Tim Tebow

I agree, when Tebow is on his game he is the best that has ever played.

Boy talk about hyperbole.

He's not even the best SEC QB to ever play. Namath, Peyton Manning and Stabler were all better then Tebow. I'm not old enough to remember Bart Starr when he played college ball but he didn't exactly suck either.

I'd argue Namath was the best QB ever from the SEC. Not only could Namath pick you apart but he had probably the best long ball accuracy I've ever seen in a college qb (or pro till his knee injuries). Namath could hit a dime, on the move at 60 yards with a frozen rope. Tebow is a stud and one hell of a physical speciman but a great passer he is not. He's got a long ways to go to get his passing game up to NFL standards.

I'd argue the best college QB ever was Roger Staubach. He could run better than Tebow and he could throw better than Tebow and he could lead a team better than Tebow.
I'm not in the camp of Tebow's coach is a saint.
I think He'd put his mother out their after a concussion if he could beat a quality SEC opponent.
Mott, your a bengals fan.
Child please
I'm not in the camp of Tebow's coach is a saint.
I think He'd put his mother out their after a concussion if he could beat a quality SEC opponent.
Mott, your a bengals fan.
Child please
So I'm not a professional football fan, what's that got to do with anything? ;)
they are good this year you band wagoner.
Chad Johnson's say child please means "fu"
ehh, it's a long season and I've been dissapointed to many times now to get overly excited. I'm taking it one game at a time....but beating Pittsburgh sure was sweet.
A player for Bama got shot earlier this year and played the same week. No one was concerned about him.

2 weeks may be more than enough time to recover from a concussion, I have personally seen guys get them and play in the next game, guess it is all how serious it is, but lets be for real, the same reason no one cares about the Bama player is the reason for concern about Tebow, they are afraid Tebow will destroy LSU


Even without Tebow LSU will get there heads handed to them by Florida
2 National Championships in the last couple years, the hat, top recruiting classes in the last few means we have a real good shot. It's just not better than maybe 40%, 45%.[/QUOTE

40-45 is pretty good odds v Florida, Tebow or not. It will be the game to watch on that weekend, maybe the one that breaks the UM regular season most watched record. In the meantime, this weekend it's the "U"(Ray Lewis' alma mater), an underdog, vs Oklahoma as the game to watch, at least for me.
2 weeks may be more than enough time to recover from a concussion, I have personally seen guys get them and play in the next game, guess it is all how serious it is, but lets be for real, the same reason no one cares about the Bama player is the reason for concern about Tebow, they are afraid Tebow will destroy LSU


Even without Tebow LSU will get there heads handed to them by Florida

LSU is 1-1 vs Tebow
2 National Championships in the last couple years, the hat, top recruiting classes in the last few means we have a real good shot. It's just not better than maybe 40%, 45%.

40-45 is pretty good odds v Florida, Tebow or not. It will be the game to watch on that weekend, maybe the one that breaks the UM regular season most watched record. In the meantime, this weekend it's the "U"(Ray Lewis' alma mater), an underdog, vs Oklahoma as the game to watch, at least for me.

Huge test for the canes, if I'm not mistaken Ok rolled em up last time they played. Miami didn't deserve what LSU did to them in ATL, it's taken em a while to recover.:clink:
I wish I shared your confidence and I pray to hell that you are right. My father is a physician and was team doctor for the local HS team for quite a few years and became very skeptical about coaches and injuries. Most are under tremendous pressures, are excellent salesman and will pressure and convince athletes (and parents) to return to playing before they should. Nothing against Meyer, but he shouldn't even be in the decision process. It should be purely between Tebow and his (not the Universities) physician(s).

The biggest fight about Tebow playing will be from the kid himself. His parents and Meyer are also very close. He won't play if there's any question about his safety. The word here is that the team is on an emotional high to play even if he's out of the game. On the sidelines, he will still be a force.
The biggest fight about Tebow playing will be from the kid himself. His parents and Meyer are also very close. He won't play if there's any question about his safety. The word here is that the team is on an emotional high to play even if he's out of the game. On the sidelines, he will still be a force.

But Tebow is a trooper. If the coach says sit, he will sit.

Yeah, Tebow may not be the best ever. You slapped me with your choices of the greatest. 3 out of 4 of those were Bama boys.
If he wins the Hiesman and the NC this year it won't even be debatable.
I don't think the gators would have won without his contribution as a freshman. What with the fake draw and jump passes, FB looking draws.
I love the kid.
Huge test for the canes, if I'm not mistaken Ok rolled em up last time they played. Miami didn't deserve what LSU did to them in ATL, it's taken em a while to recover.:clink:

Almost everybody who was anybody "rolled em up" the last time they played. Hopefully this year will mark a turnaround back to the championship years. It seems that Shannon has revived the quality recruiting that began with Schnellenburger who's now back in Fla with another startup program and recruiting in the "State of Miami".
Almost everybody who was anybody "rolled em up" the last time they played. Hopefully this year will mark a turnaround back to the championship years. It seems that Shannon has revived the quality recruiting that began with Schnellenburger who's now back in Fla with another startup program and recruiting in the "State of Miami".

Its been a while, but the last time Bama played them we mopped the field up with them.

And that was back when they were a perenial powerhouse.