Tiebreak votes for JPP awards (READ POST BEFORE VOTING)

Vote Once Per Category

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


on indefiniate mod break
1.) Only vote once per category. HEAR THAT ASSHOLES? ONCE PER CATEGORY.
2.) Votes for yourself wont be counted
3.) If you voted a different way the first time, you can change your vote.

All other categories have been tabulated and have clear winners. I am awaiting these three to announce the super awesome winners.

That is all.
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I would have voted Damo for Respectable, but since I was already voting him for Master Debater, I felt like giving the vote to Adam because he's cool and I respect him, and because he's Jewish, and so I have to prove to Asshate that us Noahides will triumph in the end as we blindly follow the Jewish overlords into oblivion.

Damo, if you lose both categories on this, you know who to mail the anthrax to. Just send it with my next order of coke...
lol....Mottley as best debater?....you have got to be kidding me.....
Actually PiMP, if your willing to listen to some constructive criticism, you're not as good at debate as you think you are. You seem to think debate is synonymous with argument (i.e. he who gets last word wins). That is not the case. You're arguments tend to lack a strong contextual framework, that makes you less clear. You lack objectivity on many of the arguments you make which is not necessarily a bad thing in debate but it kills you when it inhibits your ability to properly provide facts to support your point. In addition you use logic poorly, as I've pointed out many times, which makes your reasoning quite confusing to your audience. This in turn badly impacts your rhetorical skills which are needed to persuade others.

Damo and Adam, for example, are both quite skilled at laying out a contextual framework for their debates which, in turn, makes their rhetoric in debate very persuasive and convincing. You should study their style and learn from them. I have.
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Actually PiMP, if your willing to listen to some constructive criticism, you're not as good at debate as you think you are. You seem to think debate is synonymous with argument (i.e. he who gets last word wins). That is not the case. You're arguments tend to lack a contextual framework, that makes you less clear. You lack objectivity on many of the arguments you make which is not necessarily a bad thing in debate but it kills you when it inhibits your ability to properly provide facts to support your point. In addition you use logic poorly, as I've pointed out many times, which makes your reasoning quite confusing to your audience. This in turn badly impacts your rhetorical skills which are needed to persuade others.

Damo and Adam, for example, are both quite skilled at laying out a contextual framework for their debates which, in turn, makes their rhetoric in debate very persuasive and convincing. You should study their style and learn from them. I have.

sorry, Mottley....I don't accept criticism about my debating skills from someone who has run away from every debate I engaged him in.....calling you the most skilled debater is like saying Barney Frank is the best president the US ever had......
I would have voted Damo for Respectable, but since I was already voting him for Master Debater, I felt like giving the vote to Adam because he's cool and I respect him, and because he's Jewish, and so I have to prove to Asshate that us Noahides will triumph in the end as we blindly follow the Jewish overlords into oblivion.

Damo, if you lose both categories on this, you know who to mail the anthrax to. Just send it with my next order of coke...
If I lose them both I will just pretend not to care while I sit at home and cry, promising revenge that will never come, nursing a quiet burning hatred for polls on the interwebs..
If I lose them both I will just pretend not to care while I sit at home and cry, promising revenge that will never come, nursing a quiet burning hatred for polls on the interwebs..

We can grab some alcohol, get online at the same time, go to the thread where Grind promised drunken posts but failed to deliver, and then just let unload.

Will Grind count my troll voting, do you think?
sorry, Mottley....I don't accept criticism about my debating skills from someone who has run away from every debate I engaged him in.....calling you the most skilled debater is like saying Barney Frank is the best president the US ever had......
Again, you're demonstrating a poor concept of what debate is. I make my points not to persuade you but the audience who read my posts. Endlessly arguing with someone who is going around in circles is not debate. Not commenting on someone that is chasing their tail is hardly running away. When you and I debate you do not determine who wins or loses that debate. Nor do I. The audience does.
On second thought, Damo, I don't want to out my troll. Someday I'll have to come up with a clever sthick for it, because I have been mostly disappointed by it...

Marquee was the only funny troll I ever made-up, and I have co-opted its humor into my regular account, so that's about it...
I make my points not to persuade you but the audience who read my posts.

you don't make points....all of your arguments since I arrived can be summarized succinctly as "I don't need to talk to you, since I don't think you would understand"....and "I want to talk about something else, so I'm going to ignore everything you say".........where I come from debate involves responding to what a person says and countering it......
Oh, and thank God Watermark is beating Ib1. Grind, you and I would seriously have to commit ritualistic suicide if our red-headed bloke lost out to the likes of that idiot.
Not to worry, the whole thing is rigged.

WTF??? Grind and Watermark, why did you guys vote against yourselves? There is more than you guys at stake - the integrity of this site is at stake with candidates like Ib1 and Dixie on the list. You two had a duty to vote for yourselves, and you shirked it!!!
