I was "a bit more diplomatic" when I first came here too.