Time for an end

"Candy corn, corn chips and corn dogs prove this veggie isn't always good for you. As it turns out, our love affair with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) may be linked to the obesity epidemic. The sweetener is made when fructose, a type of sugar, is added to glucose, the natural sugar in corn. HFCS is found in abundance in sodas and many processed foods, from cookies to yogurt. But HFCS has none of the healthy stuff found in corn, and studies suggest fructose is more likely to make you fat than glucose. If HFCS is listed as one of the first five ingredients on a food label, don't eat it."


And you will see how many foods that will cut out for you, if you follow that rule.

But I think it goes beyond obesity, I swear that stuff is poison, probably directly related to the epidemic of diabetes too, maybe cancer, who knows.
"Today the average American consumes more than 62 pounds of corn syrup a year. High-fructose corn syrup is generally cheaper and easier to refine than granulated sugar. So, increasingly, processed food companies have been switching to corn syrup to add sweetness to their products. It is most used in soft drinks and juices. That would have been the end of the story, except for recent research results that suggest that the human body processes corn syrup differently from sugar.

According to the studies, when the body processes sugar, it triggers the production of a chemical that signals fullness to your brain, and also prevents the release of a chemical that signals hunger. But when scientists monitored how the body processes corn syrup, the worst-case scenario seemed to have occurred: The hunger chemical wasn't affected, and the fullness chemical was suppressed. In short, corn syrup, in theory, makes you hungrier. "

That's bizarre, I use corn syrup or regular syrup for waffles different mornings depending on what I'm in the mood for, never really noticed a difference. Well good to know, I'll try and avoid it more.
So we will be held hostage to imports once we get rid of subisides? One of the most agriculturally rich nations in the world, and we'll be held hostage because the government won't prop up Kenneth Lay and large agri-business that is quite capable of turning a profit on it's own?

People will not want to pay the price for food produced without subsidies and illegal immigrant labor. cheap imports will rule.
Food will follow in the footsteps of the retail industry.
we do subsize big corps too. How many millions in tax breaks to coprs get to build a plant in a state. heck we were paying for mickey dees to advertise overseas a while back and might still be. do a search on corporate welfare.
The tax cuts given to hedge fund managers is equal to 1/3 of the feds annual welfare costs, etc,etc,etc.

Do try to at least ATTEMPT to actually READ what I wrote. I stated quite clearly that although the article discusses farm subsidies that we needed to end corp subsidies as well.

But thanks for the attempt to divert the topic. No thread hijackings here mister. :cool:
That's bizarre, I use corn syrup or regular syrup for waffles different mornings depending on what I'm in the mood for, never really noticed a difference. Well good to know, I'll try and avoid it more.

Dano - Just an FYI, the stuff you put on your waffles, even the corn syrup (as opposed to the "maple" syrup that I assume you call regular syrup), is dramatically different from high-fructose corn syrup that is the subject of that article.
People will not want to pay the price for food produced without subsidies and illegal immigrant labor. cheap imports will rule.
Food will follow in the footsteps of the retail industry.

Now you are trying to toss in illegal immigration into the mix? It has NOTHING to do with subsidies and is another argument altogether. Eliminating subsidies does NOT mean that food prices will increase. Please try to read the articles before posting ignorant shit like this.
People will not want to pay the price for food produced without subsidies and illegal immigrant labor. cheap imports will rule.
Food will follow in the footsteps of the retail industry.

"The Archer Daniels Midland Corporation (ADM) has been the most prominent recipient of corporate welfare in recent U.S. history. ADM and its chairman Dwayne Andreas have lavishly fertilized both political parties with millions of dollars in handouts and in return have reaped billion-dollar windfalls from taxpayers and consumers. Thanks to federal protection of the domestic sugar industry, ethanol subsidies, subsidized grain exports, and various other programs, ADM has cost the American economy billions of dollars since 1980 and has indirectly cost Americans tens of billions of dollars in higher prices and higher taxes over that same period. At least 43 percent of ADM's annual profits are from products heavily subsidized or protected by the American government. Moreover, every $1 of profits earned by ADM's corn sweetener operation costs consumers $10, and every $1 of profits earned by its ethanol operation costs taxpayers $30"


"Do you want to know who makes HFCS? It's Archer Daniels Midland. Do you want to know who pays for HFCS? That'd be you and I, in the form of the taxes we pay to the U.S. Government. The government spent $41.9 billion on corn subsidies from 1995 to 2004, a trough of money at which ADM gladly ate. ADM buys 12 percent of the nation's corn at a heavily subsidized price from farmers, and turns it into high-fructose corn syrup and ethanol."


"Now why is this a problem that corn prices are low, isn't that a good thng you may ask? No, it is terrible and may destroy this country and our way of life. Here is the deal, we produce too much corn and corn itself is not the problem, everyone likes corn, hell I love corn. The problem is what happens to that corn, the byproducts of it are killing us and people around the world.

The first problem is high fructose corn syrup, it is in almost everything we eat and drink, its in your soda, your doritos, your french fries, your granola bars, you cannot avoid it. People are fat in part because of high fructose corn syrup, it has replaced natural sugar as America's sweetner, sugar is much healthier and of course, natural. High fructose corn syrup is created in a chemical, industrial process, it is quite simply awful for you. Obesity, Diabetes, heart attacks can all be chalked up largely due to this. Americans spend more money on healthcare then any nation on Earth. The money we are saving on corn we waste on blood pressure medication."
"Here is yet another post on the Farm Bill, because it doesn't get nearly the interest that the energy bill did yet it is probably as important to us all. The New York Times provides a very good overview of the issues, noting that in the 2002 bill, $67.6 billion was spent to subsidize the growers of five commodities: soybeans, corn, rice, wheat and cotton. Fruit and vegetable farmers do not get subsidies. The result: fresh fruits and vegetables have increased in price by 40% in fifteen years while soda pop, made from high fructose corn syrup, has declined by 25% adjusted for inflation. The system is completely biased to the big- one giant cotton farm collected $2.95 million in subsidies, nearly as much money as the federal government spent on its primary research program for organic agriculture last year — $3 million. "

"The Archer Daniels Midland Corporation (ADM) has been the most prominent recipient of corporate welfare in recent U.S. history. ADM and its chairman Dwayne Andreas have lavishly fertilized both political parties with millions of dollars in handouts and in return have reaped billion-dollar windfalls from taxpayers and consumers. Thanks to federal protection of the domestic sugar industry, ethanol subsidies, subsidized grain exports, and various other programs, ADM has cost the American economy billions of dollars since 1980 and has indirectly cost Americans tens of billions of dollars in higher prices and higher taxes over that same period. At least 43 percent of ADM's annual profits are from products heavily subsidized or protected by the American government. Moreover, every $1 of profits earned by ADM's corn sweetener operation costs consumers $10, and every $1 of profits earned by its ethanol operation costs taxpayers $30"


"Do you want to know who makes HFCS? It's Archer Daniels Midland. Do you want to know who pays for HFCS? That'd be you and I, in the form of the taxes we pay to the U.S. Government. The government spent $41.9 billion on corn subsidies from 1995 to 2004, a trough of money at which ADM gladly ate. ADM buys 12 percent of the nation's corn at a heavily subsidized price from farmers, and turns it into high-fructose corn syrup and ethanol."


"Now why is this a problem that corn prices are low, isn't that a good thng you may ask? No, it is terrible and may destroy this country and our way of life. Here is the deal, we produce too much corn and corn itself is not the problem, everyone likes corn, hell I love corn. The problem is what happens to that corn, the byproducts of it are killing us and people around the world.

The first problem is high fructose corn syrup, it is in almost everything we eat and drink, its in your soda, your doritos, your french fries, your granola bars, you cannot avoid it. People are fat in part because of high fructose corn syrup, it has replaced natural sugar as America's sweetner, sugar is much healthier and of course, natural. High fructose corn syrup is created in a chemical, industrial process, it is quite simply awful for you. Obesity, Diabetes, heart attacks can all be chalked up largely due to this. Americans spend more money on healthcare then any nation on Earth. The money we are saving on corn we waste on blood pressure medication."

It's even in Special K cereal, which I did not expect, this is supposed to be a "healthy " cereal, and it tastes only ok. If I wanted HFCS, I'd be eating a really delicious cereal. I eat special K because I thought it was the best of the bunch, certainly far from the best tasting of the bunch. You really have to go to a health food store and buy organic cereal, and read every label. You will think you are eating healthy, but you are not. That's what really pisses me off.
"Here is yet another post on the Farm Bill, because it doesn't get nearly the interest that the energy bill did yet it is probably as important to us all. The New York Times provides a very good overview of the issues, noting that in the 2002 bill, $67.6 billion was spent to subsidize the growers of five commodities: soybeans, corn, rice, wheat and cotton. Fruit and vegetable farmers do not get subsidies. The result: fresh fruits and vegetables have increased in price by 40% in fifteen years while soda pop, made from high fructose corn syrup, has declined by 25% adjusted for inflation. The system is completely biased to the big- one giant cotton farm collected $2.95 million in subsidies, nearly as much money as the federal government spent on its primary research program for organic agriculture last year — $3 million. "


That's amazing. And why is this, why not subsidize fruits and veggies too? What is the objective here?
It's even in Special K cereal, which I did not expect, this is supposed to be a "healthy " cereal, and it tastes only ok. If I wanted HFCS, I'd be eating a really delicious cereal. I eat special K because I thought it was the best of the bunch, certainly far from the best tasting of the bunch. You really have to go to a health food store and buy organic cereal, and read every label. You will think you are eating healthy, but you are not. That's what really pisses me off.

Yeah, we have a Mustard Seed Grocery Store that I've been to quite often. Really good health-food store. Hell eating healthier has really effected my mental state as well. I'm much more productive (I can discuss politics AND work now... lol). It's hard to really eat healthy but after a few weeks of it, I started getting used to it..
That's amazing. And why is this, why not subsidize fruits and veggies too? What is the objective here?

Politicians just think cheap is good and then throw money to the industry that can make the cheapest food with the money they provide. Of course, the lobbyists tell them how important it is that we don't have starving people in the street and they need the money...
Yeah, we have a Mustard Seed Grocery Store that I've been to quite often. Really good health-food store. Hell eating healthier has really effected my mental state as well. I'm much more productive (I can discuss politics AND work now... lol). It's hard to really eat healthy but after a few weeks of it, I started getting used to it..

The first few weeks are the roughest that is so true. If you can make it through that, you can change your whole body and mind over. It does affect your mental functioning, your mood, your energy level, everything.
Do try to at least ATTEMPT to actually READ what I wrote. I stated quite clearly that although the article discusses farm subsidies that we needed to end corp subsidies as well.

But thanks for the attempt to divert the topic. No thread hijackings here mister. :cool:

with the election coming up NO politician has the guts to cut farm subsidies right now anyway.
with the election coming up NO politician has the guts to cut farm subsidies right now anyway.

It has to be something that the American people start to feel really sick and tired of before they give a damn. They don't care because even if you disagree with them, they don't think your vote will be based on farm subsidies. However, if you promise to take them away, a lot of big business won't donate to you. Subsidies will always be there until people start to wake up and see exactly what is being done with them.